Duration 90 minutes
Agenda Items | Presented By | Time | Notes/Links | JIRA Tasks | ||||||||||
Casablanca Maintenance Release:
| 15 mins | Casablanca Maintenance Release Dashboard: https://jira.onap.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11102 Integration Blocker(s): Casablanca Maintenance Release Integration Test Blocking Issues Integration Status: Casablanca Maintenance Release Integration Testing Status | ||||||||||||
M1 Dublin Release Review | 45 mins | M1 Review (All except Integration, Documentation, SDC, Music)
| ||||||||||||
Any Infrastructure Improvement/Plan | Linux Foundation | 5 mins | Any LF showstopper
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Subcommittee Update - Modeling | 10 mins |
Dublin Modeling Checklist Information and Data Modeling M2 checklist additions: https:// |
net/wiki/display/DW/Proposed+M2+Checklist+modeling+updates+discussion Information and Data Modeling M3 checklist additions: https:// |
net/wiki/display/DW/Proposed+M3+Checklist+modeling+updates+discussion Action: TSC-Vote offline | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TCC Update | Alla.Goldner | 5 mins | TSC Vote in progress: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/728 Action: TSC members who did not vote yet to provide their feedback since the majority is not yet reached on Option #2 |
TCC Update | 5 mins | Collect issues in ONAP related to M-SDOs | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TSC Activities and Deadlines |
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Incoming ONAP Events | 5 mins | San Jose - April 1st & 2nd 2019 ONAP Joint Subcommittees Silicon Valley San Jose - April 3rd to 5th - https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-networking-summit-north-america-2019/ |
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Zoom Chat Log anchorZoom Chat Log
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05:55:35 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic rollcalll
05:55:41 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
05:56:34 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #info murat,turk telekom
05:57:36 From Chaker Al-Hakim : #info Chaker Al-Hakim, Huawei
05:59:31 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : #info Andreas Geissler (DT)
06:01:08 From Milind Jalwadi : #info Milind Jalwadi, TechMahindra
06:01:17 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
06:01:19 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : #info proxy Timo Perala, Nokia
06:01:23 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : #nfo Srinivasa Addepalli, Intel
06:01:31 From Yan Chen : #info Yan Chen, China Telecom
06:01:44 From Bin Yang (Wind River) : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:02:24 From Alexis de Talhouët : #info Alexis de Talhouët, Bell Canada
06:03:13 From Davide Cherubini : #info proxy Davide Cherubini, Vodafone
06:04:31 From Catherine Lefevre : #info, AT&T Catherine Lefèvre
06:04:34 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : https://wiki.onap.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=48535340&draftShareId=b18fe374-632e-4524-8883-9969388c06d2&src=shareui&src.shareui.timestamp=1548338663536
06:06:44 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Casablanca Maint. Release
06:07:52 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : DMAAP-1007 workaround identified, but not e2e tested yet
06:08:35 From Brian : What image tag did you use ?
06:08:42 From Viswa : #Info Viswa, Verizon
06:08:58 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @viswa thanks
06:09:35 From ALLAGO : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:09:39 From Lingli : #info Lingli, CMCC
06:09:59 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @alla, @lingli thanks
06:10:42 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : SO-1419 Seshu will update status today
06:11:38 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : SO-1401 need to check if part of maint rel.
06:12:54 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : a couple of usecase test blocked by DMAAP-1007
06:14:23 From Susana (VF) : #info Susana Sabater Vodafone
06:14:36 From NingSo : #info Ning So, Reliance Jio
06:14:38 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Dublin M1
06:15:17 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @susana, @ning. thank you
06:15:56 From Davide Cherubini to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : HI Kenny, Susana’s here, so no need for my proxy :-)
06:16:10 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Davide Cherubini(Privately) : seen thanks
06:16:19 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Project+Status+in+Dublin+Release
06:21:23 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : No recommending for M1 at this time:
06:22:12 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : AAF, APPC, EXTAPI, MSB, MultiCloud< CLI, OOM, Policy, VID
06:22:55 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : APPC, Multicloud updates available. - marked green pending review.
