- Run integration/test/csit/docker/scripts/gen-all-dockerfiles.sh. This will create the docker definitions for all the microservices defined in the test/csit/docker/ directory.
- Go to the subdirectory for your microservice. Inside, you'll find that a target/ directory was created by the above script. This is the auto-generated docker image definition for your microservice. You should be able to run "docker build" directly against this directory.
- Copy the contents of this directory (except for *.txt) to your ONAP repo, under a docker/ directory. The contents of *.txt are concatenated into Dockerfile, so you no longer need *.txt, and should just manually update Dockerfile going forward. Everything left in this docker directory is your docker image definition. Source control these files.
- Update the Dockerfile for ONAP. In particular, replace the wget commands that download your Nexus artifacts with the ONAP groupId/artifactId/path information.
- You should be able to run "docker build" locally to build the docker image from this directory.
- TBD: Add a JJB job that will use this docker/ directory to build the docker image.