CCVPN E-LAN Service (sub-)Use Case Presentations
CCVPN E-LAN Service Use Case Team Meetings
For Dublin we will be using the weekly CCVPN call Use Case Extension calls to progress the CCVPN E-LAN Service (sub-)Use Case.
Meeting Logistics
Weekly Scaling Meeting
Day: TBD
Meeting Minutes
The Auto Scale Out Use Case for Casablanca It is envisioned that the CCVPN E-LAN Service (sub-)Use Case for Dublin will have impacts on the following projects: Policy External API, CLAMPSDC, SOSO, OOF, APPC, SDNC, SDC, and VIDA&AI, DCAE.
The modeling sub-committee will be engaged for the definition of the IM & DM.
Please see the Impacts page for page for a more detailed list of requirements in each project.
Project Commitments
Project | PTL | Commitment | Notes |
AAIGreenCommittedAPPC | Randa Maher | Support Composite Service Instances (multi-operator) |
SDC | | |
GreenCommitted | No commitment for Controller_Type since the requirements are still unknown | CLAMP | Gervais-Martial Ngueko | - Support Composite Services creation
- Must be able to model LCM operations/Interfaces and expose the modification capabilities through the Service Catalog
DCAE | | |
Green Modeling | Committed | Risks: - "VF_Module_ID" to be confirmed as input for operational Policy
- API and content for new policy interaction to create new top of Operational Policy (Guard Policy) might end up more costly than anticipated
| | Performance management - Stretched GOAL (postponed to El Alto) |
Modeling | | |
No Requirements at this time | OOF | Sarat PuthenpuraYellowPartial | Can only support R2 functionality | Policy | Pamela Dragosh | - Implement TMF 641 for external BSS Portal (parameters passed as one composite/single orerItem)
- implement East-West cross-operator External API-External API ("patch service" for service modification)
SO | | |
Green SDNC | | Status |
colour | Green |
title | Committed |
SO | | Committed | Add Risks from Pam | SDC | | | No Requirements at this time |
| - Implement ability to "decompose" the End-to-End service (in collaboration with SDC). The same applies for the Service Change.
- Implement Service Modification API and associated workflows to interact with other projects (SDN-C, A&AI & ExtAPI)
OOF | Sarat Puthenpura | | TBR |
SDN-C | Dan Timoney | |
GreenCommitted | VID | | Status |
colour | Green |
title | Committed