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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Linux Foundation
China Telecom
Individual Contributor
Individual Contributor
China Mobile

Agenda Items

Presented By


Release Status

Kohn Release M4

  • Schedule 
    • On Sept 29, the TSC agreed to re-examine the status of M4 on Oct 3 at the PTL meeting, due to ongoing issues with the build environment (see IT-24608, IT-24620).
    • On Oct 3, the PTLs agreed that the build environment issues were still unresolved and agreed with a proposal to reschedule M4 to Oct 6.
    • Yesterday, I received an update from @Toine Siebelink that the build environment issues appear to be resolved.  
    • The build system issues were resolved by disabling SBOM generation.  Therefore, we need to debug the SBOM script so that SBOM generation can be enabled again (RELENG-4472).
  • Milestone Status
    • Release management tasks for RC were published on Oct 3
    • #AGREED the TSC approves the Kohn M4 milestone as being met with the following exceptions to be completed by the RC milestone: INT-2145, INT-2146, & OPTFRA-1093


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

Issues with build environment:

    • Jira Legacy
      serverLinux Foundation Jira
    • Jira Legacy
      serverLinux Foundation Jira
    • Jira Legacy
      serverLinux Foundation Jira

PTL Updates

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

SECCOM: NexusIQ and status of Kohn package upgrades

Jira LegacyserverSystem JiracolumnIdsissuekey,summary,issuetype,created,updated,duedate,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolutioncolumnskey,summary,type,created,updated,due

  • 1st GitLab pipeline is working un UNH lab and mirrored to Github via Gerrit  Yay! 
  • Spammers
    • Can new contributors be moderated?
    • Can new user accounts can only be created if the user got an invitation from a already applied member?

PTL Updates

Thomas Kulik 

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements

SECCOM: NexusIQ and status of Kohn package upgrades

  • Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira
serverId4733707d-2057-Task Force Updates
  • columnskey,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution
  • Jira Legacy
    serverLinux Foundation Jira

Was there another Jira issue Amy Zwarico ?

Update : LFIT resolved IT-24622 and status script run on 2 Oct NexusIQ scans. New results: 2022-10-2022-10-06_PackageUpgradeStatus.pptx 

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Any 2023 TAC priority suggestion?

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

  • ONAP health review will be needed after the new TSC is seated
  • TOPIC: testing resources - need a better method of communicating best practices and platform migrations
  • TOPIC: Hybrid D&TFs
  • TOPIC: Wireless and 5G - Effort to coordinate this 
  • A new TAC Rep for ONAP will be needed following the election

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates
CNF, Wiki 2.0, ONAP Enterprise

Next ONAP/SABRES working group is scheduled on Oct 12th

Next Enterprise Task Force meeting is scheduled on Oct 19th

TSC Activities and Deadlines

2022 TSC Vote in progress - Voting will automatically end at 23:59 pacific time on Wednesday, Oct. 12th, 2022.

  • status update

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

ONE Summit NA Nov. 15 & 16 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
  • Please Register
  • LF members receive a 20% discount with code ONE22LFNMEM
  • LFN Developer & Testing Forum NA   Nov. 17 & 18 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
    • ONLY 2 days 
    • Slightly different format based upon feedback from Porto
      •  Day 1
        • 1st hour to be a cross- project session where each project brings a problem to the community
        • Community brainstorming the rest of the day - 1 hour per problem/topic
      • Day 2
        • More traditional D&TF sessions
    • Please start submitting your topics    
  • <Available Slot>

    Zoom Chat Log 


    TSC Chair Continuity during Transition

    • will not be on the new TSC
    • There will be a gap in leadership unless we provide for a succession plan - currently there is nothing in the Community Doc on this.
    • New TSC is normally seated at the next regular TSC meeting which follows the announcement of the winners. ( i.e. in this case )
    • TSC Chair and Vice-Chair elections are run sequentially afterwards.
    • RECOMMENDATION:  Catherine stays on as the Chair in a non-voting capacity until the new Chair is elected.  Put this proposal up for a vote by the new TSC members at next week's call after the winners are announced.
    • Consensus from those on the call that this is an appropriate approach

    Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

    • ONE Summit NA 

      • Nov. 15 & 16 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
      • Please Register
      • LF members receive a 20% discount with code ONE22LFNMEM

    • LFN Developer & Testing Forum NA

      • Nov. 17 & 18 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
      • ONLY 2 days 
      • Slightly different format based upon the feedback we received from Porto
        • General
          • Very short kickoff
          • No daily summary sessions
          • No closing town hall
        •  Day 1
          • 1st hour to be a cross- project session where each project brings a problem to the community
          • Community brainstorming the rest of the day - 1 hour per problem/topic
        • Day 2
          • More traditional D&TF sessions
          • Content will be curated by the program committee more than usual given the short time available
          • Committee strongly recommends making demos available via YouTube rather than requesting sessions to demos and general project readouts.
      • Submission deadline: Friday, October 28th

