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In order to restore data using the graphSON snapshot, here are the steps to follow:

Check the snapshots folder in the graphadmin pod running in your namespace:


You should see some logs being printed and at the end it will give you info on the number of vertices in the graph when successfully restored.

Afterwards, kill the resources, traversal and graphadmin pod using the following command:

Code Block
kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods -lapp=aai-resources -n onap  --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}') -n onap
kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods -lapp=aai-traversal -n onap  --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}') -n onap
kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods -lapp=aai-graphadmin -n onap  --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}') -n onap