18. ASSOCIATE RESOURCES WITH SERVICE – A la carte Create resource. Macro W/F needs service instance ID associate resource w/ Service Instance. When instantiate PNF service (PNF name) subscribe ID. Update instance in A&AI. Create a relation object where service instance ID & PNF instance ID. Relation modeled service instance + resources. Resource and can see which services it is used. VNFs create service have UUID of service instance. At creation of VNF create the Instance object.
CPE, BBS, starts when you startup the PNF. Cloud environment creates a VNF. Registered/discovered PNF, build a homing service PNF. How will this work w/ 5G RAN. BBS U/C, registering the Box, customer starting up the box. Waiting for registration event. When receive the registration configure the network, additionalfield has domain-specific information to calculate best configuration of network to configure the PNF. After homing, SO creates a resource level sub-flow w/ a globally unique UUID in A&AI. In that that in sub-flow there is a correlation done with VES. The configuration that takes place happen in the resource level sub-flows. Svc instantion, correlation ID in A&AI. VES w/ correlation ID SO does the correlation (Plug n Plug).
<<interface name (e.g. SDCE-6) >> https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/SDC+Distribution+client+AID