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Information Modeling Tooling

Modeling tool versions recommended by committee:

  • Eclipse version 4.7.2 “Oxygen”.
  • Papyrus version 3.2.0 RC4. 
  • Gendoc version 0.6.0

The guidelines, referenced  below, highlight the versions above and explain how to acquire them. The video, linked below, also shows you how to get the right versions of Eclipse and Papyrus (bot does not cover Gendoc).

Papyrus training video done by Nigel Davis (Ciena) is attached as This .zip file includes a number of short videos arranged in a sequence of sections. It is recommended that you work through all sections. If you have a specific challenge the section titles should help you find the video you need. Most videos are only a few minutes long. Papyrus is a very capable tool, the training only skims the surface of a few key aspects of the tool, but it should be sufficient to get you started an building models.

The corresponding version of the guidelines are now at Draft_IISOMI-515_Papyrus_Guidelines_v1.3.04.docx (this is an updated version since the section on the guidelines was recorded, please use this version).

The Papyrus downloads page, used in the video, is at

The slides used in the demonstration are also attached as Papyrus-20180105.pptx.


See information on Papyrus

Data Modeling Tooling