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| Script for an automatic jira ticket generation and of direct dependencies that to be upgraded was successfully tested with CLAMP by Julien and Pierre. | 2 scripts were created in Python - script 1: uses maven and creates json of direct dependencies to be upgraded
- script 2: takes json generated by script 1 and creates Jira tickets for each package to be upgraded
| Scripts were reviewed as well as CLAMP | Nexts steps: crating csript - script could check if it does not exist.
- Scripts available under Julien's github:
- https://github.com/JulienBe/onap-dep
- Present solution to PTLs and get feedback on how to integrate the scripts into the ONAP development cycle to generate the project jiras for package upgrades
| Java and the new model of licensing for Oracle JDK versus Open JDK – Natacha | Oracle JDK which is commercial - benefits updates Open JDK - like open source so free of charge but support for java 11 but not earlier versions. | GRE JRE (compilation not possible) vs JDK (compilation possible). Packaging change for java 11. | Presentation to be submitted to next TSC meeting to ensure the common understanding of the risk. Java 8 is in GREJRE is bundled with the Java 8 JDK. |
| 2 ways to deploy ONAP: - out of the box - without hardcoded passwords but generated ones with single master password, for some cases with already existing secrets,
- providing few hundreds of passwords by user
| For container we should be able to provide plain text passwords | ONAP out of the box is using password generator of certain type - to be documented for ONAP. - What secret names are used
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| PTLs cal | Link SECCOM reuirements with Jira - Asked PTLs to link SECCOM requirements with their project Jira tickets.
- Meeting with OOM team
- healthchecks for kubernetes running as root- to help develop a template so that projects can correctly configure their containers to pass the Integration kubernetes tests.
| Template to be created. |