06:23:17 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Policy needs resources
06:25:17 From John Quilty to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : John Quilty Ericsson, proxy for Stephen Terrill, apologies for joining late
06:25:46 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #info John Quilty Ericsson, proxy for Stephen Terrill
06:29:57 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : MSB used as a common service by a couple of other proijects.
06:31:20 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ACTION: Huabing add MSB to the project status page for any usecase being consumed downstream
06:32:37 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Policy - TechMahindra will be providing resources. User stories will not change.
06:33:35 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Resources+and+Repositories
06:34:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Controlloop sub reduced scope. Use case requorements are not being met with a commitment of named developers on the R&R page.
06:34:14 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : not up to date - I will color code for committer/contributor alumni not active
06:35:11 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : we an add contributors - active personnel that are not actually committers
06:36:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Lingli notes that names have been added to CCVPN to R&R overnight.
06:36:30 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Platform Maturity
06:38:50 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : DCAE AAF & 80% test
06:39:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic risk assessment
06:39:46 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : checking https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Dublin+Risks
06:40:46 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : for LOG - https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-707 I am instested in portal/sdk
06:41:14 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Portal- resources unavailabel due Security.
06:41:32 From Eric Debeau : For Portal, Orange can help to reduce the footprint
06:41:43 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Logging - will assist, but have not been able to do so yet
06:42:16 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : I have a portal/LOG epic for portal/sdk https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-600
06:42:26 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : Investigate/Run/Use/Modify Portal/SDC Logging library to align with Spec
06:44:35 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : in label "Logging-Dublin" https://jira.onap.org/browse/PORTAL-348
06:47:36 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ACTION: Each Usecase Owner: Create a "scorecard" slide from each usecase owner based upon the https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Dublin+Release+Requirements
06:48:28 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : page. Rex/green/yellow for each project team commitment.
06:48:48 From Brian : if feature is useful with out the stretch goal then it is green - if stretch is required for it to be usable then its yellow - if even with stretch it is not useful then red
06:52:16 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Alexis recommends focusing on fewer items with full commits versus trying to do many with partial commits
06:55:16 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Alex V Q: are functional requirements being treated as seperate from use case requirements.
06:55:23 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ?
06:55:57 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Use cases may result in multiple functional requirements.
06:56:58 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Chaker - agrees
06:57:07 From Eric Debeau : I agree with Alexis. We should focus and a small number of items while we must progress on CI, Documentation, Security and Footprint optimization.
06:58:40 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Margaret C agrees
06:58:58 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : w/ Alex V.
07:01:04 From David Perez (Swisscom) : Ben’s Cross-Use case interactions: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5249450616343171
07:01:35 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Log+Streaming+Compliance+and+API#LogStreamingComplianceandAPI-DeploymentDependencyTree
07:01:55 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : dependencies per project are partially coded in OOM but needs to finished
07:02:26 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Ben Cheung had been doing mapping.
07:03:12 From Benjamin Cheung : the spreadsheet is here:
07:03:13 From Benjamin Cheung : https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5249450616343171
07:03:23 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : infrastructure as code - is required
07:04:25 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : @Michael, you may know this already. There are few projects in CNCF that help in DAG (dependent management). One is Argo and another is smith (https://github.com/atlassian/smith)
07:04:26 From Benjamin Cheung : [usecase] Platform Evolution for Use Case Realization w/ SO, AAI, DCAE, SDC, VID, SDNC ONAP10, WEDNESDAY UTC 15:00 / China 22:00 / Eastern 10:00 / Pacific 07:00 Meeting Owner: Benjamin Cheung Created Nov. 3, 2018, Updated Nov. 11 ONAP Meeting 10 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/723094623
07:04:38 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : spreadsheet does not help CI/CD or pairwise - we need every dependency formalized in code - so we can automated use cases
07:07:44 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : Part of the logging/oom team will be there - both oom and the usecase meet are at 10 EDT - Michael O'Brien will goto usecase for oom
07:08:10 From Alexander Vul : The overlap is preventing me from going…
07:08:55 From margaret chiosi : i'm still confused - do we have to update a spreadsheet for our use case?
07:09:03 From margaret chiosi : If so what is the link?
