Beginning with the 'Jakarta' release, unmaintained projects/repositories are no longer contributing to the documentation if there is no TSC exception.
Maintained Repositories Table
# | Project Name (common abbreviation of the project or subcommittee) Responsibility: | Repository Name (contains documentation to be published with the upcoming release) Responsibility: | ReadTheDocs Link (link pointing to RTD 'latest' main index.rst; main title used in index.rst) Responsibility: | Repository Status (new | changed | remove ; status of documentation; needed to e.g. identify changes in the intersphinx linking) Responsibility: | Documentation Owner(s) (responsible for documentation in this repo; please use @ notation for the name) Responsibility: | Documentation available: (relevant for new repos which are participating the first time)
Responsibility: | Documentation available:
Responsibility: | |||||||||
M2 | M2 | M2 | M2 | M2 | M4 | RC0 | ||||||||||
01 | AAI | aai/aai-common | AAI Documentation Repository | Minor changes for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
02 | AAI | aai/sparky-be | Sparky - Inventory UI Service | Repo status: No change Doc status: No change |
| ||||||||||
03 | CCSDK | ccsdk/apps | CCSDK APPS DOCUMENTATION REPOSITORY | Repo status: No change Doc status: No change |
| ||||||||||
04 | CCSDK | ccsdk/cds | CONTROLLER DESIGN STUDIO (CDS) | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
05 | CCSDK | ccsdk/distribution | Common Controller Software Development Kit | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
06 | CCSDK | ccsdk/features | SDN-R Online help | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
07 | CCSDK | ccsdk/oran | ccsdk/oran | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
08 | CLI | cli | ONAP CLI | Repo status: No change Doc status: No change |
| ||||||||||
09 | CPS | cps | CPS Documentation |
| |||||||||||
10 | CPS | cps/cps-temporal | CPS Temporal |
| |||||||||||
11 | CPS | cps/ncmp-dmi-plugin | DMI-Plugin Documentation |
| |||||||||||
12 | DCAE | dcaegen2 | Data Collection Analytics and Events (DCAE) |
| |||||||||||
13 | DMAAP | dmaap/buscontroller | dmaap/buscontroller |
| |||||||||||
14 | DMAAP | dmaap/datarouter | DMaaP Data Router |
| |||||||||||
15 | DMAAP | dmaap/messagerouter/messageservice | dmaap/message router(MR) |
| |||||||||||
16 | DOC
| doc | Open Network Automation Platform |
| Thomas Kulik (doc)
| |||||||||
17 | HOLMES | holmes/engine-management | Holmes | Installation update due to
| ||||||||||
18 | HOLMES | holmes/rule-management | Holmes | Installation update due to
| ||||||||||
19 | INTEGRATION | integration | INTEGRATION |
| |||||||||||
20 | MODELING | modeling/etsicatalog | Etsicatalog Project | Minor changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
21 | MODELING | modeling/modelspec | Model Specifications |
| |||||||||||
22 | MSB | msb/apigateway | MSB(Microservices Bus) | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
23 | MSB | msb/discovery | MSB(Microservices Bus) | maintained Minor changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
24 | MSB | msb/java-sdk | MSB(Microservices Bus) | maintained Minor changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
25 | MSB | msb/swagger-sdk | Swagger SDK | Repo status: No change Doc status: No change |
| ||||||||||
26 | MULTICLOUD | multicloud/framework | MultiCloud Architecture | Repo status: No change Doc status: No change |
| ||||||||||
27 | MULTICLOUD | multicloud/k8s | MultiCloud Kubernetes Plugin | Minor changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
28 | OOM | oom | OOM Documentation Repository | no PTL since 2022-04-01 |
| ||||||||||
29 | OOM | oom/offline-installer | OOM offline-installer | no PTL since Repo status: No change Doc status: No change | no PTL since 2022-04-01 |
| |||||||||
30 | OOM | oom/platform/cert-service | OOM Certification Service | no PTL since 2022-04-01 |
| ||||||||||
31 | OOF | optf/has | Optimization Framework: Homing and Allocation | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
