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Duration 120 minutes

Discussion items 


IRC Minutes 

Recording .  Meeting starts at timestamp 06:25:50 (385:50)

Agenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

Beijing Release Calendar Proposal



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Committer Diversity & Upstream First Cultural DiscussionHelen

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nameONAP-Upstream Discussion


pageTSC 2017-08-10

December 11-13 Amsterdam eventMazin

goals of the meeting are two folds. The first is to have a TSC meeting to finish planning the Beijing release and begin reviewing new projects. The second goal is to promote the Amsterdam release by inviting users and developers, and conducting training sessions, hackathons and calls for papers to present new ideas and capabilities.

15RewardsMazin10ONAP MarketingLisa Caywood25Versioningjamil.chawki

Action items


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ONAP MarketingLisa CaywoodAvailable via the recording only due to context dependent content

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#onap-meeting: TSC, 2017-09-27-F2F

Meeting started by kennypaul at 12:51:03 UTC (full logs). 

Meeting summary

  1. rollcall (kennypaul, 12:51:47)
    1. Huabing Zhao, Proxy of Zhaoxing Meng, ZTE (Huabing_Zhao, 12:53:39)
    2. Jason Hunt, IBM (JasonHunt, 12:58:17)
    3. Stephen Terrill, Ericsson (SteveT, 13:03:05)
    4. Ranny Haiby, Nokia (RannyHaiby, 13:03:23)
    5. Frank Brockners, Cisco (frankbrockners, 13:05:15)
    6. Chris Donley Huawei (cdonley, 13:06:03)
    7. , Arthur Berezin, Cloudify (ArthurBerezin, 13:09:19)
    8. aayush bhatnagar Reliance Jio (AayushJio, 13:11:07)
  2. Opening and Agenda (SteveT, 13:11:18)
    1. jamil for Orange (jamil, 13:11:29)
    2. Mazin of AT&T is present (phrobb, 13:11:51)
    3. Alla of Amdocs is present (phrobb, 13:12:45)
    4. Lingli of China Mobile is present (phrobb, 13:13:13)
  3. Beijing Release Calender Proposal (SteveT, 13:14:28)
    1. presented by Gildas (SteveT, 13:14:36)
    2. Susana Sabater Vodafone (Susana, 13:14:50)
    3. 6 month release would imply May 24 release for Beijing. (SteveT, 13:19:06)
    4. Question was raised whether we should support also an additional Amasterdam release. (SteveT, 13:30:14)
    5. Question - could we testing earlier? (SteveT, 13:30:44)
    6. The response was that we can (SteveT, 13:31:20)
    7. Target M1 for architecture and S3P reqs (SteveT, 13:33:19)
    8. Question: Do we maintain Amsterdamn or not. We need to decide what to do for vulnerabilities as well. (SteveT, 13:36:37)
    9. Start with code integration as earlier as possible (3 months??). (SteveT, 13:37:47)
    10. Need to decide on what is a release and do we branch. i.e. what is the branching strategy. (SteveT, 13:38:42)
    11. Extend the period between api freeze and code freeze by bringing earlier (SteveT, 13:40:07)
    12. Lingli asks if it is possible to offset the projects so that those projects that are depended upon hit API freeze sooner then those that depend on them. (phrobb, 13:41:57)
    13. Consider API freeze based on dependancy graph. e (SteveT, 13:43:51)
    14. Discussion about branching. Need to be very selective about the defects to print and bring from the main branch into the amasterdam release. Then there was a proposal that we should not have maintanance of Amsterdamn. (SteveT, 13:47:56)
    15. there was a proposal that a team could decide its branching strategy (i.e. when it decides what is master and what is "release". (SteveT, 13:51:52)
    16. Consider that SONAR works of the latest update. (SteveT, 13:52:39)
    17. When considering the branching strategy, need to consider whether allowing people to play with a version and fix the bugs. (SteveT, 13:53:56)
    18. Will come back to in the TSC Oct 5th. (SteveT, 13:55:11)
    19. As additional information, there is a separation of component releases from ONAP release (SteveT, 13:58:00)
    20. There is the comment that the Casablanca release will not be November, we should bring it into say Septebmer to align with oh (SteveT, 14:00:52)