07:09:49 From Alexis de Talhouët : time check: 25mn late in our schedule. Can we defer the discussion to some other forum, and schedule another meeting to discuss these topic.
07:10:40 From Alexis de Talhouët : actually, 10mn late in our schedule, my bad.
07:15:12 From Pamela Dragosh : are we removing javascript?
07:17:00 From Taka Cho : APPC is reaching 70% today, but in order to reach 80% I need more resource to write code coverage code. but I can’t commit for 80% for Dublin.
07:17:30 From Jason Hunt : I’m not sure anyone is asking for 80%… the Stability requirement has always been worded that way, and doesn’t need tob e
07:19:38 From David Perez (Swisscom) : @Margaret: BBS use case is already following the template recommended by the use case subcommittee w.r.t. project impact and development tracking. I understand that use case owners need to reflect the status of the agreed commitment from PTLs in Catherine’s Dublin Release Requirements wiki page by 1/31
07:21:30 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : Veuve Cliquot
07:22:03 From Pamela Dragosh : +1 Brian - JUnit only goes so far, you cannot guarantee integration testing.
07:22:39 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : +1 on brian - CD as in deployment testing is the key - how to get coverage is another issue
07:23:54 From Brian : +1 Pam's point
07:25:10 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : Doing some stability with oom and integration on https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-898
07:25:38 From Michael O'Brien(LOG,Amdocs,mac) : above is a repeatable deployment based on sequential deployment as the dependencies are worked out
07:29:12 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar : reg 60449 - confirm this is pending with DCAE team to trail on staging; haven't had a chance to verify.
07:29:27 From Taka Cho : APPC CDT is written by typescript and is using Karma for unit testing. Not sure ONAP CLM is covering Karma.
07:30:12 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Modeling subcommittee vote for M2 & M2 checklists will be taken to an email vote
07:30:43 From Alexis de Talhouët : have to drop now. Thank you team, have a good day.
07:32:36 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ACTION TSC members that have not voted on https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/728 need to vote
07:34:37 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Discount code for LF Members for ONS-NA registration LFMEM20
07:36:28 From Milind Jalwadi : Please have a look at E2E automation
07:36:31 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Joint Steering committee meetings will take place on Apriol 1 & 2 prior to ONS
07:37:39 From Milind Jalwadi : Please refer to https://jira.onap.org/browse/TSC-98 for E2E automation
Zoom Attendance Log
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TSC Members Attendance based on Zoom Chat Log: 100%
AMDOCS | 1 | Alla Goldner |
AT&T | 1 | Catherine Lefevre |
Bell Canada | 1 | Alexis de Talhouët |
China Mobile | 1 | Lingli Deng |
China Telecom | 1 | Yan Chen |
DT | 1 | Andreas Geissler |
Ericsson | 1 | John Quilty, proxy for Stephen Terrill |
Huawei | 1 | Chaker Al-Hakim |
IBM | 1 | Jason Hunt |
Intel | 1 | Srini Addepalli |
Nokia | 1 | Timo Perala |
Orange | 1 | Eric Debeau |
Reliance Jio | 1 | Ning So |
Tech Mahindra | 1 | Milind Jalwadi |
Turk Telecom | 1 | Murat Tupcu |
Verizon | 1 | Viswa Kumar Skand Priya |
Vodafone | 1 | Susana Sabater |
WindRiver | 1 | Bin Yang |
TSC Decisions
Action Items:
- (TSC) Finalize TSC vote/discussions about DataLake project proposal -
- (TSC) Finalize discussions about the Infrastructure Role
- Usecase Owner/PTLs to review before 1/31: Dublin Release Requirements
- TSC 2019-01-24 to perform final review on Platform Maturity: Project Status in Dublin Release
- PTLs to complete the Vulnerability wiki page: /wiki/spaces/SV/pages/16090131
- Create a Task force to work on the ONAP component dependency
- TSC to review project maturity (incubation, etc.)
- TSC to send Integration/Pair-wise testing proposal again
- TSC & Modeling Chairs: Finallize Dublin M2-M4 Modeling Checklist
- TSC & Security Subcommittee: Finalize Dublin M2-M4 Security Checklist