Table of Contents |
Note | ||
| ||
This wiki is under construction as of 20171227 - this means that content here may be not fully specified or missing as we bring up the system and investigate deployments - this notice will be removed in the near future |
slack | cloudify-developers list | github | cloudify-source JIRA | JIRA Board |
see OOM with TOSCA and Cloudify and
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Note: cloudify manager is used in 3 places (as an alternative wrapper on OOM/Kubernetes, as a pending multi-VIM southbound plugin manager between SO and the Python based Multi-VIM containers and as the orchestrator in DCAEGEN2 during DCAE bootstrap of the HEAT version of DCAE.
+ cfy local init --install-plugins -p ./blueprints/centos_vm.yaml -i /tmp/local_inputs -i datacenter=0LrL
Investigate the use of Cloudify Community edition - specifically in bringing up ONAP on Kubernetes using TOSCA blueprints on top of Helm. The white paper and blog article detail running hybrid Kubernetes and non-Kubernetes deployment together via
One use case where Cloudify would be used as a layer above OOM and Kubernetes - is if you wish to run one of your databases - for example the MariaDB instance outside of the managed kubernetes environment (possibly as part of a phased in migration into kubernetes) - in this case you would need an external cloud controller to manage this hybrid environment - we will attempt to simulate this use case.
Here are the step to to deploy ONAP on Kubenetes using TOSCA and Cloudify:
Quickstart Validation Examples
Install Cloudify manager
Note: You don't need install cloudify manager every time. Once you set the cloudify manager, you can reuse it.
Perpare the virtual environment
Code Block | ||
| ||
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt install virtualenv
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate |
Install Cloudify CLI
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
sudo dpkg -i cloudify-cli-4.2ga.deb |
Run cfy to test whether cfy isnatll successfully.
Code Block | ||
| ||
ubuntu@cloudify-launching:~$ cfy Usage: cfy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Cloudify's Command Line Interface Note that some commands are only available if you're using a manager. You can use a manager by running the `cfy profiles use` command and providing it with the IP of your manager (and ssh credentials if applicable). To activate bash-completion. Run: `eval "$(_CFY_COMPLETE=source cfy)"` Cloudify's working directory resides in ~/.cloudify. To change it, set the variable `CFY_WORKDIR` to something else (e.g. /tmp/). Options: -v, --verbose Show verbose output. You can supply this up to three times (i.e. -vvv) --version Display the version and exit (if a manager is used, its version will also show) -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: agents Handle a deployment's agents blueprints Handle blueprints on the manager bootstrap Bootstrap a manager cluster Handle the Cloudify Manager cluster deployments Handle deployments on the Manager dev Run fabric tasks [manager only] events Show events from workflow executions executions Handle workflow executions groups Handle deployment groups init Initialize a working env install Install an application blueprint [locally] ldap Set LDAP authenticator. logs Handle manager service logs maintenance-mode Handle the manager's maintenance-mode node-instances Show node-instance information [locally] nodes Handle a deployment's nodes plugins Handle plugins on the manager profiles Handle Cloudify CLI profiles Each profile can... rollback Rollback a manager to a previous version secrets Handle Cloudify secrets (key-value pairs) snapshots Handle manager snapshots ssh Connect using SSH [manager only] ssl Handle the manager's external ssl status Show manager status [manager only] teardown Teardown a manager [manager only] tenants Handle Cloudify tenants (Premium feature) uninstall Uninstall an application blueprint user-groups Handle Cloudify user groups (Premium feature) users Handle Cloudify users workflows Handle deployment workflows |
Download and edit the cloudfy-environment-setup blueprint
run following command to get the cloudfy-environment-setup blueprint
Code Block wget sudo apt-get install unzip unzip
vi cloudify-environment-setup-4.1.1/inputs/openstack.yaml
Fill in the openstack information.
Code Block username: -cut- password: -cut- tenant_name: -cut- auth_url: https://-cut-:5000/v2.0 region: RegionOne external_network_name: GATEWAY_NET cloudify_image: centos_core_image: ubuntu_trusty_image: small_image_flavor: 2 large_image_flavor: 4 bootstrap: False
Install the Cloudify manager , it will take about 10 mins to finish the installation.
Code Block |
sudo cfy install cloudify-environment-setup-4.1.1/openstack-blueprint.yaml -i cloudify-environment-setup-4.1.1/inputs/openstack.yaml --install-plugins |
Find the floating IP of cloudify manager
Provision a Kubernetes Cluster
- Zip the directory kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA
- In the cloudify manager , first click the Local Blueprints Button on the left side, then click the upload button
- Click Select blueprint file to upload the blueprint from local.
- Click upload, then your bule print shows here
- Zip the directory kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA
3. create a deployment
4. execute the installation workflow
Deployments → K8s-cluster-deploy1→ Execute workflow→ Install
Scroll down, you can see the install workflow is searted.
5.When install workflow finishes, it will show terminated .
You can find the public IP of master node. The private key to access those VM is in that cloudify-launching vm.
Code Block |
(env) ubuntu@cloudify-launching:~$ cd .ssh
(env) ubuntu@cloudify-launching:~/.ssh$ ls
authorized_keys cfy-agent-key-os cfy-manager-key-os
ubuntu@cloudify-launching:~/.ssh$ sudo ssh -i cfy-agent-key-os centos@
sudo: unable to resolve host cloudify-launching
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ZMHvC2MrgNNqpRaO96AxTaVjdEMcwXcXY8eNwzrhoNA.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Tue Feb 6 22:05:03 2018 from
[centos@server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-master-host-7g4o4w ~]$ kubectl get nodes
server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-master-host-7g4o4w Ready master 11m v1.8.6
server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-node-host-1r81t1 Ready <none> 10m v1.8.6
server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-node-host-js0gj6 Ready <none> 10m v1.8.6
server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-node-host-o73jcr Ready <none> 10m v1.8.6
server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-node-host-zhstql Ready <none> 10m v1.8.6
[centos@server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-master-host-7g4o4w ~]$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.6", GitCommit:"6260bb08c46c31eea6cb538b34a9ceb3e406689c", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-12-21T06:34:11Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.7", GitCommit:"b30876a5539f09684ff9fde266fda10b37738c9c", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-01-16T21:52:38Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
[centos@server-k8s-cluster-depoly1-kubernetes-master-host-7g4o4w ~]$ docker version
Version: 1.12.6
API version: 1.24
Package version: docker-1.12.6-71.git3e8e77d.el7.centos.1.x86_64
Go version: go1.8.3
Git commit: 3e8e77d/1.12.6
Built: Tue Jan 30 09:17:00 2018
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 1.12.6
API version: 1.24
Package version: docker-1.12.6-71.git3e8e77d.el7.centos.1.x86_64
Go version: go1.8.3
Git commit: 3e8e77d/1.12.6
Built: Tue Jan 30 09:17:00 2018
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
In this kubernetes Cluster, there is one master node sit on public network (network0), and 4 work nodes on privare netwrok.
Provision ONAP using Helm TOSCA blueprint
Download the OOM project to the kubernetes master and run config
Code Block |
git clone -b master
cd oom/kubernetes/config/
cp onap-parameters-sample.yaml onap-parameters.yaml
./ -n onap |
Make sure the onap config pod completed
Code Block |
[centos@server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y config]$ kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -a
kube-system etcd-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-apiserver-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-controller-manager-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-9gm6s 3/3 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-proxy-46jfc 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-proxy-cmslq 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-proxy-pglbl 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-proxy-sj6qj 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-proxy-zzkjh 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system kube-scheduler-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system tiller-deploy-5458cb4cc-ck5km 1/1 Running 0 3h
kube-system weave-net-7z6zr 2/2 Running 0 3h
kube-system weave-net-bgs46 2/2 Running 0 3h
kube-system weave-net-g78lp 2/2 Running 1 3h
kube-system weave-net-h5ct5 2/2 Running 0 3h
kube-system weave-net-ww89n 2/2 Running 1 3h
onap config 0/1 Completed 0 1m
Note: Currently OOM development is basend on Rancher Environment. Some config setting is not good for this K8S cluster.
