TODO: update/link Running the ONAP Demos
This page aims to capture all the information , challenges and troubleshooting tricks to run vFW Demo successfully via Robot Framework i.e Robot VM. This page assumes that you should
- successfully deployed Openstack/VIO Successfully in a Multi Node Environment .
- Firewall Rules on Horizon dashboard has been setup to allow SSH , HTTP, HTTPS .
- Ports 10001 to 10005 towards Open Internet have been Open if your environment is behind a proxy.
running vFW Demo requires two workFlow .vFW Onboarding and vFW Instantation .vFW Oboarding is step4 to step12 . Post vFW/Service Distribution the workFlow of vFW instantiation gets executed.
1. Deploy the ONAP using the latest heat template .
1.a location of the onap heat environment files ( environment and yaml file ) is
1.b Modify the environment file as per your environment Openstack/VIO Deployment .
1.c our Environment File with filled values .
1.d Heat Command to be executed on controller Node .
openstack stack create -t heat_ONAP_onap_openstack.yaml -e heat_ONAP_onap_openstack.env ONAP
1.e ONAP Stack Creation + ONAP VM's Deployment Challenges
- ONAP Stack gets created within 15-30 mins
- Docker Pull as a part of Each ONAP VM Creation is generally not clean . There are 2 Global Problem that we keep facing
- curl command for docker-compose.yaml pull failing .
- directory creation in VID , SDNC and SDC failes
- SDC/SDNC does a GITClone for roughly 800 MB of Size .This hangs intermittenly .
- AAI2 and AAI1 - has Init issues if certain order is not followed .
WorkArounds -
2. Run the healthCheck inside Robot VM.
2.1 login to Robot VM .
2.2 go to openecompete_container
2.3 root@onap-robot:/opt# ./ health
Starting Xvfb on display :88 with res 1280x1024x24
Executing robot tests at log level TRACE
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Health-Check :: Testing ecomp components are...
Basic DCAE Health Check [ WARN ] Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fd56db2bc90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',)': /healthcheck
[ WARN ] Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fd56f898c10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',)': /healthcheck
[ WARN ] Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fd56f542dd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',)': /healthcheck
| FAIL |
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8080): Max retries exceeded with url: /healthcheck (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fd56daab690>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
Basic SDNGC Health Check | PASS |
Basic A&AI Health Check | PASS |
Basic Policy Health Check | PASS |
Basic MSO Health Check | PASS |
Basic ASDC Health Check | PASS |
Basic APPC Health Check | PASS |
Basic Portal Health Check | PASS |
Basic Message Router Health Check | PASS |
Basic VID Health Check | PASS |
Basic Microservice Bus Health Check | PASS |
Basic CLAMP Health Check | PASS |
catalog API Health Check | PASS |
emsdriver API Health Check | PASS |
gvnfmdriver API Health Check | PASS |
huaweivnfmdriver API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud-ocata API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud-titanium_cloud API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud-vio API Health Check | PASS |
nokiavnfmdriver API Health Check | PASS |
nslcm API Health Check | PASS |
resmgr API Health Check | PASS |
usecaseui-gui API Health Check | PASS |
vnflcm API Health Check | PASS |
vnfmgr API Health Check | PASS |
vnfres API Health Check | PASS |
workflow API Health Check | PASS |
ztesdncdriver API Health Check | PASS |
ztevmanagerdriver API Health Check | PASS |
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Health-Check :: Testing ecomp compo... | FAIL |
30 critical tests, 29 passed, 1 failed
30 tests total, 29 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites | FAIL |
30 critical tests, 29 passed, 1 failed
30 tests total, 29 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot | FAIL |
30 critical tests, 29 passed, 1 failed
30 tests total, 29 passed, 1 failed
30 critical tests, 29 passed, 1 failed
30 tests total, 29 passed, 1 failed
3. Once the healthCheck are passed except DCAE .
4. login to Robot VM .
5. Update the CLOUD_OWNER inside below file in Robot VM .
to be same value as given in ONAP heat Environment File . For our case - we gave "openstack".