    <Available Slot>

    Zoom Chat Log 

    07:00:02 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
        #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
    07:00:06 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
        #info Timo Perala, Nokia
    07:00:09 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
        #info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
    07:00:13 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
        #info N. K. Shankar, STL
    07:01:16 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
        #info Andreas Geissler, DT
    07:01:25 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
        #info Ranny Haiby, Linux Foundation
    07:01:53 From  Martial Ngueko(AT&T)  to  Everyone:
        #info proxy Gervais-martial Ngueko, AY&T
    07:01:53 From  Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson  to  Everyone:
        #info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
    07:06:12 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
        Link to today's minutes:
    07:19:10 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
        #Vote Does the TSC approve the Kohn M4 milestone as being met with the following exceptions to be completed by the RC milestone: INT-2145, INT-2146, & OPTFRA-1093 ?     +1, 0, -1
    07:19:20 From  Andreas GEISSLER (DT)  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:19:28 From  N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:19:31 From  Yuanhong Deng  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:19:33 From  Martial Ngueko(AT&T)  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:19:38 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:19:39 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
        #votw +1
    07:19:49 From  Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:19:56 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:20:26 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
    07:20:33 From  Dong Wang (China Telecom)  to  Everyone:
        #vote +1
    07:20:54 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
        #AGREED the TSC approves the Kohn M4 milestone as being met with the following exceptions to be completed by the RC milestone: INT-2145, INT-2146, & OPTFRA-1093
    07:31:22 From  Tony HANSEN (ATT)  to  Everyone:
        How about moderating the first “contributions” of a new user?
    07:35:40 From  André Riehl (DT)  to  Everyone:
        Idea: User accounts can only be created if the user got an invitation from a already applied member.
    07:40:54 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
        #info, Catherine.LEFEVRE, att
    07:52:17 From  Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson  to  Everyone:
    07:53:41 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
         OpaVote Voting Link <>
    07:54:11 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
        If you cannot find your ballot send mail to 
    07:54:26 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
        For more info see:
    07:57:09 From  Timo Perala (Nokia)  to  Everyone:
    07:57:16 From  Ranny Haiby (Linux Foundation)  to  Everyone:
    07:57:24 From  Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson  to  Everyone:
    08:05:08 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:    D&TF Topics
    08:05:57 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
        One Summit
    08:06:30 From  Kenny PAUL (LFN)  to  Everyone:
        LF members receive a 20% discount with code ONE22LFNMEM
    08:08:14 From  Catherine Lefevre  to  Everyone:
        Welcome Sandra !
    08:08:18 From  Sandra Jackson  to  Everyone:
        Hello everyone
    08:08:24 From  Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson  to  Everyone:


    Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
    They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

