STATUS: Under Construction
1 High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships
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ONAP VF-C leverages ETSI NFV MANO architecture and information model as a reference, and implements full life cycle management and FCAPS of VNF and NS.
- support NS and VNF lifecycle management based on ONAP modelling and workflows
- support integration with multiple VNFMs via drivers, which includes vendors/specific VNFM (S-VNFM) and generic VNFM (G-VNFM)
- support integration with multiple VNFs via providing an ONAP generic VNFM (G-VNFM)
- support integration with multiple VIMS via Multi-Cloud, which includes open source and commercial VIMs
- support microservice architecture and model driven resource orchestration and management
Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities |
SDCE-6 | SDC Interface | An interface to receive resource Templates from SDC design catalog |
AAIE-1 | Inventory Service Interface | An interface to create, update, query, and delete resource information and relationships |
MSBE-1 | Micro Service Bus Interface | An interface for registration and discovery with the ONAP Micro Service Bus. |
MODE-1etsicatalogAPIE1~4 | Modelling Tosca Parser InterfaceInterfaces and catalog interfaces | An interface for the Tosca Parser from Modelling project to parse the NS and VNF Descriptors. |
MCE-6 | MultiCloud Interface | An interface for Virtual Network Resource Management and Vim assignment |
DCAE-1 | DCAE Interface | An interface to share FM/PM data for VNF FCAPS from the VNFs via the EMS Driver to VES Collector |
OOFE-1 | OOF Interface | An interface to get the VNF placement |
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7. New Release Capabilities