- Discuss with internal management to ensure you can spend ~30% of your time for supporting DCAE committer responsibilities if approved. As the committer changes goes through several stage of approval, expectation is candidate would serve in this role for alteast 1 year or more.
- Complete Make a copy of the template (Template - Committer Promotion Request for [your-project-tag] and move all/selected DCAE]: <Candidate Name>] under this page and fill the necessary fields
- Notify and discuss with PTL on what items you can help
- Once PTL acknowledges, poll will initiated among existing committers
- If majority of DCAE committers approve, then PTL will send notice onap-tsc on committer change.
- PTL will submit the INFO.yaml updates to impacted repository; once the gerrit changes are merged by other committers, it will trigger LF process for repository updates - Committer Management Automation via INFO.yaml
- PTL/committer updates Resources and Repositories (Deprecated)#DataCollectionAnalyticsandEvents