    07:03:46 Okay, Let's see.
    07:03:58 Okay, everybody Sorry about that company will have received the pop-up saying meetings recorded.
    07:04:05 So you should. I'll be okay there.
    07:04:11 Just keeps yourself, needed unless you're speaking. Yes, you're coming in on a phone line, You need Star 6, and if you're selling private chat messages to the meeting house, they'll become part of the public record.
    07:04:24 As always we'll start off our meeting by mentioning our project in trust policy, You find this from the Lf.
    07:04:31 And all the project websites, policies, important where we've got multiple companies, including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings.
    07:04:38 Please your view. If you have any questions, please contact your company's legal council and members of the office may also contact, interrupt, growth, firmware, upgrade Llp. Which provides legal accounts to the Lf.
    07:04:50 This policy is, in effect, whether any number of staff is on the call or not.
    07:05:08 On today's docket
    07:05:15 Let me talk about cone. I have some it things to go through
    07:05:25 the link here. I followed up on this tomorrow, so I didn't see if you were on the call.
    07:05:35 Okay, Yeah, followed up on this this morning, like for them for the meeting.
    07:05:42 at least that portion of it. Talk about the the other Doc stuff!
    07:05:47 have some stuff from Setcom. Anything, should be on the call by then.
    07:05:58 I wanna go over the the election stuff, and then our upcoming events and changes that we are making to the developer and testing form anything else for to add
    07:06:16 And I'll drop the link to today's minutes in the chat window.
    07:06:19 If you would like to contribute. Okay, David, you're not in his host.
    07:06:26 For some reason let me co-host you.
    07:06:33 Alright thanks Kenny.
    07:06:42 Okay, So just to recap where we're at.
    07:06:49 So a week ago we looked at M 4 and agreed that there were well, There was still a number of open release management tasks, and we were also having some stability issues with the build environment
    07:07:11 so we agreed to reexamine status at the Ptl.
    07:07:16 Meeting on this past Monday. So we got together on Monday, looked at it again.
    07:07:21 There were still issues. So we decided to push it to today.
    07:07:28 In the meantime, yesterday I received an email from twon saying that the the build environment issues appear to have been resolved.
    07:07:42 now the way that these were resolved. The the root cause seems to be associated with the S.
    07:07:50 Bob generation, And so, as bomb generation was disabled, and so going forward, then we'll need to resolve that issue so that we can do this bomb generation without causing problems with builds.
    07:08:12 So that's where we stand right now. So let's take a look Let's look at schedule first, just to remind everyone where we're at.
    07:08:24 I updated the schedule to reflect the change to M.
    07:08:31 4 to today, October sixth, and you can see that we have are release candidate coming up towards the end of the month on the twenty-seventh.
    07:08:50 Alright, looking at the milestone status
    07:09:00 By the way, I did publish, if you hadn't noticed, I did publish the release Candidate release management tasks on Monday.
    07:09:08 So those are available for those of you that are ready to move forward.
    07:09:14 so looking at status of M. 4, the task for requirement owners have been done for some time.
    07:09:22 Now, and we're down to 4 remaining issues for M.
    07:09:28 4, and Thomas I'm glad you're on the call today, and because one of these is a documentation task.
    07:09:43 yeah, okay, to be honest, the only thing I have come with what comes in my mind is a new repository.
    07:09:54 From then then to money that was introduced in in Cohen, and not sure not sure.
    07:10:02 Then if you're new repository will carry documentation.
    07:10:13 yeah, me. Probably probably won't have documentation so. And And in Con it's it's we have it.
    07:10:06 So maybe we need some exit activity here. But on the other hand, and close
    07:10:20 But it's empty right now, so it's kind of a my point
    07:10:24 No, no, it doesn't have documentation. Doesn't have anything right now except that an info dot.
    07:10:23 It has it has not sorry
    07:10:29 so
    07:10:31 And this is okay. So then I will remove it also from the list of repository which carry documentation in in in the weekly page.
    07:10:43 And then I Oh, we can close this just to ask you, David
    07:10:47 Okay, Should I close it now, or do you want to close it yourself?
    07:11:35 and issues with integration. This kind of highlights are ongoing issue with the lack of an integration.
    07:11:45 Ptl: But I'll ask, is anyone from the integration team familiar with the status of these tasks
    07:12:03 I'll take that as a No.
    07:12:13 Okay. And then finally, we have a remaining issue here with Oh, F.
    07:12:24 And a shankar. I think you're on the call today.
    07:12:30 And I I think you indicated that there Krishna has been tied up with other tasks and has been unable to work on.
    07:12:38 This: Is that cool, correct.
    07:12:41 Can you hear me, hey? Yeah, he said he would finish this.
    07:12:47 I am not checked with him. The last Oh, couple of days, so it's still in progress.
    07:12:42 Yup yup
    07:12:53 Yeah, yeah, I'll bring him again. And the And this is related to what we discussed last time that he also sent email and kingdom again.
    07:12:54 Yeah, yeah, okay.
    07:13:04 I expect him to send a message to. Do you see that he's not able to 2 to 2 be able to about time to Oh, if he was looking to to and over to somebody else, Okay, But I I I believe he was working on this he was actually working with somebody.
    07:13:18 Okay.
    07:13:24 Else. So this I think, will get done. I mean, it's a eliminate documentation should have been done
    07:13:30 Yeah, yeah, for mature project. I think that that Ted asks should be pretty straightforward, almost 0 effort.
    07:13:45 So okay, alright, Thank you. So that's where we stand.
    07:14:24 that we knew of where Dcae Ai and Cps so heard from Tauan about cps.
    07:14:36 Hey, David!
    07:14:39 Yeah, I mean, I just want to confirm for Dc I no longer have any issues.
    07:14:32 can anyone else comment on build status
    07:14:36 and then this is Dan sorry. God
    07:14:45 Yes, yeah, for for Ccsdk: we we do have one issue which I don't know.
    07:14:51 Maybe it happened when when it was on stable, but I did a release build on something, and it the The build seemed to succeed.
