Note these instruction refers to current master branch. The release-1.0.0 branch have development issues that have only been fixed in master branch.
DCAE Controller Overview
Make sure your settings.xml includes the onap public repo for some snapshot jar downloads during the build.
DCAE Controller LF GIT repositories
- dcae/controller
- dcae/operation/utils
- dcae/controller/analytics
- dcae/demo
SOMF - Sirius Operational Management Framework
SOMF is a model-driven framework for building controllers. SOMF Is using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) for data modeling.
LF SOMF repositories
- ncomp/maven - contains a few maven related artifacts
- ncomp/utils - contains Java utilities and libraries that are used across DCAE Controller projects
- ncomp/core - contains core models
- ncomp/sirius/manager - contains the core SOMF implementation
- ncomp/docker - contains SOMF adaptor used to communicate with Docker Engine API
- ncomp/openstack- contains SOMF adaptor used to communicate with OpenStack API
- ncomp/cdap- contains SOMF adaptor used to communicate with CDAP API+
Development Setup
GIT repositories and build order
- ncomp/maven
- ncomp/utils
- dcae/operation/utils
- ncomp/core
- ncomp/sirius/manager
- ncomp/cdap
- ncomp/docker
- ncomp/openstack
- dcae/controller
- dcae/controller/analytics
- dcae/demo
Eclipse Setup
Since DCAE Controller/SOMF is build on top of EMF developement is tightly tied to using Eclipse IDE with specific plugin installed. This section describe the process to setup a developement Eclipse.
- Install Neon.3 Java Developer Version
- Install software from Neon update site
- Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment 3.12.2.v20161124-1400
- EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework Xcore SDK 1.4.0.v20160526-0606
- Install software from Eclipse Market Place
- YEdit Feature
- Install Groovy from
- Groovy-Eclipse Feature 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46
- Groovy-Eclipse M2E integration 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46
- Groovy Compiler 2.4 Feature 2.9.2.xx-201703131833-e46
Import Eclipse Projects
The GIT repositories include the Eclipse Project Metadata (e.g., .project, .classpath, and etc files) and thus can be importing into a workspace using the "Import Projects" → "Import existing Eclipse projects". Only the projects that need to be worked on need to be in the workspace.
Working on DCAE Controller projects
There are 2 projects for most features.
- A model project which contains the data model using XCORE file. These projects always have a name (and artifactId) that ends in
.This file is located on thesrc/main/xcore
directory. And the project is setup so Eclipse will update automatically the generated Java code in thesrc/main/xcore-gen
directory. This project is a straight EMF type project and contain very little SOMF specifics. - A SOMF project which contains SOMF generated code and implementation of the APIs that the model defines.
- SOMF generator class
under thesrc/main/java
folder. It contains the defined customization for creating the SOMF implementation. Running this class will generate new contents in the two generated folders. src/main/sirius-gen
folder contains generated Java code for implementing Client and Server side functions.src/main/server-gen
folder contains generated Bash and Groovy scripts for implementing Client and Server side functions.- SOMF provider
Java classes under thesrc/main/java
folder. These implements the operation/methods that are defined in the model.
- SOMF generator class