Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External API exposes ONAPs capabilities through defined TMF standardized interfaces. Enables It enables ONAP to be viewed as a "black box"hide the internal API.
It provides
Exposes the ONAP service catalogue capabilities
Exposes the ONAP inventory capabiliteiscapabilities
Exposes ONAP Service Ordering capabilities
Interaces Interfaces to manage subscription to ExternalAPI events
2. API definitions
Extenal External API provides the following interfaces:
Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities |
ExternalAPIE-1 NBI Management Interface | Retrieve the avaible NBIS and Validates the health of a NBI interfaceProvides a healthcheck to verify that the NBI component is running fine | Provides:
ExternalAPIE-2 Subscription Management Interface | Provides the ability to subscribe to and unsubscribe from External API events. (also known as the External API Hub interface) | Provides:
ExternalAPIE-3 Service Catalogue Interface | Find service specifications that can be instantiated | Provides:
ExternalAPIE-4 Service Ording Ordering Interface | Request the instantiation of a service | Provides
ExternalAPIE-5 Service Inventory Interface | Query information about instantiated services | Provides
Interface Name | Purpose Reason For Use |
SDCE-6 | To receive the notifications of a new service. |
SDCE-7 | To query the catalogue for service specifications |
SOE-X | To request a service instantiation |
AAIE-1 | To query the instantiated services |
MSBE-1 | Register NBI API |
DMAAPE-1 | Poll 2 topics: AAI events SDC events |
3. Component Description:
<< For later inclusion >>
Known system limitations
5. Used Models
ExternalAPI uses the following models:
6. System Deployment Architecture
ExternalAPI consists of 1 containers:
- ExternalAPI
This needs to be updated
7. New Capabilities in this Release
This release, ExternalAPI adds the following Capabilities:
8. References
- External API architecture: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablancalatest/submodules/externalapi/nbi.git/docs/architecturereleasenotes/architecturereleasenotes.html
- External API interface: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablanca/_downloads/8cce799c6c8f3f5916f265c52ab60ba7/nbicallflow.pdf