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Table of Contents |
End to End flow to be Tested: DCAE 3GPP PM Mapper
Gliffy | ||||
High Level Test Cases and Status: DCAE 3GPP PM Mapper
# | Test Cases | Status | ||||||
1 | Verify PM Mapper Receive Configuration From Config Binding Service |
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2 | Verify Health Check returns 200 when a REST GET request to healthcheck url |
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3 | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds appropriately when no metadata is provided. |
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4 | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds appropriately when invalid metadata is provided |
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5 | Verify that PM Mapper logs successful when a file that contains no measdata is provided |
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6 | Verify that PM Mapper throws Event failed validation against schema error when no managed element content is provided |
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7 | Verify that PM Mapper maps Type-C xml file and publish 3gpp perf VES events to message router |
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8 | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper maps Type-A file based on counter filtering and publish 3gpp perf VES events to message router |
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9 | Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a file that should not be mapped based on metadata filtering. |
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10 | Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a non-xml file. |
Test environment requirements for above test cases:
- sample data files available on DmaaP DR
- e.g. 3GPP PM files used in DCAE Data File Collector testing, or equivalent available in DR
- Test environment reqs:
- DMaaP R4, at minimum need DR running and configured for Bulk PM support
- DCAE 3GPP PM Mapper installed and configured for 3GPP data handling
- i.e. configured for 3GPP PM parsing and event creation
Detailed Description PM Mapper Feature Testcases
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_01 | ||||||
Test Case Name | Verify PM Mapper Receive Configuration From Config Binding Service | ||||||
Description | PM Mapper is able to query config data from Config Binding Service once it is deployed. | ||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||
Testing Steps |
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Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | PASS - | ||||||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab / CSIT |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_02 | ||||||
Test Case Name | Verify Health Check returns 200 when a REST GET request to healthcheck url. | ||||||
Description | Verifies that when the healthcheck endpoint is called, 200 response is returned to indicate that pm-mapper micro-service is running. | ||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||
Testing Steps |
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | ||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_03 | ||||||||
Test Case Name | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper Responds appropriately when no metadata is provided | ||||||||
Description | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds 400 with the message "Missing Metadata." when no metadata is provided. | ||||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||||
Testing Steps |
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | ||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab/CSIT |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_04 | ||||||||
Test Case Name | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds appropriately when invalid metadata is provided | ||||||||
Description | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds 400 with the message "Malformed Metadata." when invalid metadata is provided | ||||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||||
Testing Steps |
| ||
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | ||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab/CSIT |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_05 | |||||
Test Case Name | Verify PM mapper can validate the pm file that contains no measdata using schema (e.g. 3gpp xml format). | |||||
Description | Verifies that a pm xml file with no measdata validates using 3GPP xml format with a 200 response and "XML validation successful" is outputted to the pm-mapper_output.log | |||||
Release | Dublin | |||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | |||||
Testing Steps |
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | ||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_06 | ||||||||
Test Case Name | Verify that PM mapper throws Event Failed validation against schema error when no managed element content is provided.. | ||||||||
Description | Verifies that when a invalid pm xml file is validated using 3GPP xml format then "XML validation failed" is outputted to the pm-mapper_output.log | ||||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||||
Testing Steps |
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | ||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_07 | ||||||||||||||
Test Case Name | Verify that PM Mapper maps Type-C xml file and publish 3gpp perf VES events to message router. | ||||||||||||||
Description | Verifies that PM Mapper maps Type-C xml files correctly and publishes 3gpp perf VES events to message router | ||||||||||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||||||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||||||||||
Testing Steps |
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Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | PASS - | ||||||||||||||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab / CSIT |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_08 | ||||||||||||||
Test Case Name | Verify 3GPP PM Mapper maps Type-A file based on counter filtering and publish 3gpp perf VES evnets to message router | ||||||||||||||
Description | Verifies that PM Mapper maps Type-A xml files correctly and publishes 3gpp perf VES events to message router | ||||||||||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||||||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service and PM Mapper subscribe to Data Router feed. | ||||||||||||||
Testing Steps |
| ||||||||||||||
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | PASS - | ||||||||||||||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_09 | ||||||||
Test Case Name | Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a file that should not be mapped based on metadata filtering. | ||||||||
Description | Verify that PM Mapper correctly determines whether a file should be mapped based on the metadata against the instantiated PM Mapper filter information. | ||||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||||
Testing Steps |
| ||||||||
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | |||||||||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab |
Test Case ID | PM_Mapper_10 | ||||||||
Test Case Name | Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a non-xml file. | ||||||||
Description | Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a non-xml file by correctly outputting the expected message | ||||||||
Release | Dublin | ||||||||
Pre-conditions | From the above section "Deployment" a test environment with all the required components - Config Binding Service, Consul and PM Mapper service. | ||||||||
Testing Steps |
| ||||||||
Conclusion (Pass /Fail) | PASS - | ||||||||
Testing Lab | Ericsson Lab |
PM Mapper Component Performance Stats
Performance (Dublin recommendation 2 - cannot be committed due to Resource constraint)
- Level 0: no performance testing done
- Level 1: baseline performance criteria identified and measured (such as response time, transaction/message rate, latency, footprint, etc. to be defined on per component)
- Level 2: performance improvement plan created
- Level 3: performance improvement plan implemented for 1 release (improvement measured for equivalent functionality & equivalent hardware)
Baseline Stats:
Performance Criteria | Measurement | Comments | ||||
Time to process 700 XML | to VES Message / Sec2 xml/sec | ( 1.3 MB ) files | 79 minutes | This time need to be improved . PM Mapper component can process concurrent request with 1.3 MB XML size successfully. Test Bed: | 2 1 Concurrent user. | 700 XML file. Standard dublin Full ONAP installation : vCPU: 16, RAM: 60GB, Disk Size:120 GB |
Avg response time | 0.018034 | 100% success. |
Performance Improvement Plan:
- Time to process 700 XML ( 1.3 MB avg ) : ~10 min
- Adapt parallelism in PM Mapper.