1. Project Overview
2. New component capabilities for Honolulu, i.e. the functional enhancements
DCAE Focus for R8 is on following
- ONAP R8 Usecase & Feature requirement
- TSC/SECCOM Global requirements
- DCAE Transformation to support Helm deployment for services
- General platform optimization (Cloudify upgrade for python 3.6)
- Reducing DCAE backlogs + security fixes
Refer DCAE R8 M2 Release Planning#Scope for more details
Following new services will be delivered in R8
- KPI Computation MS (REQ-440 )
- Repository : https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/services/tree/components/kpi-computation-ms (introduced as new subproject under existing repo)
- VES-OpenAPI-Manager (REQ-433)
- Repository : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/dcaegen2/platform/ves-openapi-manager (New repo)
- DCAE-service-policy-Sync (REQ-479)
- Repository : https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/deployments/tree/dcae-services-policy-sync (introduced a new subproject/module under existing repo)
In Honolulu, POC for new MOD Front-End and Back-end components will continue - DCAEGEN2-2313 (this would eventually replace NiFI based UI/processor in subsequent ONAP release)
Modified interfaces
- VES Collector (7.2.1 VES support)
If they are modified, are the backwards compatible?
- VESCollector - Yes
4. Interface naming
5. Reference to the interfaces
VES Collector Performance Test
PM-Mapper performance baseline
Datafile Collector (DFC) performance baseline results
HV-VES Performance Test
7. Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements