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 | 9am PST |  noon EST | 17:00 UTC | 18:00 CET | 21:30 IST |




Discussion items


Next meeting: 2020-11-11


Status reports:

  • SMO:
    • ongoing - see last weeks meeting minutes
    • LNF project onboarding
  • Non-RT-RIC:
    • focus O-RAN-SC to use the ONAP Adapter → Doc
    • testing an demos in preparation
    • Licensing issues becomes now also in issue
  • SIM:
    • sim/o1-interface: updated code in gerrit
      • working on LF Jenkins jobs for the new code
    • final preparations for Cherry (INT specific tasks)
  • OAM:
    • ONAP SDN-R code adopted for ODL Aluminium → module tests ongoing
      • RestConf to NetConf subtree filtering
    • IPv6: End-to-End tests moved to Honolulu
    • GuiCutThrough feature under investigations based on augmentation of ietf-systems
00:16Use Case

Use Cases

Please see page #2 for details: 
5G Use Cases in R7 Guilin. - 

very first view - to be discussed further:

  1. BULK PM –PM  BULK PM -  PM data collection and control
    • 100% aligned with O-RAN interface specification; use case was demonstrated several times
      • PM collection mechanism aligned to 3GPP
        proposal: Check updates of 3GPP pm xml file format and updates of VES messages 
      • PM subscription mechanisms aligned to 3GPP
        proposal: An update could be required in the future for an alignment with recent new 3GPP Parametricjob class 

  1. OOF -SON PCI (5G)
    •  UC under analysis 
    • use VES 7.2 - reference will be in O-RAN specs.
    • use 3GPP NRM - see provides a  persistency data service that can be used for any XNF configuration data (Poc in Rel G, new ONAP component in Rel H)
    • CPS is model driven and it may use any YANG model adopted by any xNF (e.g.  3GPP YANG models and vendor extensions)   
    • open: is the abstraction by 3GPP and O-RAN sufficient for all the targeted use case - how do µServices, rApps make use of C&PS, if C&PS is device model driven and not service model driven?
    • C&PS is model-driven based on the current use case
    • Abstraction later... impact on point #3
    • Idea: Contribution of consumer view
    • not subject of O-RAN (yet)
    • proposal: defer or contribute terms, definitions, specifications to O-RAN
  5. ONAP/3GPP & ORAN Alignment
    • O-RAN O1 data models are augmenting 3GPP data models
    • A1, R1, O2 data models are subject of O-RAN only
  6. ONAP/ORAN Alignment -A1 adapter
  7. 5G NRM Simulator in ONAP (CM)
    • CM is part of O-RAN OAM Architecture and OAM interface specification
      proposal: as a staring point the 3GPP NRM yang models V16.0.5 from July 2020 should be used - for VES the version 7.2 is specified.  
    • note: 5G NRM is not a ONAP Rel G UC
  8. E2E NETWORK SLICING (5G Use Case)
    • Network Slicing is not part of 3GPP NRM so far
      proposal: waiting for 3GPP and O-RAN specifications  - V17 draft is available
  9. PNF sw upgrade in ONAP is aligned to ORAN O1 specification
  10. xNF Package and onboarding in ONAP
     -   xNF Package complaiant to ETSI SOL004,
    -    a
    dditional xNF artifacts have been introduced and supported: 
    VES event, and PM dictionary artifacts according to VES event registration specifications
    Additional artifacts (e.g. xNF YANG model)
  11. VES specification are defined by ONAP in  VNF requirement project
  12. Control Loop in TOSCA PoC 
    1. A Control Loop and Control Loop components havw been defined in TOSCA and deployed

Feedback from John Keeney (Ericsson EST): Request for chat for such use cases in Honolulu. 


Application Package Structure

  • TOSCA 

Info from Michela Bevilacqua

  • ONAP enhanced TOSCA 
  • API schema definition for YANG and VES

On the agenda for next week - thanks!!! (wink)


Questions and Answers

  • Non-RT-RIC: External API vs. config map




Postman scripts to interface with the SMO and in turn test O1 interface between the SMO and different parts of O-RAN instances of O-CU, O-DU, O-RU and RIC using these models. 

  • yang modules
  • framework for test and validate CM 

share content in in SMO gerrit and create wiki linking to the same source

  • Working on a framework for vendors for OAM/YANG tests
  • O-RAN-SC to host the framework
  • Postman and vsCode as RestClients
  • Alex about to setup a SIM in OSC lab - involve Rittwik in a O-RAN private lab
  • OpenFronthaul
  • 3GPP models are considered.

Feedback from Rittwik

  • SMO in T-Labs
  • how to run Netopeer server - req to Felix (O-RAN-SC INT PTL)
  • Alex asked for VMs 

Init script (Postman) for O-RAN OAM FH M-Plane (o-ran-interface.yang augmenting ) interface demoed

RFC8040 (RestConf by IETF) support supported by ODL


Konrad is absent this week. The presentation will be made when Konrad is available.

O-RAN Component deployment

The question is: How to deploy the red colored CNFs/VNFs of the O-RAN-Architecture?

  • CNF for O-RAN-components 
    • model of CNF - how to be configured, how many components, blueprints
    • CDS model needs to be created
    • Network-service based on several CNFs
      • CNF types
        • Near-RT-RIC
        • O-CU-UP
        • O-CU-CP
        • O-DU

For detailed discussion the following page was created:


  • for Network Functions (priority)
  • for Network Service (second step)

CNFs or VNFs

  • both should be considered 
    • let's start with CNFs first
    • VNF is considered as additional option

  • no CNFs and VNFs combined in a single package
    • maybe not for rApps → 
    • VNF should take care about internal CNFs

Action items
