Functional Requirements
- MDONS use case
Resources from FujitsuJira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key REQ-325 - Extend the existing route optimization in OOF to support the MDONS use case. (MDONS use case)
- 5G Network Slicing
Resources from Wipro, HuaweiJira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key REQ-342 - Support 5G slice instantiation workflows, by providing selection decisions (5G - Network Slicing)
- SON Optimization
Resources from WiproJira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key REQ-345 - Evolve the PCI optimizer to use ML/AI techniques
- CCVPN Transport Slicing (Stretch goal) (
(Basic TN NSSI Selection to be covered under 5G - Network Slicing use case)Jira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key REQ-347
Non - Functional Requirements:
Resources from Wipro (Huawei, Fujitsu to support where needed)
- Containers must have no more than one main process (REQ-365)
- ONAP projects must use only approved and verified base images for their containers (REQ-379)
Each ONAP project shall define code coverage improvements and achieve at least 55% code coverage (REQ-349)
- Containers must crash properly when a failure occurs (REQ-366)
- Each project will update the vulnerable direct dependencies in their code base codebase (REQ-323)
- No root access to the database from application container (REQ-358)
- OOF to use cert initializers for certificates(REQ-361)
- Apply common Swagger style and documentation generation tools(REQ-386)
Stretch goals
- Functional requirements
- CCVPN Transport Slicing - Impacts related to TN NSSI not covered under 5G - Network Slicing use case.
- Non Functional requirements
- Python 3.6 to 3.8 migration (REQ-373)
- Improve documentation. Document as you code. New features must have mandatory documentation along with code.
CII Silver badge; internal communication encrypted
- Move Helm Chart (OOM) at project level
- Unit test coverage beyond 55%
- Improve OOM deployment time for OOF helm charts.
- Approved New use cases:
- MDONS - Route optimization
- CCVPN - Transport Slicing
- Hardening/Test Only
- HPA - Hardening, Testing and Automation of vFW, vDNS, vCPE, VoLTE
- Traffic Distribution
- Change Management
- Extensions of existing use cases
- 5G E2E Network Slicing
Deliverable Name | Deliverable Description |
OOF-HAS | Executable, and source code for the Homing Service for the ONAP platform |
OOF-OSDF | Executable and source code that provides optimization design framework support to optimizers like HAS |
OOF-CMSO | Executable, and source code for the Change Management Schedule Optimizer |
OOF-FGPS | Executable, and source code for the Fine Grained Placement Service |
- Homing and Allocation Service (HAS)
- Optimization Service Design Framework
- Change Management Scheduling Optimizer (CMSO)
- Fine-Grained Placement Service
High level architecture diagram
Please fill out the centralized wiki page: Guilin Release Platform Maturity
List the API this project is expecting from other projects.
Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.
Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.
API this project is delivering to other projects.
API Name | API Description | API Definition Date | API Delivery date | API Definition link (i.e.swagger) | Status |
HAS API | API to submit homing requests, and retrieve homing solutions (SO, VFC) | El Alto Release | Completed | ||
Extensions to |
APIs to support network slicing workflows (NST, NSI and NSSI selection) | Guilin Release | TBD | In progress | In progress |
SON API | API to perform SON optimization |
Frankfurt Release | Completed | ||
Route API | API to perform Route optimization (used by CCVPN use case) |
Frankfurt Release | Completed | ||||
API enhancements for Route Selection for MDONS use case | Guilin Release | TBD | In progress | In progress | |
CMSO API | API invoked by CM use case for schedule optimization | El Alto Release | Completed |
Third Party Products Dependencies
Please refer to Guilin Defect Status.
- Meeting the non-functional requirement for CMSO project. There are no active contributers for the project right now. Requests have been sent for supporting to meet the non-functional requirements.
Please update any risk on the centralized wiki page - Guilin Risks.
Fill out the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page.
Release Milestone