    07:14:44 Okay, good good to hear.
    07:14:58 But it didn't actually install anything
    07:15:01 W. When did that happen just yesterday? Okay.
    07:15:10 Alright.
    07:15:20 Yeah. But these I think these are all older, and none of these are the issue that you filed.
    07:15:02 So I have a ticket open to that yesterday. Yeah, Yeah, I have a ticket open for that with so
    07:15:26 Are they? Dan?
    07:15:10 So so we've got 3 tickets listed as issues with the build environment under the the infrastructure section
    07:15:30 Okay, let's see, who do we have on from?
    07:15:44 yeah, I mean, my. My question here is is this not exactly the same issue that Cps guys had with the S form release process?
    07:15:29 No, I don't think so.
    07:15:51 Automatically, not working. That may not be a web that may not be aware of this, because I I we kind of went through quite an unpleasant process, with toy and pre-ank trying to get the cps. Release.
    07:16:05 Working it. Basically also release process is generating artifacts with zoom, same name.
    07:16:12 It's not appending a version string on the back, So the first releases in the usborn process look fine.
    07:16:17 The second one nexus, because it's a release.
    07:16:20 Repository doesn't allow the overwriting of objects, And but essentially we need to amend and fix the esper release process.
    07:16:27 I've put some coins into the tickets, I think it came in quite late today, so Dan may not have seen those yet, but toy and and freeank basically the work will work.
    07:16:36 Around so for them to go in, and to basically toggle the esper to false in their code base and then subsequent releases came through.
    07:16:46 Okay. So this is a bug in this that we need to fix, And I don't think the really scripts are catching this.
    07:16:51 It's saying they're releasing it, But what happened with the Cps project was the Maven Artifacts We're missing in action.
    07:16:58 I think the Docker image published but the Maven Artifacts weren't present in release, repository, nexus.
    07:17:03 So Dan's ticket looks a very similar issue.
    07:17:05 No okay. Alright. We can compare notes after this. Call if you like.
    07:17:04 Yeah, yeah, it sounds it.
    07:17:10 I'm on so I can make sure you've got my details
    07:17:17 Alright Yeah, to to take over, because I think hopefully it's self explanatory.
    07:17:12 Alan seales. Oh, I I I hadn't seen your comments until just now, so I'll take a look.
    07:17:23 So
    07:17:21 But if there's any questions you can me privately after the call, No, okay.
    07:17:31 Hey? Okay?
    07:17:24 Okay, sure. Thanks.
    07:17:25 but I I thought that the that issue was resolved a couple of days ago, Matt and and what Dan was talking about just happened yesterday
    07:17:35 no, I. And what is the thing? David It required a change in in the in the sub projects to to to get the release out, and if, if, Dan has the same issue it hasn't done?
    07:17:40 Oh, okay.
    07:17:36 Hmm.
    07:17:45 That yet. He'll be blocked in the exact, the same problem.
    07:17:46 Okay, Okay, So each Ptl has to do something in their project.
    07:17:47 Yeah.
    07:17:49 Yes, but potentially. Yes, I don't think we call all the sub projects that might have been affected.
    07:17:52 Okay.
    07:17:51 Okay.
    07:17:59 Okay? Alright. Well, I'm going to assume that it is the same issue, and that this can be resolved pretty quickly.
    07:18:31 earlier by Rc.
    07:18:32 it was just this. It was just the 3 right, the 2 integration and the one
    07:18:43 I actually have to vote ready to go. Then
    07:18:39 Yeah, that's correct. Yup: yeah, Okay, fantastic. Kenny is on it.
    07:18:53 well before we before we do that, can I just wanna make sure, you know.
    07:18:59 Ask the Tsc. If there are any questions or comments before we do the the vote
    07:18:49 And I will plunk it into the chat window. Does it?
    07:19:13 There we go.
    07:19:47 team was typing like I do now.
    07:20:04 Give it 10 more seconds
    07:20:21 Okay, 5, 4, 3, t one.
    07:20:28 And that is approved
    07:20:43 Okay, I'm gonna get this
    07:20:46 Updated in as an approved
    07:20:57 Okay, there it is. And
    07:21:09 There it is.
    07:21:20 Okay, So then transitioning to
    07:21:31 sorry. Not Only metal block there. Got these 3 tickets
    07:21:43 One on
    07:21:48 Process documentation
    07:21:53 yeah.
    07:22:03 Please.
    07:22:10 yeah, the, the yeah, the 2, it tickets are the the issues that we're creating.
    07:22:18 probably with the build environment, and then the the rel engine.
    07:22:12 Hi!
    07:22:23 One is, if I understand correctly, that's one that Matt put together to kind of summarize what we need to do.
    07:22:29 Yeah.
    07:22:30 Go in! Forward to to resolve the problem with the Sbb generation, and so on.
    07:22:37 That's that's exactly. It's obviously the rede tickets are in the public domain, and a visible globally service desktop tickets.
    07:22:47 Only specific people can see them. The revenge tickets been created to track remediation, So the S form issues we encountered this time we were going through the release process.
    07:22:55 I'm tracking W. We think we need know what we need to do.
    07:22:58 We need to inject some version strings into the files and do some testing the sandbox and there's some follow up.
    07:23:05 Obviously what happened When was it started last week, maybe was what towards the end of last week we had updated some of the build executives, and at least 2 jobs were failing, and we had to roll them back to a bunch of 18 so I think Jessica myself.
    07:23:20 Kevin Banks will will be looking at those failure modes, and looking at addressing them, because I think some changes are made in migration for a bunch of 18 to 20 that broke some of the jobs for own app the timing.
    07:23:32 That wasn't good for everybody's coming up, and we need to do some follow-up work on that.
    07:23:35 So the tickets and the runage tickets are follow-up activities that we have to do pretty much independent of the project, and I think Toilet was quite keen to get the the it service test tickets that were blocking the release closed once the as long process had been
    07:24:03 and Matt. Are you driving the the work on that?
    07:24:07 Or is that
    07:24:13 Well, but we have a I mean someone authored the the sponge script right.
    07:24:09 unfortunately, David, I think I am. Yes, yeah.
    07:24:21 In indeed we
    07:24:28 I'm not in 100%. Sure, I think it might be Jessica.
    07:24:31 I need to compare notes with her. Haven't had a chance to do so yet.
