- Amar Kapadia Latest update Magma/ONAP (Service Delivery):
- In terms of status update, we have completed the CBA development to automatically register the Magma AGW with the Magma 'Controller'.
- We are trying out the Magma Helm Chart workaround while Wavelabs works on updating the Helm Charts
- LFN DDF Take-Aways:
- Two Magma Sessions:
- Plenary: Magma 5G - Exploring future feature development and testing topics
- Plenary: Magma 5G - Understanding ongoing feature development and testing
- The Magma team still plans to use Rebaca Abot to exercise AGW
- Two Magma Sessions:
- New CNF Landing Page. What about us?
- Can follow similar landing scape but reference back link would be useful
- Integrate with safratech.net
- Work on the next level of architecture with Architecture Subcommittee (E2E flows, HL diagrams)
- ONAP/SABRES POC - Latest updates Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- SABRES OOF integration lead to more question about NST creation, which happens in SO.
- SABRES needs to talk with SO PTL Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to understand how to integrate SABRES constructor to create slice(NST) instead of manually creating those NST.
- SABRES needs to plan a call with DCAE PTL Vijay Kumar to:
- discuss integration of SABRES validator using DCAE micro-service
- discuss how to customize collector to meet SABRES KPI needs
- David McBride to followup with both Seshu Kumar Mudiganti and Vijay Kumar to setup calls.
- Recording: enterprise-meeting_2022-08-24.mp4
Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST / 2.30 pm UTC
- ONAP/SABRES POC - Latest updates Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- SABRES/SO talk started with SO PTL Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- SABRES/DCAE talk started with DCAE PTL Vijay Kumar
Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST / 2.30 pm UTC
- ONAP/SABRES POC - Latest updates Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- SABRES/DCAE investigation ongoing: It has been identified by Vijay Kumar that what is required by SABRES
is the deployment of a client software similar to what was done for the former DCAE collector-agent. This deployment was done
via the VNFSDK project. David McBride will setup a call with the VNFSDK PTL to discuss with him. - SABRES/SO: a very good discussion occurred during the last SABRES bi-weekly call, the outcome is that more discussion are needed with the SO team
and the Network slicing use case team. the SABRES team lincoln and kline@isi.edu will create a wiki page to explain the graph input and output expected
by the SABRES constructor (to compute the optimal path for the slice). the SO team Seshu Kumar Mudiganti need to understand at which level in the slice will be computed by the SABRES constructor.
- SABRES/DCAE investigation ongoing: It has been identified by Vijay Kumar that what is required by SABRES
Action Items (Closed)
- (Catherine): Ask Magma team if the plan is still to use Rebaca Abot to exercise AGW
- (David) Need to investigate where the 5G Super Blueprint requirements are located
- (Louis) Add best practices to 5G Super Blueprint requirements
- (Thomas/Lukasz) Add best practices to our ONAP release note to deploy Helm Charts
- (David) Need to reconnect with Dr Kline about SABRES
- Kenny Paul - Check with Magma team about ONAP/Magma Integration - Service Assurance