32 | OOF | optf/osdf | Optimization Framework: Optimization Service Design Framework (OSDF) | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
33 | SECCom | osa | ONAP Security |
| |||||||||||
34 | POLICY | policy/parent | Policy Framework Architecture | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
35 | SDC | sdc | SDC Documentation | Minor changes for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
36 | SDNC | sdnc/oam | Network Controller (SDNC) | Changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
37 | SO | so | ONAP SO | Minor changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
38 | UUI | usecase-ui | Usecase-UI(Use Case User Interface) | Minor changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
39 | VFC | vfc/nfvo/lcm | VF-C(Virtual Function Controller) | Minor changes expected for Jakarta |
| ||||||||||
40 | VNFRQTSVNFSDK | vnfrqts/guidelines | VNF Guidelines | repo to be removed due to planned 'unmaintained' state of project? | no PTL since 2021-11-01vnfsdk/model | VNFSDK Documentation | Repo status: No change Doc status: No change |
| 42 | VNFRQTS | vnfrqts/testcases | VNF Test Case Descriptions | repo to be removed due to planned 'unmaintained' state of project? | no PTL since 2021-11-01 | ![]()
![]() | |
41 | VNFRQTS | vnfrqts/requirements | VNF or PNF Requirements Documentation | repo to be removed due to planned 'unmaintained' state of project? | no PTL since 2021-11-01 |
| |||||||||
in RTD and updated |
Non-Relevant Repositories Table
# | Project Name (common abbreviation of the project or subcommittee) Responsibility: | Repository Name (contains documentation to be published with the upcoming release) Responsibility: | ReadTheDocs Link (link pointing to RTD 'latest' main index.rst; main title used in index.rst) Responsibility: | Repository Status (new | changed | remove ; status of documentation; needed to e.g. identify changes in the intersphinx linking) Responsibility: | Documentation Owner(s) (responsible for documentation in this repo; please use @ notation for the name) Responsibility: | Documentation available: (relevant for new repos which are participating the first time)
Responsibility: | Documentation available:
| branched'branch' exists | available in RTDavailable in RTD Responsibility: | |||||
M2 | M2 | M2 | M2 | M2 | M4 | RC0 | ||||||||
01 | VNFRQTS | vnfrqts/usecasesguidelines | VNF | Provider Use Casesrepo to be removed due to planned 'unmaintained' state of project?Guidelines | unmaintained | no PTL since 2021-11-01 |
| 44 | VNFSDK | vnfsdk/model | VNFSDK Documentation | Repo status: No change Doc status: No change | Former user (Deleted) in RTD and updated ( |
02 | VNFRQTS | vnfrqts/requirements | VNF or PNF Requirements Documentation | unmaintained | no PTL since 2021-11-01 |
| |||||||
03 | VVPVNFRQTS | vvp/documentation | VVP Documentation | steven starkvnfrqts/testcases | VNF Test Case Descriptions | unmaintained | no PTL since 2021-11-01 |
| Project Name (common abbreviation of the project or subcommittee) Responsibility: | Repository Name (contains documentation to be published with the upcoming release) Responsibility: | ReadTheDocs Link (link pointing to RTD 'latest' main index.rst; main title used in index.rst) Responsibility: | Repository Status (new | changed | remove ; status of documentation; needed to e.g. identify changes in the intersphinx linking) Responsibility: | Documentation Owner(s) (responsible for documentation in this repo; please use @ notation for the name) Responsibility: |
Non-Relevant Repositories Table
available in RTD
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04 | VNFRQTS | vnfrqts/usecases | VNF Provider Use Cases | unmaintained | no PTL since 2021-11-01 |
| ||||||||||||||||
05 | VVP | vvp/documentation | VVP Documentation | unmaintained |
| RTDRTD | 'branch'repo | 'branch' existsbranched | 'branch' available in RTD | release notes available | M2 | M2 | M2 | M2 | M2 | M4 | RC0in RTD and updated | |||||
Reason for the Documentation Tracking Page