Functionality: VNF Termination
Terminate VNF instance by using vfc-vnfm-vnflcm. Input format is JSON.
Delete VNF instance by using vfc-vnfm-vnflcm. Input format is JSON.
EMS Driver
(This is a sample EMS Driver Use Cases Document using EMS Driver functionality deliverables as an example.)
Generate formatted xml+csv data file and create the file ready notification in EMS DriverEMS Driver.
Finish CM/PM data collection task
Dipose collection policy
Stored the CM/PM data
Functionality: Service Register
CM/PM/Alarm data file ready notification and send by REST service interface
VFC Resource Management
Functionality: Grant VNF instantiation
Grant the instantiation request from VNFM
Functionality: Interface with A&AI
Resource Management will talk with A&AI for storing the information that need shared with other project(usecase ui, holmes...)
VNFM Driver
Functionality: instance VNF
Receive the request from VFC and send the instance the VNF request to corresponding VNFM