    07:24:20 I think that came from the community right? And have we figured out who that is?
    07:24:36 it's it's all It's been somewhat frantic this week. So we need we need to kind of Re group.
    07:24:44 And And obviously, I mean I I I'm happy to be the whipping boy, because I'm frequently attending these calls. It's not great timing for Jessica and the guys in the us So why don't you say I'll be the point.
    07:24:40 Yeah, yeah.
    07:24:54 Okay.
    07:24:53 Man It may not be need to all the fixing, but I I think one will probably have to divide up some of the effort and agree.
    07:24:58 Sure.
    07:24:58 He's going to do what and compare notes. So this this gonna have to be a bit coordination with, to get all these kings to find out.
    07:25:03 Right? Right? Okay? Well, we'll probably ping you at the Ptl.
    07:25:09 Meeting in a couple of weeks, just to check on status and
    07:25:20 Right.
    07:25:20 anything else with regards to tickets.
    07:25:33 just just one remark. So the migration or the the compiler, let's say the the the connection between the Garrett and Gitlap was working now, So we have the first project which is now under Github Dot.
    07:25:59 Com slash owner. So with the pipeline is working, so that the the the let's say, for preparing the chains to to run on, the or an age lab so has been performed.
    07:26:13 But of course, then now the next, the next project will follow, which need to be then also merged, and I just tried out the runners.
    07:26:25 on the UN. Edge lab, and I figured out that it's how how how I got them to work as well.
    07:26:32 So that means we can proceed with that with that work as well.
    07:26:38 So what we call I think we will. Let's see, prepared.
    07:26:45 The next projects to be then integrated into Garrett, and which Daniel also needs them to be migrated.
    07:27:06 Well, that is a sorry sorry for the the little frog there in my throat.
    07:27:15 that's a major milestone for us. And congratulations on on that.
    07:27:20 That's been a long time coming. And a lot of hard work on everybody's part.
    07:27:24 So. Thank you.
    07:27:37 Hmm.
    07:27:41 okay, So some
    07:27:48 Something folks may be aware of or not
    07:27:52 We are handling this little problem. That is a big problem with spammers and a number of Our communities with regards to the use of conference, as you know, we have, confluence set up for anyone.
    07:28:19 To be able to go in and create a page, and things like that.
    07:28:25 And what we're finding is that
    07:28:30 The countless pages are being created, and it does not appear to be by robot.
    07:28:40 It appears to be by somebody with their hands behind the keyboard.
    07:28:49 they create an account, and then they create a couple dozen pages that contain nothing but cross links to gambling sites, cross links to gaming sites.
    07:29:06 This is all designed at increasing the search engine optimization, so that all of their crap pops to the top of a Google search with something chat
    07:29:23 We're working with it on on how best to deal with this situation.
    07:29:29 But within the last 24 h 2 doesn't. Pages have been created in.
    07:29:34 Oh, app!
    07:29:38 Zoom
    07:29:45 A couple of things we can do. One is we can put some kind of limitation on who can create new pages within our community, So basically.
    07:30:00 We make that something that Tsc members the the Ptls.
    07:30:05 And or maybe figure something else out for committee members or something.
    07:30:11 to be able to go in and create new pages
    07:30:18 Doing that the other tactics that we have seen is that the spammers are adding comments to existing pages that contain all of these various links to bump up their SEO stats.
    07:30:39 So if we were to block page creation, we're likely just to see a
    07:30:48 Change in behavior where they start, just adding comments to pages or going in and editing existing pages, and and doing it that way, we are unable to keep up with the account creation that they are doing in that day we find one account we lock it.
    07:31:14 And they just simply create another. The other challenge that we have there is that if the if they have a session that is running, even if we lock the account, basically unless we take and and less.
    07:31:38 We keep taking confluence, offline and re-enabling it.
    07:31:44 their sessions won't drop. So that's another challenge.
    07:31:52 Tony says, moderating the contributions of a new user. And folks in relange is that something that's configurable in confluence
    07:32:06 excuse me, I just was in the middle of sneezing, and I missed the question.
    07:32:06 Can. You know
    07:32:12 can you repeat again, please, Kenny.
    07:32:14 Oh, that was, you know, very rude of you. This means, I I take great offense to that, Is it, Tony Hansen was suggesting in chat about.
    07:32:15 Yeah.
    07:32:35 Problems. Well, it's a good question, I mean, I guess in some ways we're probably victims of the fact that conferences often sort of a corporate internal tool, although yeah, I've been to believe they do offer kind of software as a service, so public facing But I I haven't
    07:32:48 really got huge amount of insight into what's what's available to us to, you know, to try and tighten things down and lock it down
    07:32:25 Is there a way to moderate any contributions from a new user in conference
    07:32:57 So don't know what to say. Really, I I I guess the issue with moderation is, who does?
    07:33:05 Who does the moderation, and and how how do we write some process around that?
    07:33:10 I I I think inevitably, some way we have to find a way putting up barriers to account creation.
    07:33:16 I I mean, presumably. And and here's the thing.
    07:33:20 I think I think this is probably handed to another team in it, not specifically relentless.
    07:33:23 I have a feeling it in general. We're looking at this, so I think I I I think it may have been heather or somebody else who did some of the leg work.
    07:33:31 but you know I don't know if I if we've already got, will be available kind of account, validation features switched on or not, I would assume we've already looked at this it could sympathize, the spam as you know, have access to and an an ending
    07:33:47 amount of email addresses, so they can continue to kind of go through the validation stages, You know, I don't know whether we've opened any issues with conference support to find out if there's anything we can Do to block this I assume that this has been tried already but
