This page hosts information about discussion calls dedicated to R3+ service modeling.
Please post your contribution as a new wiki page under ONAP R3+ Service IM Input
- Meeting every Wednesday 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT, 15:00 CET, 0910:00PM Beijing Time (UTC+8)
- Meeting bridge?
- Concluded doodle poll at
Upcoming call
- Oct 24Nov 7, Wednesday TBD
Proposed Agenda
- how to model NS in A&AI ( Chesla Wechsler )
Past calls
- Architecture F2F Meeting Planning From ServiceIM perspective
View file name Architecture F2F Planning - Service IM.pptx height 250
Audio only
Video and audio
- Time change options for service IM call
- Presentation from 3GPP team
- Papyrus Service Model Updates (Service order)
- RST documentation for master branch
- The role of 3GPP 28.541 in the ONAP service model
- Documentation status of Service model in Papyrus work
- Cancellation of the following two service IM calls
Will start service model discussion for R4 on 10.10.
- Continued discussion about NS onboading or other issues.
- Review Service model in ONAP Information model in Papyrus.
Lingli Deng (China Mobile), Gil Bullard (AT&T), Mehmet (Verizon), Thinh Nguyenphu (Nokia), Xu Yang (Huawei), Andy Mayer (AT&T), Hui Deng (Huawei), Emmanuel Sarris (Vodafone) , Maopeng Zhang (ZTE)
- Continued discussion about NS onboading or other issues. ?Proposed Approach for ONAP Runtime Support of Network Service Onboarding?
- Agreed ONAP should be evolving as a generic platform offering features as expected by the service providers in its service provisioning
- There is a difference in defining a service from the rest of industry from the perspective of a consumer rather than the implementation modules/system (as a collection of constitute resources, configuration scripts, etc.)
- Agreed to continue discussion on this and welcome Mehmet's presentation on MEF Interlude
- A request to clean up on the wiki workspace for further input to network service descriptor is raised
- Review Service model in ONAP Information model in Papyrus.
- GeneralServiceModelforR3+
- No comments received during the call.
- Service Descriptor
- No comments received during the call. Will seek Kevin's comments offline.
- GeneralServiceModelforR3+
Gil's proposal of Network Service Onboarding (Proposed Approach for ONAP Runtime Support of Network Service Onboarding)
Video and audio
Continue the remaining agenda of modeling subcommittee call:
1. VFC requirements for NSD (Yan Yang)
2. Resource/Service IM decision on NSD (Xu Yang)
3. NSD Proposal (maopeng zhang)
Maopeng Zhang, Xu Yang, Hui Deng
1. Yan presents VFC requirements for NSD. VFC project implement ETSI NFVO, which needs to consume the NSD. VFC also needs standard NSD. VFC would like to receive the NSD from SDC. In the long run, VFC also needs to receive NSD from OSS and BSS.
2. YangXu presents NSD updates from the resource IM calls ?Proposed Network Service Descriptor Model?. From his understanding of previous calls of reousrce IM CALL, NS is a composition of VNFs, VLs and topology of how to construct a service, which are all in the domain of resource. NS is different from the service we want ONAP to handle.
3. From Lingli and Andy's discussion: For IM, we agreed to move NSD to resource domain for Casablanca. But for Dublin+, there are considerations on having also service domain reflection on resources (including network service).
4. MaoPeng presents NSD proposal: NSD requires to do some limitation in NFV resoures composition, not all the SDC resources and substitution mappings to NS TOSCA node.
5. Currently we are working on enabling interworking commercial NFVO deployment with ONAP community version
6. For R4+, the relationship between Service template and Network Service Template would bette be guided jointly by Architecture and Modeling subcommittee, for NSD in R3, please Maopeng’s help to propose to SDC and check whether it could be acceptable in SDC for such new node type.
Lingli Deng, Ling Meng, Dave Milham, Hui Deng, Kevin Scaggs, Andy Mayer, Chesla Wechsler, John, Maopeng, Thin Nguyenphu, Xu Yang
Video and audio
- LinMeng-Service Order
Kevin- Service Order and Service Catalog
Video and audio
- Andy-Service Order
Kevin-Service Catalog
Hui Deng, Kevin, Andy, Thinh, Xu Yang, Lin Meng
service order - Kevin
- Kevin illustrate the Papyrus model for the service order, including ServiceOrder and ServiceOrderItem class, based on TMF model (TMF have a root class named businessInteraction of serviceOrder, similarly businessInteractionItem as root class of serviceOrderItem, but as ONAP doesn’t need business interaction, so here Keven delete the root classes)
composite pattern UML diagram review (Lingli)
- service order proposal (Andy)
- CCVPN proposal review (Chuanyu)
- recursive orchestration (Gil)
Video and audio
- composite pattern UML diagram update
- service modeling high level requirements
Video and audio
- CCVPN Service IM Proposal
- Gil asks whether the discussion about service atomic and service composite was closed?He suggests to allow resource to be directly associated with service, so that a composite service could be comprised of resource or other service or both. Lingli said last time in the discussion, they remove the aggregation relation between service atomic with resource, instead they build a mapping relation between service and resouce. Lingli said she will publish that for offline reading.
