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This example includes the models of two services. These services are very loosely coupled. None of them contains any direct reference to another. In fact, they are totally unaware of the existence of each another. The relationship between them is established by the orchestrator in runtime based on a few global type definitions.
Shared type definitions
These definitions are included into both the providing and the consuming services.
Core DM Types
Node type onap.nodes.NetworkFunction
Capability type onap.capabilities,AllottedResorceProvider
Relationship type onap.relationships.AllottedBy
Imaginary Types made up for this example
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######### Types shared by the provider and the consumer capability_types: onap.examples.capabilities.Firewall: derived_from: onaptosca.capabilities.Firewall nodeRoot description: an ability to serve as a firewall |
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node_types: onap.examples.nodes.Firewall: derived_from: toscaonap.nodes.RootNetworkFunction description: an abstract firewall capabilities: i_can_be_a_firewall: type: onap.examples.capabilities.Firewall |
Providing Service
The Providing Service CSAR will include these definitions and templates along with the Shared Type Definitions.
An implementation of the onap.capabilities.AllottedResource by the providing vendor.
The providing service will most likely define its own subtype the ONAP DM's onap.capabilities.AllottedResourceProvider capability type - to augment this core type with its own properties and a restricted list of valid source types.
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capability_types: vendorXXX.capabilities.FirewallsProvider: derived_from: onap.capabilities.AllottedResourceProvider valid_source_types: [onap.examples.nodes.Firewall] |
The "Interface node type" for this service
According to the Service Model Principles, any service definition will include a node type derived from onap.nodes.Service. This is a general ONAP service modeling convention rather than something specific for AR providing services. Just to remind - this type may be later use to create nodes of embedded services in a higher-order topology.
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node_types: vendorXXX.nodes.FirewallsProvidingService: derived_from: onap.capabilities.AllottedResourceProvidernodes.Service capabilities: i_can_provide_firewalls: onap.relationships.AllottedBy type: vendorXXX.capabilities.FirewallsProvider |
Firewall implementation node type
This is a concrete node type, implementing the shared generic type definition of onap.examples.nodes.Firewall.
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node_types: onapvendorXXX.examples.nodes.FirewallShareMyVerySpecialFirewall: derived_from: onap.examples.nodes.Firewall description: an abstract firewall capabilities: i_can_be_a_firewall: type: onapvendorXXX.examples.capabilities.Firewall requirements: requirements: - i_need_a_providing_service:provider_service capability: onap.capabilities.AllottedResourceProvider node: vendorXXX.nodes.FirewallsProvidingService ########## Providing Service capability_types: vendorXXX.capabilities.FirewallsProvider: derived_from: onap.capabilities.AllottedResourceProvider valid_source_typesrelationship: [ onap.examples.nodes.Firewall]relationships.AllottedBy node_typesproperties: vendorXXX.nodes.FirewallsProvidingService: # derived_from: onap.nodes.Serviceextra props capabilitiesinterfaces: i_can_provide_firewallsStandard: typecreate: vendorXXX.capabilities.FirewallsProvider # AR creation logic vendorXXX.nodes.MyVerySpecialFirewall: derived_from: onap.examples.nodes.Firewall capabilitiesdelete: |
The example above shows one of the possible ways to implement a node type, through implementation script artifacts. These scripts may include a special logic that communicates to a "factory" node inside the service.
All other TOSCA ways to implement an abstract node are also valid. For example, a vendor may choose to have an implementing (substituting) topology for this node type.
Providing service topology
Service Model Principles stipulate that any ONAP service definition includes, besides the "interface" node type, the implementing topology. The AR services are no exception of this principle.
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topology_template: node_templates: # i_can_be_a_firewalls: type: vendorXXX.capabilities.Firewall the provider service topology captures the guts of what's required to be instantiated in order # to topology_template:be prepared to allot, e.g., the allotted firewall network functions node_templates: firewallssome_managervnf: type: some.concrete.type.which.forms.the.internals.of.the.provider.service capabilities: i_can_provide_firewalls: possibly_some_other_vnf: type: vendorXXX.capabilities.FirewallsProvideralso.some.concrete.type.which.forms.the.internals.of.the.provider.service substitution_mappings: type: vendorXXX.nodes.FirewallsProvidingService capabilities: i_can_provide_firewalls: [firewallsmy_managerfirewall, i_can_provide_firewalls] |
TODO: separate nodes for the share and the "manager"
Consuming Service
The "Interface node type" of the Consuming Service
The Consuming service definition, like any other ONAP service definition, will include an "interface node type". Its details are irrelevant for this example.
Consuming Service Topology
The service topology includes firewall abstract nodes.
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node_types: onap.examples.nodes.FirewallShare: derived_from: onap.examples.nodes.Firewall description: an abstract ####################### Consuming service firewall as AR requirements: - i_need_a_providing_service: capability: onap.capabilities.AllottedResourceProvider topology_template: node_templates: # A more releasedunconstrained abstraction of a firewall, can be implemented by any way including an allotted resource firewall_1: type: onap.examples.nodes.Firewall # A more restricted abstraction - must be resolved by an allotted resource firewall_2: type: onap.examples.nodes.FirewallShare # A very specific# firewallservice -designer mustspecifies be resolved by anthe exact allotted resourcefirewall of the specific type firewall_3: type: vendorXXX.nodes.FirewallShare MyVerySpecialFirewall |
TODO: add a section on the orchestration logic