6. create the directory /share/heat/vFW inside Robot VM .
7. download the vfw files ( yaml file , json file and base file ) from git repo and place it inside /share/heat/vFW/ on Robot VM.
8. Create the CloudRegion with openstack , RegionOne in AAI .
Headers to be used in POSTMAN RestRequest to AAI .
8.1 create Cloud Owner and Region
PUT https://<aai_ip>:8443/aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/openstack/RegionOne
Request Body
"cloud-owner": "openstack",
"cloud-region-id": "RegionOne",
8.2 verify with GET Command
GET https://<aai_ip>:8443/aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/openstack/RegionOne
in the response you will get the resource-version .
8.3 create the Tenant and put tht the resource version from 8.2 into requestBody
PUT https://<aai_ip:8443/aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/openstack/RegionOne
"cloud-owner": "openstack",
"cloud-region-id": "RegionOne",
"resource-version": "1510199020715",
"cloud-type": "openstack",
"owner-defined-type": "owner type",
"cloud-region-version": "v2.5",
"cloud-zone": "cloud zone",
"tenants": {
"tenant": [{
"tenant-id": "74c7fa9e54f246f5878c902c346e590d",
"tenant-name": "onap"
8.4 Imp Points - "Cloud Owner " , "Cloud-region-id" has to be same as in the ONAP Heat Environment File .
9. Create the services and complexes in the A&AI .
9.1 create the service
9.1.1 go to the link and pick the Version 4 UUID like: f3fe1523-09ec-4d91-91ae-60ef9a2dd050
"service-id": "f3fe1523-09ec-4d91-91ae-60ef9a2dd050",
"service-description": "vFW"
9.2 GET
10. Create the Customer inside A&AI where the Region is to be same as given in /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/resources/global_properties.robot
10.1 create the customer
"global-customer-id": "Demonstration3",
"subscriber-name": "Demonstration3",
"subscriber-type": "INFRA",
"service-subscriptions": {
"service-subscription": [
"service-type": "vFW",
"relationship-list": {
"relationship": [{
"related-to": "tenant",
"relationship-data": [
{"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "openstack"},
{"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "RegionOne"},
{"relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id", "relationship-value": "74c7fa9e54f246f5878c902c346e590d"}
"service-type": "vLB",
"relationship-list": {
"relationship": [{
"related-to": "tenant",
"relationship-data": [
{"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "openstack"},
{"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "RegionOne"},
{"relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id", "relationship-value": "74c7fa9e54f246f5878c902c346e590d"}
"service-type": "vIMS",
"relationship-list": {
"relationship": [{
"related-to": "tenant",
"relationship-data": [
{"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "openstack"},
{"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "RegionOne"},
{"relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id", "relationship-value": "74c7fa9e54f246f5878c902c346e590d"}
10.2 Imp Points - "Cloud-region-id" has to be same as given in /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/resources/global_properties.robot .
11. Modify the PREFIX_DEMO in the below Files .
12. Run the init inside Robot VM .
13. Login to ONAP Portal as demo user and check on the existing services on VID Gui .
14. From the VID Gui - Deploy the service and Create the serviceinstance
15 .From the VID Gui - Create the VNF instances .
16. Modify the model-invariant Id in the below Files .
17. Run the preload Demo1VNF DemoModule
18 . Access the SDNC Admin Portal and Add the VNF profile .
18.1 create the user if not created already .<sdnc_ip>:8843/signup
18.2 Once sign up done and then <sdnc_ip>:8843/login
18.3 Add VNF Profile , Important thing to Note is VNF Type to be filled in .
19 . uploading the VNF Topology JSON FIle using SDNC VNF API
19.1SDNC VM – login/password for the SDNC API Access .
19.2 Access <sdnc_ip>:8282/apidoc/explorer/index.html on the SDNC VM.
19.3 Click on VNF-API
19.4 Scroll down to the POST /operations/VNF-API:preload-vnf-topology-operation
19.5 filled JSON Files from our environment
20. Go To Portal GUI and From VID - create VF Module