In [oom.git] / kubernetes / aai / values.yaml and [oom.git] / kubernetes / policy / values.yaml
There is a constant Cluster IP. aaiServiceClusterIp:
However this Cluster IP is not in the CIDR range for this cluster.
Change it to
In [oom.git] / kubernetes / sdnc / templates / nfs-provisoner-deployment.yaml
The nfs-provisoner will create a volumes mount to /dockerdata-nfs/{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}/sdnc/data
51 volumes:
52 - name: export-volume
53 hostPath:
54 path: /dockerdata-nfs/{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}/sdnc/data
In this K8s cluster the /dockerdata-nfs is already mounted to sync the config data between working nodes.
That will cause error in nfs-procisoner container
Change the code to- path:
{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}
+ path:
{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}
: DirectoryOrCreate
kubectl get pod --all-namespaces
Code Block |
[centos@server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y oneclick]$ kubectl get pod --all-namespaces
kube-system etcd-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-apiserver-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-controller-manager-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-dns-545bc4bfd4-9gm6s 3/3 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-proxy-46jfc 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-proxy-cmslq 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-proxy-pglbl 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-proxy-sj6qj 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-proxy-zzkjh 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system kube-scheduler-server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y 1/1 Running 0 5h
kube-system tiller-deploy-5458cb4cc-ck5km 1/1 Running 0 4h
kube-system weave-net-7z6zr 2/2 Running 2 5h
kube-system weave-net-bgs46 2/2 Running 2 5h
kube-system weave-net-g78lp 2/2 Running 8 5h
kube-system weave-net-h5ct5 2/2 Running 2 5h
kube-system weave-net-ww89n 2/2 Running 3 5h
onap-aaf aaf-c68d8877c-sl6nd 0/1 Running 0 42m
onap-aaf aaf-cs-75464db899-jftzn 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-aai aai-resources-7bc8fd9cd9-wvtpv 2/2 Running 0 7m
onap-aai aai-service-9d59ff9b-69pm6 1/1 Running 0 7m
onap-aai aai-traversal-7dc64b448b-pn42g 2/2 Running 0 7m
onap-aai data-router-78d9668bd8-wx6hb 1/1 Running 0 7m
onap-aai elasticsearch-6c4cdf776f-xl4p2 1/1 Running 0 7m
onap-aai hbase-794b5b644d-qpjtx 1/1 Running 0 7m
onap-aai model-loader-service-77b87997fc-5dqpg 2/2 Running 0 7m
onap-aai search-data-service-bcd6bb4b8-w4dck 2/2 Running 0 7m
onap-aai sparky-be-69855bc4c4-k54cc 2/2 Running 0 7m
onap-appc appc-775c4db7db-6w92c 2/2 Running 0 42m
onap-appc appc-dbhost-7bd58565d9-jhjwd 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-appc appc-dgbuilder-5dc9cff85-bbg2p 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-clamp clamp-7cd5579f97-45j45 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-clamp clamp-mariadb-78c46967b8-xl2z2 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-cli cli-6885486887-gh4fc 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-consul consul-agent-5c744c8758-s5zqq 1/1 Running 5 42m
onap-consul consul-server-687f6f6556-gh6t9 1/1 Running 1 42m
onap-consul consul-server-687f6f6556-mztgf 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-consul consul-server-687f6f6556-n86vh 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-kube2msb kube2msb-registrator-58957dc65-75rlq 1/1 Running 2 42m
onap-log elasticsearch-7689bd6fbd-lk87q 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-log kibana-5dfc4d4f86-4z7rv 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-log logstash-c65f668f5-cj64f 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-message-router dmaap-84bd655dd6-jnq4x 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-message-router global-kafka-54d5cf7b5b-g6rkx 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-message-router zookeeper-7df6479654-xz2jw 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-msb msb-consul-6c79b86c79-b9q8p 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-msb msb-discovery-845db56dc5-zthwm 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-msb msb-eag-65bd96b98-84vxz 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-msb msb-iag-7bb5b74cd9-6nf96 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-mso mariadb-6487b74997-vkrrt 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-mso mso-6d6f86958b-r9c8q 2/2 Running 0 42m
