There are two
There are tasks to complete before we can use VID to instantiate the vIMS VNF.
- We need to Update AAI to indicate in AAI what account or accounts are permitted to use the vIMS service is support it and in which cloud locationAfter we create locations.
- We need to declare the service instance via VID , we need to set the preload data for the vIMS VNFs in SDNC
Updating AAI for account, service and location data
For the AAI updates for vFW and vLB we would use " init" to populate AAI with the data for the "Demonstration" customer . Here but that only support vFW and vLB. For this tutorial we will use POSTMAN to update AAI via the equivalent PUT the object transaction that the robot testsuite uses but for a "Demonstration3" customer.
Note that you Note1: You will have to put your tenantid into the string :
Note that we Note2: We are setting up this account for vFW, vDNS and vIMS so we can use the tenant for more thingscustomer in AAI for all three use cases.
Using POSTMAN to update AAI requires headers and basic authorization shown in the screen shot below.
The Basic authorization credentials are AAI/AAI
Create the vIMS Service in AAI
This will put vIMS in the drop down for new VNFs in VID.
Step 1: Query for the services
will return the list of services by uuid,
No Format |
{ "service": [ { "service-id": "4dd0f831-785f-455e-a0d9-b16726dd1a70", "service-description": "vLB", "resource-version": "1493657491" }, { "service-id": "1b0332b9891ab7fa-56a2715f-45d94556-be94abd7-c5dc9c0bc881db575894e3e2", "service-description": "vIMSvFW", "resource-version": "15003046831493657491" }, { "service-id": "e8cb8968c30d0f54-541161e8-478b4475-906ab029-f28747de72cd43fc3f7bebef", "service-description": "vCPEvVG", "resource-version": "15003047231493844352" }, { "service-id": "891ab7fa-715f-4556-abd7-db575894e3e2", "service-description": "vFW", "resource-version": "1493657491" }, { ] } |
Step 2: Generate a UUID
pick the Version 4 UUID like: e8cb8968-5411-478b-906a-f28747de72cd
Step 3: PUT the vIMS Service (see headers in screen shot above)
Generate a UUID
PUT the vIMS Service
replace "e8cb8968-5411-478b-906a-f28747de72cd" with the UUID you generated
choose "raw"
Step 4: Confirm with a GET to the services url.
This complete updating AAI for the service. Now we move to updating AAI for the Infrastructure Customer Account data.
Create the Account
This will put vFW, vLB and vIMS service types as valid services for the Demonstration3 customer in the RACKSPACE location "IAD"
Remember to put your tenant ID in place of <YOUR_TENANT_HERE>.
The URL for the PUT includes the global-customer-id so make sure they match.
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "global-customer-id": "Demonstration3", "subscriber-name": "Demonstration3", "subscriber-type": "INFRA", "service-subscriptions": { "service-subscription": [ { "service-type": "vFW", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [{ "related-to": "tenant", "relationship-data": [ {"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "Rackspace"}, {"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "IAD"}, {"relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id", "relationship-value": "<YOUR_TENANT_HERE>"} ] }] } }, { "service-type": "vLB", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [{ "related-to": "tenant", "relationship-data": [ {"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "Rackspace"}, {"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "IAD"}, {"relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id", "relationship-value": "<YOUR_TENANT_HERE>"} ] }] } }, { "service-type": "vIMS", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [{ "related-to": "tenant", "relationship-data": [ {"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "Rackspace"}, {"relationship-key": "", "relationship-value": "IAD"}, {"relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id", "relationship-value": "<YOUR_TENANT_HERE>"} ] }] } } ]} } |
You should get back a 201 Created response code and be able to see the data in AAI via the matching GET (/aai/v8/business/customers/customer/Demonstration3)
Need to have 5 parameters to set SDNC Preload (vnf-name and vnf-type are the critical ones)
generic-vnf-type":"vIMSSWProduct_test 1",
"service-type":"c8cba5cc-b4cd-4903-9f9a-80b50255d18b", (UPDATE_THIS_ONE)
"vnf-type":"VimsswproductTest..base_clearwater..module-0" (CHECK_THIS_ONE)
SDNC Updates
SDNC Admin Portal
- Should seed green box: Successfully added VNF Profile
"generic-vnf-type":"vIMSSWProduct_test 1",
This completes the AAI update.