    07:34:04 that is an assumption here? Because I I don't think we're involved too much in the debugging how these guys were operating I could be wrong, but I don't know if anybody in our team actually was was was was closely involved in This Andrew.
    07:34:16 Probably has the most insight. So I would imagine he was sitting on the regular Ops.
    07:34:20 Calls it, and we're probably exchanging information on this.
    07:34:24 so if I probably can't offer a huge amount of insight
    07:34:29 But I can find out in our team meeting. I can find out not team meeting next Tuesday and I have any feedback for you next week on this.
    07:34:30 Yeah.
    07:34:41 Okay, Yeah, we may touch on it during staff later today.
    07:34:46 But that's yeah. Anyways, you know, everybody here is now aware of of the situation we're trying to deal with.
    07:34:56 it's kind of a feudal effort on our part to try and keep up with the account creation and disabling and removing of pages.
    07:35:12 At this point
    07:35:16 We just I mean, it's just like a hamster on a wheel trying to keep up with.
    07:35:24 So oh, we may need to do something that is more restrictive than we have had in the past.
    07:35:33 but we're looking into it and trying to find out.
    07:35:45 yeah, I mean, I My My gut feeling is we have to either change.
    07:35:50 Change the sign up, process, or or change the way The counts are validated.
    07:35:54 I I can. I can see some comments coming in and on the chat during this call, and I I I I think the only way perhaps we'll be able to lock this down.
    07:36:03 Is by changing the sign up process. In some way I would assume that there's some hooks in the software that that you sort of introduce slightly more onerous terms.
    07:36:13 I mean, I I can't see any other way really of solving this problem. The problem is, these guys got a lot of time on their hands.
    07:35:38 But this is a as Matt was saying, It's a it's a crossing number
    07:36:20 They're well motivated, and they're quite happy to sit here, as being a jump out all day if they can.
    07:36:26 So yes, yeah. And that's the sad thing I think I I I I think actually you've you've not the nail on the head. The reality.
    07:36:36 Is This is driven by economics, and as long as the incentives are there, people continue to do it, you just got to increase the barrier to the point where it becomes too expensive in terms of either the time, or the you know, resources you actually have to kind of make it economically on violent
    07:36:51 viable cause, I think, if it's not the name head.
    07:36:24 Yeah, I mean, they're obviously getting paid to do it.
    07:36:52 That's exactly how these people operate
    07:36:53 Yeah, I mean, it's a business model. So, Andre.
    07:37:02 Thank you for your suggestion. Okay, Spent a lot of time on that.
    07:37:09 I think folks are aware of the situation. Now. I'm good and shift gears.
    07:37:14 Then Tomas wanted to talk about updated
    07:37:26 it's only I I a hint to to ptl some people for use.
    07:37:35 The please, use the updated configuration files for creation of documentation.
    07:37:42 we did a few changes, important changes, and please check your config files in your repository, and compare it with the ones we provided in the examples.
    07:37:55 And please update for master, and later on also for or in your con branch, you may experience the more errors in Rsd files which may cause your build.
    07:38:12 Fail, then please, correct. Your Rst files, because when it was a new setup we also treat every warning as an error.
    07:38:26 So we get much better. Quality of documentation in terms of syntax.
    07:38:35 Removing this this kind of arrows. But the main reason is to to get rid of the Lf.
    07:38:41 Docks Conf Library, which caused a lot of trouble in the past 2 weeks.
    07:38:58 Okay, any questions on that
    07:39:05 And Tomas and the docks team. Thank you for your continued great work on all of that.
    07:39:15 thank you, and do what I have to say. Thank you for Marine.
    07:39:12 Really really appreciate it.
    07:39:34 Okay, Hmm: quick. Look at the time here. Okay, turning it over to Setcom
    07:39:50 Amy, do you want to share
    07:39:59 looking up.
    07:40:04 Alright, Powell.
    07:40:16 You want to speak to us
    07:40:28 Okay. Maybe unavailable.
    07:40:54 Yeah, this is the one that we talked about the Tsc.
    07:40:37 So just take a couple of looks here, packer jobs and global Jjp.
    07:41:12 Okay.
    07:41:18 Okay, I guess we'll go ahead and move on.
    07:41:32 yes, and to join late, sure that the Marshall did a great job so far, so just wanted to ask you.
    07:41:45 we are currently working with the tech team on the 2023 prioritization.
    07:41:53 We have not yet finalized really what we would like to to focus This is a question I was already raising a few weeks ago, and I was wondering if you had any additional fault When you think I will tack what is your first things in mind that you would like to get from them
    07:42:15 so maybe we could. I don't know anybody have as any Id, and we've been thinking about that
    07:42:29 It could be about the Mission or us see the Tag Alright.
    07:42:34 so just to remind people no money. The tax stands for Technical Advisory Council.
    07:42:41 they try to somehow be the underground on top of all the open source.
    07:42:47 Initiative, especially the Linux Foundation networking group.
    07:42:53 this is This is a space where we can collaborate from a technical aspect, or from, I would say, from the tooling aspect.
    07:43:04 As Well, remember, we had some infrastructure work group which was set up at 1 point.
    07:43:08 the taki is also focusing to have a security security representative could also drive the collaboration from a security perspective across the different on open source.
    07:43:24 So so think I will. Technical aspect, not really financial, not really marketing, wise but that's a little bit.
    07:43:32 what they try to do. Of course they they they also wants to learn on a yearly basis about how each open source is doing well.
    07:43:47 So I I see the opportunity that at 1 point somebody will need to present to the tech a known up overview like I did last year, and I would be happy to to support the person.
    07:43:58 Will drive that so? E: anything that you had in mine, based on what I share, anything that they should focus in particular.
    07:44:14 I think what we have seen, at least from the integration perspective and the team perspective here that issue on resources for for testing the way.
    07:44:33 How we go forward with something like the git labs, things, and so on.