onap-multicloud framework-77f46548ff-dkkn8 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-multicloud multicloud-ocata-766474f955-7b8j2 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-multicloud multicloud-vio-64598b4c84-pmc9z 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-multicloud multicloud-windriver-68765f8898-7cgfw 1/1 Running 2 42m
onap-policy brmsgw-785897ff54-kzzhq 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-policy drools-7889c5d865-f4mlb 2/2 Running 0 42m
onap-policy mariadb-7c66956bf-z8rsk 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-policy nexus-77487c4c5d-gwbfg 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-policy pap-796d8d946f-thqn6 2/2 Running 0 42m
onap-policy pdp-8775c6cc8-zkbll 2/2 Running 0 42m
onap-portal portalapps-dd4f99c9b-b4q6b 2/2 Running 0 43m
onap-portal portaldb-7f8547d599-wwhzj 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-portal portalwidgets-6f884fd4b4-pxkx9 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-portal vnc-portal-687cdf7845-4s7qm 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-robot robot-7747c7c475-r5lg4 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-sdc sdc-be-7f6bb5884f-5hns2 2/2 Running 0 42m
onap-sdc sdc-cs-7bd5fb9dbc-xg8dg 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-sdc sdc-es-69f77b4778-jkxvl 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-sdc sdc-fe-7c7b64c6c-djr5p 2/2 Running 0 42m
onap-sdc sdc-kb-c4dc46d47-6jdsv 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-sdnc dmaap-listener-78f4cdb695-k4ffk 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-sdnc nfs-provisioner-845ccc8495-sl5dl 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-sdnc sdnc-0 2/2 Running 0 43m
onap-sdnc sdnc-dbhost-0 2/2 Running 0 43m
onap-sdnc sdnc-dgbuilder-8667587c65-s4jss 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-sdnc sdnc-portal-6587c6dbdf-qjqwf 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-sdnc ueb-listener-65d67d8557-87mjc 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-uui uui-578cd988b6-n5g98 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-uui uui-server-576998685c-cwcbw 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-catalog-6ff7b74b68-z6ckl 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-emsdriver-7845c8f9f-frv5w 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-gvnfmdriver-56cf469b46-qmtxs 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-hwvnfmdriver-588d5b679f-tb7bh 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-jujudriver-6db77bfdd5-hwnnw 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-nokiavnfmdriver-6c78675f8d-6sw9m 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-nslcm-796b678d-9fc5s 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-resmgr-74f858b688-p5ft5 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-vnflcm-5849759444-bg288 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-vnfmgr-77df547c78-22t7v 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-vnfres-5bddd7fc68-xkg8b 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-workflow-5849854569-k8ltg 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-workflowengineactiviti-699f669db9-2snjj 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-ztesdncdriver-5dcf694c4-sg2q4 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vfc vfc-ztevnfmdriver-585d8db4f7-x6kp6 0/1 ErrImagePull 0 42m
onap-vid vid-mariadb-6788c598fb-2d4j9 1/1 Running 0 43m
onap-vid vid-server-795bdcb4c8-8pkn2 2/2 Running 0 43m
onap-vnfsdk postgres-5679d856cf-n6l94 1/1 Running 0 42m
onap-vnfsdk refrepo-594969bf89-kzr5r 1/1 Running 0 42m |
./ health
Code Block |
[centos@server-k8s-cluser-deploy1-kubernetes-master-host-jznn7y robot]$ ./ health
Starting Xvfb on display :88 with res 1280x1024x24
Executing robot tests at log level TRACE
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Health-Check :: Testing ecomp components are...
