Versions Compared


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This table represents the known exploitable and non-exploitable vulnerabilities in third party packages used in the project.



License issue (CC-BY-2.5, LGPL-2.1)

RepositoryGroupImpact AnalysisAction
dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2  com.fasterxml.jackson.core

False Positive - we are not using the Jackson code in the manner that exposes the vulnerability.


Request exception


False Positive - we are not using the Jackson code in the manner that exposes the vulnerability.

There is no use of BeanDeserializerFactory class in artifact "dcae-analytics-model". Hence we believe that this vulnerability report is a false positive.

No Action (same version as R2)


False Positive

There is no use of either UTF8StreamJsonParser or ReaderBasedJsonParser class in artifact "dcae-analytics-model".

No Action (same version as R2)

dcaegen2/collectors/datafile com.fasterxml.jackson.core

Only used by Swagger which get jackson in connection with API generation(from Spring). So if we exclude jackson, we will get runtime exception according to lack of jackson library. 

At the moment we haven't got any workaround.


Request exception


False Positive

Vulnerable artifacts are used only in following cases:

  1. CSIT robot testsuites (hv-collector-dcae-app-simulator, hv-collector-xnf-simulator) which obviously does not pose a threat
  2. Healthcheck mechanism which ignores client requests and uses ( by dependency to hv-collector-utils ) jackson to create response.

Other modules affected are component-level-tests and coverage report which also are not used in production environment.


Request exception

dcaegen2/collectors/ves  com.fasterxml.jackson.core

False Positive

The application is only vulnerable by using this component, when default typing is enabled and passing in untrusted data to be deserialization which is not the case here.

Request exception


False Positive

According to these description, and the fact that the org.onap.dcaegen2.platform:inventory-api code does not enable use of global type information, using Class name as the type id, we believe that this report is a false positive.


Request exception


dcaegen2/services/mapper  com.fasterxml.jackson.core

False Positive

There is no use of BeanDeserializerFactory class in snmpmapper. Hence we believe that this vulnerability report is a false positive.


Request exception

dcaegen2/services/prh com.fasterxml.jackson.core

Only used by Swagger which get jackson in connection with API generation(from Spring). So if we exclude jackson, we will get runtime exception according to lack of jackson library. 


Request exception

 dcaegen2/collectors/ves  org.apache.tomcat.embedRequires moving to tomcat-embed-websocket:8.5.34

 Added 10/29 -  Request exception

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

 dcaegen2/platform/inventory-api org.postgresqlRequires moving postgresql  to 42.2.5

 Added 10/29 -  Request exception


Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2io.undertow No non-vulnerable version available. Request exception
dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2 org.springframework.integration Unknown License issue Request exception
dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2org.springframework.boot Unknown License issue Request exception
dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2 io.projectreactor Unknown License issue Request exception

CC-BY-2.5, LGPL-3.0, MIT

False positive  - MIT license should be acceptable

 Request LF to select correct license
dcaegen2/analytics/ Request exceptiondcaegen2/analytics/ non-vulnerable version available. Request exception
dcaegen2/analytics/tca commons-codecNot applicable as base32 encoding is not used  Request exception
dcaegen2/analytics/tca JunitUnknown License issue Request exception
dcaegen2/analytics/tca c3p0License issue (LGPL-2.1) Request exceptiondcaegen2/analytics/tca

CDDL-1.1 or GPL-2.0-CPE,Apache-2.0

False positive  - Apache 2.0 license should be acceptable

 Request LF to select correct license

Newer non vulnerable version available (5.1.0.RELEASE)

License issues reported due to Unknown License issue

 Upgrade to newer version 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

dcaegen2/collectors/datafile com.jcraftNot applicable; as the application doesn't run on windows Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/datafileorg.immutablesUnknown License issue Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/datafile org.checkerframeworkLicense issue ( GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception) Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/datafile com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype

License issue - No Source License (Declared Apache-2.0)

False positive

Updated 10/29 -  Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/hv-vesorg.apache.kafkaNewer non vulnerable version available Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/hv-ves org.jetbrains.kotlinxUnknown License issue Request exceptiondcaegen2/collectors/vesorg.springframeworkRequires moving to spring-web:5.1.1.RELEASE

 Added 10/29 - Request exception

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

dcaegen2/collectors/ves com.googlecode.libphonenumberNot applicable. Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/ves  javax.mailNot applicable; as the specified method is not invoked Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/ves  org.jsonLicense issue -  JSON Request exception
dcaegen2/collectors/ves  org.checkerframework


False positive  - MIT license should be acceptable

 Request LF to select correct license

spring-security-web:5.0.6.RELEASE flagged

No non-vulnerable version available.

Added 10/30 -  Request exception
dcaegen2/platform/inventory-apiorg.postgresql : postgresqlNo non-vulnerable version available. Request exception
dcaegen2/platform/inventory-api org.checkerframework

License issue - LGPL-3.0,MIT,CC-BY-2.5

False positive  - MIT license should be acceptable

 Request LF to select correct license
dcaegen2/platform/inventory-api issue - LGPL-3.0 Request exception
dcaegen2/platform/servicechange-handlerriddley : riddleyUnknown License issue Request exception
dcaegen2/platform/servicechange-handlerpotemkin : potemkinUnknown License issue Request exception
dcaegen2/platform/servicechange-handler org.json : json : 20131018License issue - JSON Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapperdom4j : dom4j : Not applicable; as the specified method is not invoked Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper org.springframework : spring-webNo non-vulnerable version available & Unknown license reported Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper ognl : ognl : 3.0.9Newer non vulnerable version available

 Upgrade to newer version available

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

dcaegen2/services/mapper org.postgresql : postgresql : 42.2.4No non-vulnerable version available. Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper xerces : xercesImpl : 2.12.0No non-vulnerable version available. Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper org.milynLicense issue (LGPL2.1) Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper org.json : json : 20131018License issue - JSON Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper javax.servlet.jsp : jsp-api : 2.1


False positive - Apache 2.0 should be acceptable

 Request LF to select correct license
dcaegen2/services/mapper javax.jms : jms : 1.1

License issues (SUN)

 Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper org.checkerframework : checker-qual


False positive  - MIT license should be acceptable

 Request LF to select correct license
dcaegen2/services/mapper org.hibernate.commonLicense issue  (LGPL2.1) Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper : icu4jLicense issue  (Unicode) Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper org.codehaus.jackson : jackson-core-lgplLicense issue  (LGPL2.1) Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper org.hibernate : hibernate-coreLicense issue  (LGPL2.1) Request exception
dcaegen2/services/mapper com.wutka : dtdparser


False positive  - Apache license should be acceptable

 Request LF to select correct license
dcaegen2/services/mapper xom:xomLicense issue  (LGPL2.1) Request exception
 dcaegen2/services/prhorg.springframework : spring-web Newer non vulnerable version available

Upgrade to newer version available

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira