func (ac *AppContext) CreateCompositeApp() (interface{}, error)
CreateCompositeApp method returns composite app handle as interface.
func (ac *AppContext) AddCompositeAppMeta(meta interface{}) error
AddCompositeAppMeta adds the meta data associated with a composite app
func (ac *AppContext) AddApp(handle interface{}, appname string) (interface{}, error)
Add app to the context under composite app
func (ac *AppContext) AddCluster(handle interface{}, clustername string) (interface{}, error)
AddCluster helps to add cluster to the context under app. It takes in the
app handle and clusterName as value.
func (ac *AppContext) AddClusterMetaGrp(ch interface{}, gn string) error
AddClusterMetaGrp adds the meta info of groupNumber to which a cluster
belongs. It takes in cluster handle and groupNumber as arguments. Used when
using AnyOf
func (ac *AppContext) AddResource(handle interface{}, resname string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error)
Add resource under app and cluster
func (ac *AppContext) AddInstruction(handle interface{}, level string, insttype string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error)
Add instruction under given handle and type
func (ac *AppContext) AddLevelValue(handle interface{}, level string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error)
CreateCompositeAppAddLevelValue methodfor returnsholding compositea appstate handleobject asat interface.a given funclevel (ac *AppContext) AddCompositeAppMeta(meta interface{}) error
AddCompositeAppMeta adds the meta data associated with a composite appwill make a handle
with an appended "<level>/" to the key
func (ac *AppContext) AddAppAddResource(handle interface{}, appnameresname string, value interface{}) (interface{}, error)
Add appresource tounder theapp contextand undercluster
func (ac *AppContext) AddClusterDeleteApp(handle interface{}, clustername string) (interface{}, error)
AddCluster helps to add cluster to the context under app. It takes in the
app handle and clusterName as value.
) error
Delete app from the context and everything underneth
func (ac *AppContext) DeleteCluster(handle interface{}) error
Delete cluster from the context and everything underneath
func (ac *AppContext) AddClusterMetaGrpDeleteClusterMetaGrpHandle(ch interface{}, gn string) error
AddClusterMetaGrpDeleteClusterMetaGrpHandle addsdeletes the meta info of groupNumbergroup number to which athe cluster
belongs., Itit takes in the cluster handle.
andfunc groupNumber as arguments. Used when
using AnyOf (ac *AppContext) DeleteCompositeApp() error
Deletes the entire context
func (ac *AppContext) AddResourceDeleteInstruction(handle interface{}, resname string, value) error
Delete instruction under given handle
func (ac *AppContext) GetAllHandles(handle interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
Add resourceReturn all the handles under appthe andcomposite clusterapp
func (ac *AppContext) AddInstructionGetAppHandle(handle interface{}, level string, insttype string, value interface{}appname string) (interface{}, error)
AddReturns instructionthe underhandle givenfor handlea andgiven typeapp
func (ac *AppContext) AddLevelValueGetAppInstruction(handle interface{}, level string, value interface{}insttype string) (interface{}, error)
AddLevelValueReturns forthe holdingapp ainstruction statefor object at a given level will make a handle
with an appended "<level>/" to the keyinstruction type
func (ac *AppContext) AddResourceGetClusterGroupMap(handle interface{}, resname string, value interface{}) (interface{}an string) (map[string][]string, error)
AddGetClusterGroupMap shall resourcetake underin appappName and clusterreturn a funcmap (ac *AppContext) DeleteApp(handle interface{}) error
Delete app from the context and everything undernethshowing the
grouping among the clusters. sample output of "GroupMap"
func (ac *AppContext) DeleteClusterGetClusterHandle(handle interface{}) error
Delete cluster from the context and everything underneath
func (ac *AppContext) DeleteClusterMetaGrpHandle(ch interface{}) error
DeleteClusterMetaGrpHandle deletes the group number to which the cluster
belongs, it takes in the cluster handle.appname string, clustername string) (interface{}, error)
Returns the handle for a given app and cluster
func (ac *AppContext) DeleteCompositeApp()GetClusterMetaHandle(app string, cluster string) (string, error)
DeletesGetClusterMetaHandle thetakes entirein contextappName and funcClusterName (ac *AppContext) DeleteInstruction(handle interface{}) error
Delete instruction under given handleas string arguments
and return the ClusterMetaHandle as string
func (ac *AppContext) GetAllHandlesGetClusterNames(handleappname interface{}string) ([]interface{}string, error)
ReturnReturns a list of all theclusters handlesfor undera the compositegiven app
func (ac *AppContext) GetAppHandleGetClusterStatusHandle(appname string, clustername string) (interface{}, error)
ReturnsGetClusterStatusHandle returns the handle for cluster status for a given app
and cluster
func (ac *AppContext) GetAppInstructionGetCompositeAppHandle(insttype string) (interface{}, error)
Returns the app instructionhandles for a given composite instructionapp typecontext
func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterGroupMapGetCompositeAppMeta(an string) (map[string][]stringCompositeAppMeta, error)
GetClusterGroupMapGetCompositeAppMeta shallreturns take in appName and return a map showing the
grouping amongthe meta data associated with the clusters.compositeApp
sample output of "GroupMap"
:{"1":["cluster_provider1+clusterName3","cluster_provider1+clusterName5"],"2":["cluster_provider2+clusterName4","cluster_provider2+clusterName6"]}Its return type is CompositeAppMeta
func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterHandleGetLevelHandle(appnamehandle stringinterface{}, clusternamelevel string) (interface{}, error)
Returns the handle for error)
GetLevelHandle returns the handle for the supplied level at the given
handle. For example, to get the handle of the 'status' level at a given
app and clusterhandle.
func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterMetaHandle(appGetResourceHandle(appname string, clustername string, clusterresname string) (stringinterface{}, error)
GetClusterMetaHandleReturn takesthe inhandle appNamefor andgiven ClusterName as string arguments
and return the ClusterMetaHandle as stringapp, cluster and resource name
func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterNamesGetResourceInstruction(appname string, clustername string, insttype string) ([]stringinterface{}, error)
Returns athe listresource ofinstruction all clusters for a given instruction apptype
func (ac *AppContext) GetClusterStatusHandleGetResourceStatusHandle(appname string, clustername string, resname string) (interface{}, error)
GetClusterStatusHandle returnsReturn the handle for cluster status for a given app
and clustergiven app, cluster and resource name
func (ac *AppContext) GetCompositeAppHandleGetValue(handle interface{}) (interface{}, error)
Returns the handlesvalue for a given composite app contexthandle
func (ac *AppContext) GetCompositeAppMetaInitAppContext() (CompositeAppMetainterface{}, error)
GetCompositeAppMetaInit returns the meta data associated with the compositeApp
Its return type is CompositeAppMeta
app context
func (ac *AppContext) GetLevelHandleLoadAppContext(handlecid interface{}, level string) (interface{}, error)
GetLevelHandleLoad returnsapp thecontext handlethat for the supplied level at the given
handle. For example, to get the handle of the 'status' level at a given
handle.was previously created
func (ac *AppContext) GetResourceHandleUpdateInstructionValue(appnamehandle stringinterface{}, clustername string, resname string) (value interface{},) error)
ReturnUpdate the handleinstruction usign forthe given app,handle
and resource name
func (ac *AppContext) GetResourceInstructionUpdateResourceValue(appnamehandle string, clustername string, insttype string) (interface{}, value interface{},) error)
ReturnsUpdate the resource instructionvalue forusing athe given instruction typehandle
func (ac *AppContext) GetResourceStatusHandleUpdateStatusValue(appnamehandle stringinterface{}, clustername string, resname string) (value interface{},) error)
UpdateStatusValue Returnupdates the handlestatus forvalue givenwith app, cluster and resource namethe given handle
func (ac *AppContext) GetValueUpdateValue(handle interface{}), value (interface{},) error)
UpdateValue Returnsupdates the state value forwith athe given handle
func (ac *AppContext) InitAppContext() (interface{}, error)
Init app context
func (ac *AppContext) LoadAppContext(cid interface{}) (interface{}, error)
Load app context that was previously created
func (ac *AppContext) UpdateInstructionValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error
Update the instruction usign the given handle
func (ac *AppContext) UpdateResourceValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error
Update the resource value using the given handle
func (ac *AppContext) UpdateStatusValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error
UpdateStatusValue updates the status value with the given handle
func (ac *AppContext) UpdateValue(handle interface{}, value interface{}) error
UpdateValue updates the state value with the given handle