Basic DCAE Health Check [ WARN ] Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f5841c12850>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',)': /healthcheck
[ WARN ] Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f5841d18410>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',)': /healthcheck
[ WARN ] Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f583fed7810>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',)': /healthcheck
| FAIL |
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='dcae-controller.onap-dcae', port=8080): Max retries exceeded with url: /healthcheck (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f583fed7c10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))
Basic SDNGC Health Check | PASS |
Basic A&AI Health Check | PASS |
Basic Policy Health Check | FAIL |
'False' should be true.
Basic MSO Health Check | PASS |
Basic ASDC Health Check | PASS |
Basic APPC Health Check | PASS |
Basic Portal Health Check | PASS |
Basic Message Router Health Check | PASS |
Basic VID Health Check | PASS |
Basic Microservice Bus Health Check | PASS |
Basic CLAMP Health Check | PASS |
catalog API Health Check | PASS |
emsdriver API Health Check | PASS |
gvnfmdriver API Health Check | PASS |
huaweivnfmdriver API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud-ocata API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud-titanium_cloud API Health Check | PASS |
multicloud-vio API Health Check | PASS |
nokiavnfmdriver API Health Check | PASS |
nslcm API Health Check | PASS |
resmgr API Health Check | PASS |
usecaseui-gui API Health Check | FAIL |
502 != 200
vnflcm API Health Check | PASS |
vnfmgr API Health Check | PASS |
vnfres API Health Check | PASS |
workflow API Health Check | FAIL |
404 != 200
ztesdncdriver API Health Check | PASS |
ztevmanagerdriver API Health Check | FAIL |
502 != 200
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Health-Check :: Testing ecomp compo... | FAIL |
30 critical tests, 25 passed, 5 failed
30 tests total, 25 passed, 5 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites | FAIL |
30 critical tests, 25 passed, 5 failed
30 tests total, 25 passed, 5 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot | FAIL |
30 critical tests, 25 passed, 5 failed
30 tests total, 25 passed, 5 failed
30 critical tests, 25 passed, 5 failed
30 tests total, 25 passed, 5 failed
Output: /share/logs/ETE_14594/output.xml
Log: /share/logs/ETE_14594/log.html
Report: /share/logs/ETE_14594/report.html
command terminated with exit code 5 |
We got the similar result as OOM jenkins job, except policy.
Jira Legacy | ||||||||
Single VIM: Amazon AWS EC2
Navigate to your AWS console
Create a 64G VM on EBS - using Ubuntu 16.04 for now and the cost effective spot price for R4.2xLarge - enough to deploy all of ONAP in 55G plus the undercloud - the same as the OOM RI
Install Cloudify CLI
bootstrap (not pre-baked AMI) - I am doing this as root (to avoid any permissions issues) and on Ubuntu 16.04 (our current recommended OS for Rancher)
"Install Cloudify CLI. Make sure that your CLI is using a local profile. (You must have executed cfy profiles use local
in your shell."
links to
switch to community tab
click DEB - verify you are human - fill out your name, email and company - get cloudify-cli-community-17.12.28.deb
scp the file up to your vm
Code Block |
obrienbiometrics:_deployment michaelobrien$ scp ~/Downloads/cloudify-cli-community-17.12.28.deb
cloudify-cli-community-17.12.28.deb 39% 17MB 2.6MB/s 00:09 ETA
obrienbiometrics:_deployment michaelobrien$ ssh
ubuntu@ip-172-31-19-14:~$ sudo su -
root@ip-172-31-19-14:~# cp /home/ubuntu/cloudify-cli-community-17.12.28.deb .
root@ip-172-31-19-14:~# sudo dpkg -i cloudify-cli-community-17.12.28.deb
Selecting previously unselected package cloudify.
(Reading database ... 51107 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack cloudify-cli-community-17.12.28.deb ...
You're about to install Cloudify!
Unpacking cloudify (17.12.28~community-1) ...
Setting up cloudify (17.12.28~community-1) ...
Thank you for installing Cloudify! |
Configure the CLI
Code Block |
root@ip-172-31-19-14:~# cfy profiles use local
Initializing local profile ...