    07:44:40 How we do that, and maybe we can share something with other community or with other projects, and so on, so that not like like Orange did all the time someone needs to provide.
    07:44:54 let's say, the infrastructure, and whatever, when they are leaving now.
    07:44:58 So we have to hold all the work to let's say, changed this back, or or move this, then some to some other data.
    07:45:11 Centers, or whatever or or way how to do it. So I think that would be something.
    07:45:14 It would be nice that it could be coordinated, or if we have less work with that
    07:45:28 Okay, thank you for much. Andrea, to share what you have in mind, And I think, indeed, it's it's an excellent on topics, because we can benefit having default group.
    07:45:43 And I'm still thinking I will look at ensure was supposed to become or end to end, testing group.
    07:45:53 If we are running out of resource, we should probably consolidate the the, the the people together, and and have a plan.
    07:46:01 I'm not sure we are already there. But thank you, and I will at least submit this item for sure.
    07:46:18 I I I think this is probably out of scope. But anyway, I was thinking of the how hybrid meetings That's where we have in front of us, so I don't think that we would have fully face to face meetings hopefully many of us can meet in person but the the technology, and sort of
    07:46:37 the procedures, and the and the way we collaborate in in this hybrid meetings.
    07:46:43 probably not something that the attack can can can solve, of course.
    07:46:49 But is there a possibility to sort of reach out to some some company that could, that offers this kind of help?
    07:47:00 Solutions that I could help in in in future meetings
    07:47:08 This is purely one of dollars and cents, and and Magnus, It's a topic.
    07:47:21 it has been a topic at every committee meeting, at every at the community and board levels, at every Tsc.
    07:47:37 this is something that's desired. This is something that there's no money to do.
    07:47:43 and the fact in the Spc. Call on Monday.
    07:47:47 It's going to be a specific topic of discussion. Ze there are opportunities, or there are sponsorship opportunities for our developer and testing forums.
    07:48:03 that are part of our event perspective, and that might be one area where it could be assist assistance.
    07:48:15 But we're folks we're, we're members.
    07:48:20 Members could provide assistance. I It's the the short answer to your question.
    07:48:33 Yup, but I think any Magnus raised a concern, and we should address it.
    07:48:38 Maybe in attack, or maybe in the event organizing Committee of the Tech baby, reducing the number of events per year, but making them hybrid.
    07:48:50 So think it's clear there is a need for something like that.
    07:48:54 I I go with you with our a solution within the limits of our current budget.
    07:48:59 But I I think it's a valid point to be discussed, at least in the Tech or Sbc.
    07:48:28 Is it out of scope for tax month.
    07:49:08 Yeah, yes, it my apologies.
    07:49:13 If I if I came across in any way as dismissive.
    07:49:17 My, my, yeah, my my point was being that it is top of mind for just about everyone.
    07:49:31 Thank you. Madness, I thank you indeed. Bring a good port
    07:49:41 yeah, I have a common Katherine. I don't know.
    07:49:47 This is a suitable topic for the tech, but there's there's a lot of different projects is related to Wireless and Fiveg at various parts of the the network subsystems and I don't know if that sort of tries to oversee coordination between the different
    07:50:14 that's a good one, Shankar. I I I've been.
    07:50:19 I believe that's a little bit what the 5G.
    07:50:10 projects.
    07:50:22 Should be able, to clean is trying to do. But in any any way, I think that since the tax focus on the technical aspects of the different open source, umbrella, they should also keep an eyes on it so we will I will definitely bring these items to them.
    07:50:50 Okay, Anything else.
    07:50:58 I guess the one other note on this is that following the Tsc.
    07:51:07 Election Katherine's role will change from being the own app representative to being the at T.
    07:51:17 Representative on the tech. So one of the first things that the new Tsc.
    07:51:52 thank thank you, Kenny. And again, if you have additional phone after this meeting, you can always reach out of myself.
    07:52:05 Ronnie Kenny and we'll remove more than happy to to discuss this topic with the tag team.
    07:52:11 And not only that to provide, follow up to you, I think it's important that you don't raise only your concern, but you have also follow up on what you bring.
    07:51:28 Will need to look at is assigning a new own app representative on the tag
    07:52:27 Okay, couple of notes there on the next couple of working group meetings.
    07:52:38 anything anyone wants to add. There.
    07:52:48 Okay, Dok.
    07:52:53 Somebody was gonna say something.
    07:52:59 No, okay. So moving on the election is in process.
    07:53:05 voting will close automatically, basically at midnight on Wednesday, the twelfth, as of meeting time this morning, 80 ballots have been cast a 145 have not the ballots are sent from this address I will drop that into the chat window so folks
    07:53:38 can go look for it.
    07:53:44 if you have not seen it, reminders are automatically sent every 3 days.
    07:53:51 If you cannot find your ballot, send in email to Pmo at own
    07:54:00 I will also drop that into the chat window. Do not send it to me.
    07:54:06 I may not see it. I have mail filters in place to look for that
    07:54:19 if you want any other info on it. On the details are in that link.
    07:54:32 any questions.
    07:54:42 Okay, something, Catherine and I were talking about. Yes, Katherine, David, Man, we're talking about yesterday.
    07:54:55 When traditionally, when our elections have been complete, let's say they finished up this week it would be announced at the Tsc.
    07:55:11 Meeting, and next week the the new Tsc. Would would take effect, so that would be like a an example of what happens.
    07:55:18 The elections completed, the next scheduled meeting.
    07:55:23 The new Tsc. Is seated as Catherine is not going to be on the new Tsc.
    07:55:29 we've got a potential leader. Well, not a potential.
    07:55:32 We've got a a leadership. Yeah, because there is no real system like the session planning codified in the community document.
    07:55:48 one of the things that we thought about to ensure that we've got some manner of leadership.
