TODO: update/link Running the ONAP Demos
- To Conclude Cloud-Config.json for using MultiCloud for creating the Vf Module .
TODO :20171207MultiCloud Support in OOM
OOM Challenges -
Jira Legacy | ||||||
TODO :20171207
OOM Challenges
- TO have a list of small list of kubectl commands needed for OOM .
10. Create the Customer inside A&AI where the Region is to be same as given in AAI_ZONE in /var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/robot/resources/global_properties.robot (Note that this file is under the openecompete_container Docker)
10.1 create the customer
16.1 create the user if not created already .<sdnc_ip>:8843/signup
16.2 Once sign up done and then <sdnc_ip>:8843/login
16.3 Add VNF Profile , Important thing to Note is VNF Type to be filled in .
17 . uploading the VNF Topology JSON FIle using SDNC VNF API
17.1SDNC VM – login/password for the SDNC API Access .
username: admin
password: Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U
17.2 Access <sdnc_ip>:8282/apidoc/explorer/index.html on the SDNC VM.
17.3 Click on VNF-API
17.4 Scroll down to the POST /operations/VNF-API:preload-vnf-topology-operation
17.5 filled JSON vFW Files from our environment
"request-id": "robot20"
"svc-action": "reserve",
"svc-notification-url": "",
{"vnf-parameter-name":"vfw_private_ip_2","vnf-parameter-value": ""},
{"vnf-parameter-name":"public_net_id","vnf-parameter-value": "87cdc31f-362f-4bdc-8b50-a7894ed759e9"},
{"vnf-parameter-name":"pub_key","vnf-parameter-value":"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4CegUDC7k2bqru0KkQ2HzSXZMZJ0cJBizQkt82CZ4Z8RlLFbxNwYhcuI67zEEB3PeVGzw6xsDDo0Su9OT1DxzFsLy14yxWI7+4K0kv/FYKw0ULT7UrBi3sjZI+e65Y/YL7tSZxiPHnPSncBFhMqXZT+WpKJF3BPDIpzbgnvbTH0O1OOQPYmN63Z87Alu8abZKCkClwbdmfl1dnEUoIve1/0f8jZTMC/qO1mQt04s59V7HNQyykZ6POSItH/cgjy3HI7e7gr8E/MseK/LOGu0mVPpcay/FcUKxI+u+sZ/GqY5+1nMQKKVnBWhc5P+cRoMMWjlNs7AiJmrnueAbNDLl Generated-by-Nova"},
"generic-vnf-type":"c38867a1-c1b8-422f-8808 0",
17.6 filled JSON vLb Files from our environment
"request-id": "robot20"
"svc-action": "reserve",
"svc-notification-url": "",
{"vnf-parameter-name":"public_net_id","vnf-parameter-value": "aa83b3d9-dda6-4106-b776-9280799993ce"},
{"vnf-parameter-name":"vfw_private_ip_2","vnf-parameter-value": ""},
{"vnf-parameter-name":"vfw_image_name","vnf-parameter-value": "ubuntu_16.04"},
{"vnf-parameter-name":"pub_key","vnf-parameter-value":"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4CegUDC7k2bqru0KkQ2HzSXZMZJ0cJBizQkt82CZ4Z8RlLFbxNwYhcuI67zEEB3PeVGzw6xsDDo0Su9OT1DxzFsLy14yxWI7+4K0kv/FYKw0ULT7UrBi3sjZI+e65Y/YL7tSZxiPHnPSncBFhMqXZT+WpKJF3BPDIpzbgnvbTH0O1OOQPYmN63Z87Alu8abZKCkClwbdmfl1dnEUoIve1/0f8jZTMC/qO1mQt04s59V7HNQyykZ6POSItH/cgjy3HI7e7gr8E/MseK/LOGu0mVPpcay/FcUKxI+u+sZ/GqY5+1nMQKKVnBWhc5P+cRoMMWjlNs7AiJmrnueAbNDLl Generated-by-Nova"},
"generic-vnf-type":"c38867a1-c1b8-422f-8808 0",
18. Go To Portal GUI and From VID - create VF Module
18.a SO↔VIM(Openstack/VIO) - This does not use Multi Cloud
19. vFW Network Topology
20 Additional Step For vFWCL on VIO 20171207-
1- for each of the network - create Router in the horizon .
2 . update /etc/resolve.conf in firewall VM to point to external DNS ( ) So that VM Can reach out to Open Internet .
3. Check on Horizon under the networks → <Network Name> → Ports to see if the Gateway IP address of the subnet/network is showen as "router:interface"
4 Since we are updating the network given in the sdnc preload - please make sure you login to each VM (Firewall VM , Sink VM and PktGen VM )
4.1 Login using tenant network and remove every other network .
4.2 once logged into VM update the ip address and cidr files present in /opt/config in each VM
4.3 also update the /etc/network/interfaces files for eth1 , eth2 for Sink and PktGen VM and eth1 ,eth2 , eth3 for Firewall VM .
4.4 attach the Network via Horizon to each of these VM for Firewall VM , try disabling the and after running these script onces .