Initialization completed successfully
Using local environment...
Initializing local profile ...
Initialization completed successfully |
Download the archive
Code Block |
root@ip-172-31-19-14:~# apt install unzip
root@ip-172-31-19-14:~# unzip
creating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/aws-blueprint.yaml
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/azure-blueprint.yaml
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/circle.yml
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/gcp-blueprint.yaml
creating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/imports/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/imports/manager-configuration.yaml
creating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/inputs/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/inputs/aws.yaml
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/inputs/azure.yaml
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/inputs/gcp.yaml
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/inputs/openstack.yaml
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/openstack-blueprint.yaml
creating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/scripts/
creating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/scripts/manager/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/scripts/manager/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/scripts/manager/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/scripts/manager/
inflating: cloudify-environment-setup-latest/scripts/manager/ |
Configure the archive with your AWS credentials
- vpc_id: This is the ID of the vpc. The same vpc that your manager is attached to.
- private_subnet_id: This is the ID of a subnet that does not have inbound internet access on the vpc. Outbound internet access is required to download the requirements. It must be on the same vpc designated by VPC_ID.
- public_subnet_id: This is the ID of a subnet that does have internet access (inbound and outbound). It must be on the same vpc designated by VPC_ID.
- availability_zone: The availability zone that you want your instances created in. This must be the same as your public_subnet_id and private_subnet_id.
- ec2_region_endpoint: The AWS region endpint, such as
- ec2_region_name: The AWS region name, such as ec2_region_name.
- aws_secret_access_key: Your AWS Secret Access Key. See here for more info. This may not be provided as an environment variable. The string must be set as a secret.
- aws_access_key_id: Your AWS Access Key ID. See here for more info. This may not be provided as an environment variable. The string must be set as a secret.
Install the archive
Code Block |
# I am on AWS EC2
root@ip-172-31-19-14:~# cfy install cloudify-environment-setup-latest/aws-blueprint.yaml -i cloudify-environment-setup-latest/inputs/aws.yaml --install-plugins --task-retries=30 --task-retry-interval=5
Initializing local profile ...
Initialization completed successfully
Initializing blueprint...
#30 sec
Collecting (from -r /tmp/requirements_whmckn.txt (line 1))2018-01-13 15:28:40.563 CFY <cloudify-environment-setup-latest> [cloudify_manager_ami_i29qun.create] Task started 'cloudify_awssdk.ec2.resources.image.prepare'
2018-01-13 15:28:40.639 CFY <cloudify-environment-setup-latest> [vpc_w1tgjn.create] Task failed 'cloudify_aws.vpc.vpc.create_vpc' -> EC2ResponseError: 401 Unauthorized
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Response><Errors><Error><Code>AuthFailure</Code><Message>AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>d8e7ff46-81ec-4a8a-8451-13feef29737e</RequestID></Response>
2018-01-13 15:28:40.643 CFY <cloudify-environment-setup-latest> 'install' workflow execution failed: Workflow failed: Task failed 'cloudify_aws.vpc.vpc.create_vpc' -> EC2ResponseError: 401 Unauthorized
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Response><Errors><Error><Code>AuthFailure</Code><Message>AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>d8e7ff46-81ec-4a8a-8451-13feef29737e</RequestID></Response>
Workflow failed: Task failed 'cloudify_aws.vpc.vpc.create_vpc' -> EC2ResponseError: 401 Unauthorized
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Response><Errors><Error><Code>AuthFailure</Code><Message>AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>d8e7ff46-81ec-4a8a-8451-13feef29737e</RequestID></Response> |
I forgot to add my AWS auth tokens - editing....rerunning
Multi VIM: Amazon AWS EC2 + Microsoft Azure VM
Starting with the AWS EC2 example TOSCA blueprint at - starting with the intro page in
Git/Gerrit/JIRA Artifacts
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Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Github Artifacts
Download Cloudify - select Community tab on the right
17.12 community looks to align with 4.2
Aria is the RI for Tosca
This page is out of date. Will update the documents in Read the Docs.