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Project NameEnter the name of the project
Target Release NameCasablanca
Project Lifecycle StateIncubation
Participating Company Huawei, AT&T, China Mobile, China TelcomTelecom, Orange, VMware, Wind River, Amdocs, ZTE, TechMahindra


What is this release trying to address?

Based on the vFW / vDNS,  vCPE and VoLTE use cases, this This project will provide cross-project system integration, CI/CD, and all related end-to-end release use cases testing with VNFs (approved by TSC) integration with VNFs, PNFs, SDN Controllers, s-VNFMs, etc. end to end maturity testing, necessary for the successful delivery and industry adaption of the ONAP project as a whole.  The  The same Amsterdam Beijing use cases with will be tested with more automation, with additional emphasis on platform stability and performance, and the three new functionalities (CM, Auto scaling, HPA).  In addition, ensure the platform is stable as installed and deployed via OOM, if use cases for Casablanca.

Optimizing the docker image build and deployment processes, the new sub-project approved by TSC:

  • Docker images
  • Docker image size optimization 
  • Docker best practice
  • Docker architecture agnostic deployment to committed projects
  • Leveraging cached docker image layers

Offline Deployment

CD / Clover integration

Use Cases

  • vFW
  • vDNS
  • vCPE
  • VoLTE
  • CCVPN (TBD?)
  • OSAM (TBD?Still need to talk to OSAM owner)

Minimum Viable Product

  • CI/CD
  • Automatic unit testing, CSIT testing, and end-to-end testing
  • Guidelines, frameworks, or best practice recommendations on S3P testing for ONAP project teams.


  • Cross-project Continuous System Integration Testing (CSIT)
  • End-to-End (ETE) release use cases testing with VNFs with repeatability
  • Service design for end-to-end release use cases
  • Continuous Distribution (CD) to ONAP community integration labs
  • Reference VNFs that can be used to show how the ONAP platform handles

Release Deliverables


Sub-components are repositories and are consolidated in a single centralized place. Edit the Release Components name for your project in the centralized page.


Refering to CII Badging Security Program and Platform Maturity Requirements, fill out the table below by indicating the actual level, the targeted level for the current release and the evidences on how you plan to achieve the targeted level.

Since Integration project does not deliver code, the following will refer to the overall ONAP platform maturity level as measured by the Integration team S3P testing activities during the prior release.

AreaActual LevelTargeted Level for current ReleaseHow, EvidencesComments
Not Measured

  • 0 -- none
  • 1 – baseline performance criteria identified and measured
  • 2 & 3 – performance improvement plans created & implemented

Integration team will perform platform-level testing similar to:

Beijing Release Stability


Testing Status (w/ OOM)

Beijing Release Stability Testing Status (w/ HEAT)

  • 0 – none
  • 1 – 72 hours component level soak w/random transactions
  • 2 – 72 hours platform level soak w/random transactions
  • 3 – 6 months track record of reduced defect rate

Integration team will perform platform-level testing similar to:

Beijing Release Resiliency Testing Status

  • 0 – none
  • 1 – manual failure and recovery (< 30 minutes)
  • 2 – automated detection and recovery (single site)
  • 3 – automated detection and recovery (geo redundancy)
Not Measured

  • 0 – none
  • 1 – CII Passing badge + 50% Test Coverage
  • 2 – CII Silver badge; internal communication encrypted; role-based access control and authorization for all calls
  • 3 – CII Gold
Not Measured

  • 0 – no ability to scale
  • 1 – single site horizontal scaling
  • 2 – geographic scaling
  • 3 – scaling across multiple ONAP instances
Not Measured

  • 1 – single logging system across components; instantiation in < 1 hour
  • 2 – ability to upgrade a single component; tracing across components; externalized configuration management
Not Measured

  • 1 – user guide; deployment documentation; API documentation
  • 2 – UI consistency; usability testing; tutorial documentation

API Incoming Dependencies

List the API this project is expecting from other projects.
Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.

Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.


The goal is to automate all the unit testing, CSIT testing, and end-to-end testing in release AmsterdamCasablanca. The detailed test roles and responsibilities are listed below.


Types of Testing


(Project Team)


(Project Team)


(Integration Team)

S3P Team

(Project + Integration)

Usability Testingx

Unit Testingx

Stability Testing

Security Testing

Scalability Testing

Regression TestingxxxRecovering Testingxx
Performance Testing

Integration/Pair-Wise Testing

Install/Uninstall Testingx

Feature/Functional Testingx

End-to-End Testing

xApplication Testingx
Acceptance TestingUpgrade Testing (TBD)x


This section is used to document a limitation on a functionality or platform support. We are currently aware of this limitation and it will be delivered in a future Release.
List identified release gaps (if any), and its impact.


Risk identifiedMitigation PlanContingency Plan
To fill outTo fill outTo fill outNeed additional lab resources (RAM, disk, network bandwidth, etc.)N/AN/A


Fill out the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page.

Release Milestone
