Table of Contents |
Test Case Id | Description | Pre-conditions | Test Steps | Expected Results |
1 | Perform healthcheck for the Policy components using Healthcheck API
| API – healthcheck Method - GET Endpoint: http://<host>:8081/healthcheck | All the policy components should return health status as “true” |
3 | Create config Policy for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API – CreateConfig Method – PUT Endpoint: https://<host>:8081/Pdp/createPolicy | Config Policy should be created in Policy Engine (PAP) |
4 | Push Config policy to the PDP Engines for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API - pushPolicy Method - PUT Endpoint: https:// <host>:8081/Pdp/pushPolicy | Config Policy should be pushed to the PDP group |
5 | Create Operational policy for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API - createPolicy Method – PUT Endpoint: https://<host>:8081/Pdp/createPolicy | Operational Policy should be created in Policy Engine (PAP) |
6 | Push operational Policy to the PDP Engines for each use case
| Policy components up and running | API - pushPolicy Method - PUT Endpoint: https:// <host>:8081/Pdp/pushPolicy | Operational Policy should be pushed to the PDP group |
7 | Retrieve the configs for the following use cases
| Policy components up and running | API – getConfig Method – POST Endpoint: https://<host>:8081/Pdp/getConfig | Both Config and Operational Policies configured for each use case should be retrieved successfully |
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
NOTE: Robot must add preload for dummy module for this to work. { "requestDetails": { "modelInfo": { “modelType”"modelType": “vfModule”"vfModule", “modelInvariantId”"modelInvariantId": “ff5256d2"356a1cff-5a3371f2-55df4086-13ab9980-12abad84e7ff”a2927ce11c1c", “modelNameVersionId”"modelVersionId": “fe6478e5"6b93d804-ea33cfc8-33464be3-ac1292cc-ab121484a3fe”9336d135859a", “modelName”"modelName": “vSAMP12"Vloadbalancer..basednsscaling..module-0”1", "modelVersion": "1" }, “cloudConfiguration”"cloudConfiguration": { “lcpCloudRegionId”"lcpCloudRegionId": “mdt1”"RegionOne", “tenantId”"tenantId": “88a6ca3ee0394ade9403f075db23167e”"41d6d38489bd40b09ea8a6b6b852dcbd" }, "requestInfo": { "instanceName": "vDNS_vLB1113-1", “instanceName”: “MSOTEST103a-vSAMP12_base_module-0”, "source": "POLICY", “source” "suppressRollback": “VID”false, “suppressRollback”"requestorId": true "policy" }, "relatedInstanceList": [ { “relatedInstance”"relatedInstance": { “instanceId”: “{serviceInstanceId}”"instanceId": "3b12f31f-8f2d-4f5c-b875-61ff1194b941", “modelInfo”"modelInfo": { “modelType”: “service”"modelType": "service", “modelInvariantId”"modelInvariantId": “ff3514e3"1321d60d-5a33f7ff-55df4300-13ab96c2-12abad84e7ff”6bf0b3268b7a", “modelNameVersionId”"modelVersionId": “fe6985cd"732d4692-ea334b97-334646f9-ac12a996-ab121484a3fe”0b3339e88c50", “modelName”: “{parent service model name}”, "modelName": "vLoadBalancer-1106", "modelVersion": "1.0" } } }, { “relatedInstance”: { “instanceId”: “{vnfInstanceId}”, "modelInfo": { { “modelType”: “vnf”, "relatedInstance": { “modelInvariantId”"instanceId": “ff5256d1"db373a8d-5a33f7be-55df4d02-13ab8ac8-12abad84e7ff”6ca4c305d144", "modelInfo": { “modelNameVersionId”: “fe6478e4-ea33-3346-ac12-ab121484a3fe”, "modelType": "vnf", “modelName”: “vSAMP12”, "modelInvariantId": "cee050ed-92a5-494f-ab04-234307a846dc", "modelVersionmodelVersionId": "1.0fd65becc-6b2c-4fe8-ace9-cc29db9a3da2", "modelName": "vLoadBalancer", “modelCustomizationName”: “vSAMP12 1” "modelVersion": "1.0", } "modelCustomizationName": "vLoadBalancer 0" } } ], } “requestParameters”: { } “userParams”: [], "requestParameters": {} } } |
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| ||||||
SUCCESS: { "requestReferences": { "instanceId": "ff305d54-75b4-ff1b-bdb2-eb6b9e5460ff", "requestId": "e4f95e0c-a013-4530-8e59-c5c5f9e539b6" }, "httpResponseCode": 200 } |