- Zengjianguo presents service IM proposal for CCVPN
1. Three services are established for CCVPN service:VPN_infra service, Site_DC service and Site_Enterprise service.
2. The content of Config_resource in Site mainly include the location and site service type?this kind of information actually belongs to service level. But as it's common sense that SDC d doesn't support service configuration, we call it config_resource. The restriction that service can't have its own attributes in SDC result in defining an individual part(here we define it as config_resource) in the implementation of DM. But people all agree that the design of IM should be defined in a proper way. We suggest model committee to bring up this restriction to SDC team to solve it.
3. Chenchuanyu explains how alotted resource works: it combines two instanced service by setting the parameters for VPN like UNI. Such information is confirmed only when a site is placed in. Doing in this way makes the deplyment of site flexible.
4. There is argument on how to store resource in VPN_infra service like whether to store it in AAI. Still need to be discussed.
- 5 min Agenda Bashing
- 20 min Zengjianguo CCVPN Usecase Service Modeling Proposal
- 20 min Nigel Review Comments on Composite Pattern Revision Proposal
- agenda bashing
- composite patttern proposal with usecase examples (Lingli)
- wan proposal update (Lingli/Zhuoyao)
- design pattern discussion (composite v.s. recursive)
- wan service descriptor updated proposal and last call for comment
Video and Audio
- design pattern discussion (composite v.s. recursive)
- wan service descriptor updated proposal and last call for comment
- brain storming for R3 service IM working items (suggested by Kevin)
Meeting room:
Part of the ONAP Friday morning modeling session in ONS 2018 (30 March 2018)
0 Agenda bashing
Service session
1 Yangxu - Service IM Status and Observations
2 John - MEF MCM Proposal
3 Jianguo - ONAP R3 Service IM Proposal
4 Lingli - Service IM Usecase Proposal (Skipped for time limitation)
5 Discussion on next steps
- Cardiality correction by John
- Suggest to move to composite pattern instead of recursive aggregation
- Decoration pattern is FFS
- Terminology need to be defined (e.g. clarifications on service component as with the one in MEF)
- ONAP R2+ service IM Discussion Review and Proposal
- The current status of service IM and my observations (Xu Yang) - delayed due to time limitation
- Discussion for follow-ups
- Lingli provides customer-facing business scenarios as input for service model discussion and comparison by Tuesday;
- For Friday workshop, each presenter (including SDOs/individuals) is expected to provide their respective proposal models and with the context of customer facing business scenario;
- Based on which, the team is expected to develop a more clearly scoped target and collaborative pattern for R3+.
- Agenda bashing
R2 Status summary and priority
ONS workshop agenda
- R2 VNFD DM clean up discussion (added for R2 priority)
- Network Service Descriptor R2 Implemenation Discussion
- Service Order Model (added to the agenda, but deferred to next meeting due to time limit)
- Agenda bashing
Andy suggested to add service order model to the agenda.
Hui suggested to add VNFD DM discussion for finalizing R2 spec. R2 Status summary and priority
Agreed to continue work on nsd for R2 implemenation, and defer WAN descriptor discussion for R3 discussion starting next call.
And service order proposal to R3 discussion.ONS workshop agenda
Deng Hui suggest to- Add project PTL to explain how they implement service today SDC, SO, A&AI
- YANGXU is presenting the relationship between SERVICE and network service
- Multi SDO presentation about service IM , tmf/mef/onap
- Offline to build tiger team to design service IM
Andy suggest to
- Add service order model
- Further Discuss NS
- Network Service Descriptor R2 Implemenation Discussion
NS model as service component added in the R2.
Maopeng and Anatoly need to discuss more tosca grammar details related to NS model and update the NS model. - Wrap up
- Agenda bashing
WAN service IM/DM Proposal (Zhuoyao)
- Network Service Discussion
- Wrap up
- Agenda bashing
- Service DM proposal (Chuanyu/Maopeng)
- WAN service modeling proposal (Zhuoyao)
- Wrap up