Versions Compared


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The Camunda Community Edition of Camunda is the default version normally built into SO.  With the Community Edition, you can see process definitions, but you cannot inspect running or completed process instances, which is an essential debugging capability.  This capability is available only in the Enterprise Edition and requires a commercial license.  If you have such a license, you can build SO with the Enterprise Edition.  Your use must be consistent with the terms of your license, of course.


Add a profile to your maven settings.xml to include the repository containing your Camunda EE artifacts.

ExampleFor example:

        <!-- profile for artifacts not in public repositories -->
                <!-- Local repository for Camunda Enterprise Edition -->
                <!-- YOU MUST HAVE A VALID LICENSE TO USE THIS -->

And add


your profile to the list of active profiles:




















Add these options to the mvn command line when you build "so"
