Towards that end, the tables below will be used to track engagements with other open source communities and members of the ONAP community with contacts in other open source communities which may be useful to the ONAP community. ONAP community members are encouraged to add themselves and their engagements. Note: Multiple contacts for a given community are both natural and welcome.
OPNFV and ONAP collaborations are tracked at the link
and via OOM collaboration
Bryan Sullivan <bryan.sullivan@att.com>
Helen Chen <Helen.Chen@huawei.com>
Eric Debeau <eric.debeau@orange.com>
Alla Goldner <alla.goldner@amdocs.com>
Michael O'Brien <frank.obrien@amdocs.com> (OOM)
ONAP and FD.io collaborations, currently focused
on supplying VPP based open source sample VNFs for
ONAP vCPE use case at the link
Brian FREEMAN <bf1936@att.com>
Danny Zhou <danny.zhou@intel.com>
Johnson Li <johnson.li@intel.com>
Yoav Kluger <yoav.kluger@amdocs.com>
Michal Pawloswki michal.pawlowski1@orange.com'
201804 to present
OPNFV Test Working Group
Compliance Validation Program (Dovetail Project)
Michael O'Brien frank.obrien@amdocs.com
Member of OOM and Log projects
Xinhui Li <lxinhui@vmware.com>
Core-Reviewer in Heat (Orchestrator)
Core-Reviewer in Tacker (NFVO & VNFM)
Core-review in Senlin (VNFM)
Core-Reviewer in Heat (Orchestrator)
Core-Reviewer in Senlin (VNFM)
Former MEF consultant and MEF Member representative
Chief Architect of MEF LSO. Co-leader of MEF Legato IRP. Editor of MEF LSO Operational Threads. Co-editor of MEF LSO SOF Architecture.
Contactor of supplying VPP based VNFs (e.g. vBRG, vBNG, vG MUX, vG) for vCPE use case