    07:55:56 Continuity is that Catherine would stay on as the chair in a non voting capacity until the new chair is elected.
    07:56:09 want to get thoughts on that. Yes, folks here think it's a good idea this would actually be put up for a vote by the new Tsc.
    07:56:23 which I think would be the most fair. That would be the other part of the recommendation.
    07:56:29 basically right after the winners run out next week.
    07:56:43 I think it's a good idea, at least, that we continue to have.
    07:56:48 Let's say yeah. A chair for the time being.
    07:56:35 So like to get a little discussion around this and and get folks thoughts
    07:56:58 Thanks, I'm trying Okay.
    07:57:03 And sucker
    07:57:37 thank you for your ongoing confidence, and, as I said, it's not that the I will disappear if you need me anytime for guidance.
    07:57:46 What whatever I will continue through my tackle, and also my Lfm.
    07:57:56 Both holds so don't hesitate to to ping me, and I'm already here.
    07:58:02 Highly confidence, looking at the different comedy dates for the Tc. To dot.
    07:58:33 Okay, Thank you. Everybody. One summit, North America. We just register immediately after.
    07:58:44 That is our developer and testing forum. This one is going to be a 2 day, event, and Randy reminded us of this last week We had run out of time a little bit, so I didn't want to spend some time this week kind of going, over with the the format is going to be
    07:59:04 for this 2 day event, taking the feedback that we have received from the port or event, we want to apply it here in general.
    07:59:21 The kick off is going to be extremely short. As short as we can make it.
    07:59:27 we are not going to have any of our daily summary sessions, We would ask folks to continue feeling out the daily summary form, but we will not have a meeting, and we will also not have a closing count hall the first day of the event the the first hour following the opening
    07:59:53 will be project by project folks coming up with one or 2 problems that they see as cross community issues, or and to end connectivity and implementation issues that the community thinks need some attention the remainder of day, one will be basically the community and a joint session discussing and and
    08:00:29 brainstorming on those topics or or issues that were raised, which that that really drives a lot to what we were hearing in feedback from from the from the portal.
    08:00:46 Again. The second day will be a more traditional Dtf. Session.
    08:00:52 however, given that it would be one day only, although it's full day, the content is gonna be curated by the program committee a lot closer than we normally would given the short time available the deadline for submissions is Friday october 28 the
    08:01:11 week? Is there
    08:01:17 Yeah, one quick comment about day, 2. So although we always encourage Demos and very important part of celebrating our success and due to the short duration of this event, we strongly recommend or ask people to not to dedicate, sessions, to them and So if you have a very good
    08:01:42 demo, maybe make it available on Youtube before the Dtf.
    08:01:46 And then during the Dtf you can have a follow-up discussion about what to do next about the topic you demonstrated.
    08:02:15 yeah, and email here, I think to to complement, if people feel that they don't have a chance to bring up their topics, then in short, 2 3 months, time, we didn't have 4 day virtual event again.
    08:02:36 So it's not that far away
    08:02:46 I would. Still another question. On the previous owns. They were, I cannot remember the the English word, but they were opportunities for people.
    08:02:59 to have. How do we session something like this doing the ons?
    08:03:06 And this is where people were sharing their demos, even if they are topics, were not selected.
    08:03:13 There is they were these always session. Is it something that it It will be scheduled at the ons?
    08:03:20 And maybe it's an opportunity for people to demonstrate live their demo.
    08:03:24 Oh, this option will will not happen this time at the ons
    08:03:39 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that that's a hide.
    08:03:31 I think you're you're referring to what we had previously called something like the unconference track
    08:03:43 The wording. Yeah.
    08:03:45 there is no specific unconference track for the event.
    08:03:51 this is one of those financial trade offs that was made due to available space and things like that.
    08:03:51 Okay.
    08:04:08 Okay, I understood. Maybe I've missed that.
    08:04:12 I was just seeing as an option, but I I understand the final shell. James.
    08:04:01 So trying to keep the costs as low as possible.
    08:04:28 let me drop the
    08:04:37 and I see the opportunity to thank Steve. Oh, with your continuous engage I I I think honey is still part of that.
    08:04:53 So Just want to thank the 2 of you. I hope I don't forget anybody else, because if we have a good contain and a good organization, it's start with you.
    08:04:36 correct.
    08:05:14 and if.
    08:05:22 If if if folks don't realize how much work that that that team oh, and Randy best in making these events successful as part of the committee, it it's a lot of it it's a lot of work So Thank you very much.
    08:05:42 and if you have not registered for the one summit, please do so.
    08:05:52 I will drop the link.
    08:06:00 Into the chat as well. So for your click on it. Pleasure?
    08:06:07 yeah, make sure that that either register for that event.
    08:06:12 We are all very excited about it, Members of the Lf.
    08:06:19 Today, 20% discount with this code
    08:06:26 Which I will also drop into the chat window so please register the line up has been announced.
    08:06:41 We've got a pretty good schedule there.
    08:06:47 The
    08:06:51 So it's all posted up in schedule already.
    08:06:56 you can see the tracks, you can see what's going to be discussed.
    08:07:00 but should be a a really good conference, and very much looking forward to to being in Seattle and seeing many of you there
    08:07:19 Any questions.
    08:07:27 Okay, Well, we've made it through the agenda.
    08:07:34 There's nothing else. I will stop. Oh, is one other thing I don't remember.
    08:07:45 If I've mentioned it previously, I'd like to introduce that Sandra Jackson.
    08:07:50 She's a member of staff here. She helps wrangle the annotate community.
    08:07:59 she will also be as my job role transitions.
    08:08:05 she will also be coming in here and helping out with a great many of this things that I've previously done, so
    08:08:18 Welcome Sandra