  4. Release Versioning (SteveT, 14:01:00)
    1. Release version proposal was presented by Jamil. (SteveT, 14:01:44)
    2. correction - not LATE November. Possibly Sept to align with ODL/OPNFV/etc. or early Nov. TBD. (cdonley, 14:02:04)
    3. proposal is the Symantec versioning (x.y.z). (SteveT, 14:07:51)
    4. If approved we need to update and reflect the minor releases in the planning. (SteveT, 14:10:31)
    5. Helen raised that there has been a proposal for a project to release independently. This means that a project can release without having a "ONAP" release. (SteveT, 14:13:06)
    6. Helen raised that the integration infrastructure supports independent project release. (SteveT, 14:13:49)
    7. comment made recommending that we build a release plan and tools to allow components that don't have child dependents to release totally orthogonally from the ONAP release. ONAP could lead this type of flexibility (phrobb, 14:14:01)
    8. Gildas notes that devs don't like to work on main./bugs on stable release. Others note that bug fixes often happen in master and are cherry-picked to stable branch (phrobb, 14:19:51)
    9. updated proposal will be presented to TSC next week. (SteveT, 14:26:13)
  5. diversity and upstream culture (SteveT, 14:28:16)
    1. There was a question about how to handle the 36 hour rule on commits. The conclusion was that it was ok to abandon the committ at that stage. (SteveT, 14:33:29)
  6. December F2F (SteveT, 14:33:43)
    1. The December meeting will be both a ONAP developer meeting as well as a ONAP user meeting. (SteveT, 14:35:03)
    2. It is on 11-13 December, Santa Clara. (SteveT, 14:35:29)
    3. Aside from Beijing focus, there will be videos etc to address vacation. There is also a consideration of a Hackathon. (SteveT, 14:37:07)
    4. Correction Aside from Beijing focus, there will be videos etc to address end users. There is consideration of a hackathon on the first day.(SteveT, 14:40:55)
    5. There was a suggestion for a hackfest of the developers working on the projects as well. (SteveT, 14:44:31)
    6. Next opportunity would be is in March. (SteveT, 14:48:05)
    7. consider other universities and getting ONAP univeristy material adopted in the universities. (SteveT, 14:48:33)
    8. There was a suggestion from the modelling committee to suggest a 1 day workshop with SDOs. (SteveT, 14:52:28)
  7. ONAP marketing (SteveT, 14:52:44)
    1. Marking update was presented (SteveT, 15:02:14)
    2. If it is a for profit event using ONAP. Inform LF. (SteveT, 15:08:08)
    3. What about also targeting enterprise industry events. (SteveT, 15:08:23)
    4. what about the December OPNFV plugfest? (SteveT, 15:13:04)
    5. - response was that we were trying to colocate the ONAP F2F in december with the OPNFV plugfest. It wasn't fesible. (SteveT, 15:14:08)
  8. Reward (SteveT, 15:14:21)
    1. different awards a suggested . Company, information, .... (SteveT, 15:16:29)
    2. For those that feel strongely about the awards, inform Mazin. (SteveT, 15:17:58)
    3. Apply the awards in the Dec F2F meeting (SteveT, 15:18:40)
  9. Lessons Learned (SteveT, 15:19:42)
    1. Due to lack of time, Eric and Catherine were requested to distribute the work. (SteveT, 15:20:18)
  10. AOB (SteveT, 15:20:23)
    1. Reminder. sub-committee coordinoators to provide weekly update. (SteveT, 15:20:57)
  11. Functional Requirements for R2 (SteveT, 15:22:52)
    1. Alla presented the functional requirements for R2 there were a summary of the UC work. (SteveT, 15:23:20)
    2. This identifies what is considered as important. Further work is required to dig into what is the gap from Release 1 (SteveT, 15:30:58)
    3. integration with thirdparty controllers is interacting with (SteveT, 15:33:27)

Meeting ended at 15:40:46 UTC (full logs). 

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. SteveT (58)
  2. phrobb (6)
  3. kennypaul (4)
  4. collabot` (4)
  5. JasonHunt (2)
  6. cdonley (2)
  7. frankbrockners (1)
  8. jamil (1)
  9. AayushJio (1)
  10. Huabing_Zhao (1)
  11. ArthurBerezin (1)
  12. Susana (1)
  13. RannyHaiby (1)

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