- The contribution was created in whole or in part by you and that you have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in the file; or
- The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of your knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and you have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by you, under the same open source license (unless you are permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated in the file; or
- The contribution was provided directly to you by some other person who certified (1) or (2) and you have not modified it.
- You understand and agree that this project and the contribution are public and that a record of the contribution (including all personal information you submit with it, including sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent withthis with this project or the open source license(s) involved.
The ONAP project requires that contributors are also covered under a CLA in addition to an a DCO as per Section 7a of the Technical Charter. More information on the LF's EasyCLA tool can found HEREBeginning with the El Alto release signed CLAs for both Corporate and individual and corporate contributors will be enforced by Gerritcontributors. A CLA defines the terms under which content (such as source code or documentation) can be contributed to the project. Enforcement of this will take place beginning on Monday, July 8, 2019.
In a nutshell, when you go to make a commit a having signed CLA to commit code began via the LFX EasyCLA tool in 2019 with the El Alto release of ONAP. LFX EasyCLA ensures that code can only be committed if a CLA has not been associated with the gerrit account are using, your . If there is no CLA on file your commit will be blocked held and you will be re-directed to the CLA tool. Companies: 3 to LFX EasyCLA to either be added to a Corporate CLA (CCLA) or an Individual CLA (ICLA) as appropriate for your situation. Unlike a DCO which is required for every commit, a CLA only needs to be completed with your first commit.
A Corporate CLA (CCLA) is used when an you are contributing code on behalf of your employer
The details on setting up a CCLAs can be found here, but there are three basic steps are required to enable
someone can commit coder under a
- An individual designated as the company's CLA Manager (the person that will manage the CLA process for ONAP) must log into the EasyCLA Corporate console and
- register their company as contributing to
- Once the company is registered, the company's CLA Signatory (someone the authority to sign legal documents) must log into the EasyCLA Corporate console and
- electronically sign the CCLA
- .
- Once the CLA is signed, the CLA Manager must add a
- list of authorized contributors to the tool. This can be done either as automatic authorization based upon a domain name, or by listing
- individual email addresses
Corporate contributors using non-work email addresses: If you are using a gmail or other non-work account to make commits, the CLA Manager for your company can add your non-work address to the email whitelist.
Independent contributors can submit an Individual CLA (ICLA) through the tool as well.
CCLA Corporate Sign-off Status
as of 13:00 Pacific Aug 1:
The table below indicates the status of CLA readiness for each company. Developers form any companies marked "Incomplete" will not be able to commit code once enforcement is enabled.
Zuzana Blahovska
- for specifically authorizes employees. Employees using a non-work account for their contributions must be added the list by their CLA Manager.
An Individual CLA (ICLA) are used when you are contributing code on your own behalf and not on behalf of an employer.
ICLAs can be authorized via Gerrit. The instructions to do so are here