Functionality and architecture
- How can someone join this activity?
- <Ranny> 1 min
- What is the value-add of ONAP for CNF orchestration (CNFO)? What does it provide on top of K8S? (e.g. hybrid PNF/VNF/CNF orchestration, Application layer monitoring and closed loop automation, deployment across multi-cluster)
vFirewall CNF Use Case — onap master documentation (how to start)
- What can end users do with ONAP Honolulu? What operations are supported (service design? Deployment? Day-0 configuration? Day 1/2 configuration? LCM?), and what will be supported in Istanbul?
- <Catherine> 2 min
- What features were delivered with the ONAP Honolulu release? What can we expected from the Istanbul release expected later this year? What is planned for the future?
- <Lukasz> 2 min
- <Seshu - roadmap> 2 min
- What is the format of CNF packaging? Is it based on Helm? Does it follow ETSI-NFV specifications? ? What about ASD?
- <Byung> 1 min
- How does ONAP's work align with the work being done by other SDOs and open source projects (XGVela, EMCO,...)
- <Seshu> 2 min
Hands-on experimenting
- Where is the documentation for CNF on-boarding and deployment? How should end users report issues (Jira, Slack, 'onap-cnf-taskforce@lists.onap.org' distro or attend CNF Task Force Call)?
- Are there "CNF requirements" available in ONAP, similar to the "VNF Requirements"?
- ETSI CNF Packaging => SOL001 + OOM Helm chart reqs i.e. Helm v3.0. Presentation at DDF
- CNFO (maybe add REQ-X)
- CNF Security reqs presented by Amy Zwarico
- <Need to check with VVP/VNFSDK projects>
- How could developers get involved? Where do you mostly need help? Are there open Jira tickets people can start working on?
- What it is not supported today and is part of the roadmap?
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti, Lukasz Rajewski will provide some inputs
- What do we need to ask to CNF Vendors to be onboarded on the ONAP Platform?
- action for CNF Task Force
- Anuket Assurance = CNF Badging