5. Sink VM and PktGen VM are generally able to ping on Tenant and ONAP OOM network including Robot VM .
6 Sink VM can ping the protected network gateway .
7. PktGen can ping unprotected network gateway .
8. firewall VM Can not ping Gateway of ONAP OOM .-- Why this is piece of investigation . .
tocompare with 20171205
1. Network Toplogy Example from a successful vFWCL Lab on Openstack /OOM
2. Nothing was done as in doing additional steps .
3. 667 Port was not open on Sink VM in successful vFW Demo case .
21 Additional Step For vLB/ vDNS on VIO 20171207-
1- for each of the network - create Router in the horizon .
2 . update /etc/resolve.conf in firewall VM to point to external DNS So that VMs can reach out to Open Internet .
3. Check on Horizon under the networks → <Network Name> → Ports to see if the Gateway IP address of the subnet/network is showen as "router:interface"
4 Since we are updating the network given in the sdnc preload - please make sure you login to each VM (Load Balancer VM, DNS VM and PktGen VM )
4.1 Login using tenant network and remove every other network
4.2 once logged into VM update the ip address and cidr files present in /opt/config in each VM
4.3 also update the /etc/network/interfaces files for eth1 , eth2 for DNS and PktGen VM and eth1 ,eth2 , eth3 for Load Balancer VM .
4.4 attach the Network via Horizon to each of these VM for Load Balancer VM , try disabling the and after running these script onces .
5. DNS VM and PktGen VM are generally able to ping on Tenant and ONAP OOM network including Robot VM .
6 DNS VM can ping the protected network gateway .
7. PktGen can ping unprotected network gateway .
8. Load Balancer VM Can not ping Gateway of ONAP OOM .-- Why this, is piece of investigation..
22 .TODO – Issues faced from step13 to Step18 and workaround used .
- Once the service is successfully distributed Try creating the VNF from VID Gui , It shall succeed .
23. Working with Multi-cloud
- Multi-cloud project provides interfaces to work with a variety of VIMs. When using Multi-cloud its service interfaces are used by the applications instead of VIM interfaces.
- To register your VIM and use it through Multi-cloud interfaces, following need to be done:
- Register AAI services with MSB. Following are the REST Requests to do it:
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“serviceName”: “aai-cloudInfrastructure”, “version”: “v11”, “url”: “/aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure”,”protocol”: “REST”, “enable_ssl”:”true”, “visualRange”:”1”, “nodes”: [ {“ip”: “A&AI_SERVER_IP”,”port”: “8443”}]}’ “http://MSB_SERVER_IP:10081/api/microservices/v1/services“
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“serviceName”: “aai-externalSystem”, “version”: “v11”, “url”: “/aai/v11/external-system”,”protocol”: “REST”, “enable_ssl”:”true”, “visualRange”:”1”, “nodes”: [ {“ip”: “A&AI_SERVER_IP”,”port”: “8443”}]}’ “http://MSB_SERVER_IP:10081/api/microservices/v1/services“ - Register ESR services with MSB. Following are the REST Requests to do it:
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“serviceName”: “aai-esr-server”, “version”: “v1”, “url”: “/api/aai-esr-server/v1”,”protocol”: “REST”, “visualRange”:”1”, “nodes”: [ {“ip”: “ESR_SERVER_IP”,”port”: “9518”}]}’ “http://MSB_SERVER_IP:10081/api/microservices/v1/services“
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“serviceName”: “aai-esr-gui”, “url”: “/esr-gui”,”protocol”: “UI”, “visualRange”:”1”, “path”:”/iui/aai-esr-gui”, “nodes”: [ {“ip”: “ESR_SERVER_IP”,”port”: “9519”}]}’ “http://MSB_SERVER_IP:10081/api/microservices/v1/services“ - Register Multicloud framework services and your VIM specific services with MSB. Following are the REST Requests to do it:
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“serviceName”: “multicloud”, “version”: “v0”, “url”: “/api/multicloud/v0”,”protocol”: “REST”, “nodes”: [ {“ip”: “’$MultiCloud_IP’”,”port”: “9001”}]}’ “http://$MSB_SERVER_IP:10081/api/microservices/v1/services“
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“serviceName”: “multicloud-vio”, “version”: “v0”, “url”: “/api/multicloud-vio/v0”,”protocol”: “REST”, “nodes”: [ {“ip”: “’$MultiCloud_IP’”,”port”: “9004”}]}’ “http://$MSB_SERVER_IP:10081/api/microservices/v1/services“ - Register VIM Information in AAI with region name “vmware” and region id “vio”. Following is the REST Request to do it:
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Basic QUFJOkFBSQ==" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subcr" \
https://aai_resource_docker_host_ip:30233/aai/v01/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/vmware/vio \
- Register AAI services with MSB. Following are the REST Requests to do it:
-d "{
"cloud-owner": "vmware",
"cloud-type": "vmware",
"cloud-region-version": "4.0",
"esr-system-info-list": {
"esr-system-info": [
"esr-system-info-id": "123-456",
"system-name": "vim-vio",
"system-type": "vim",
"type": "vim",
"user-name": "admin",
"password": "vmware",
"service-url": "<keystone auth url>",
"cloud-domain": "default",
"default-tenant": "admin",
"ssl-insecure": false
Please note: The IP and port numbers may vary in HEAT vs OOM based ONAP setup. This need to be considered while formulating the curl requests.