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tosca.datatypes.asd.paramMappings: version: 0.1 derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: "Describes the datatype for parameter mapping" properties: loadbalancer_IP: description: > When present, this attribute specifies the name of the deployment artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator can configure the loadbalancerIP parameter of the K8s service or ingress controller that the extCpdData represents. required: false typeNote: stringThe format of the Content strings is external_IPs:specific for each different description: > orchestration templating technology used When present, this attribute specifies the name of the deployment(Helm, Teraform, etc.). Currently only a format for use with artifactHelm inputcharts parameteris throughsuggested: which the orchestrator can "<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N)<paramname>". configure the extermalIPs parameter of the K8s serviceWhether orthe ingressoptional parts of the format are present depends on controller, or how the pod network interface annotation, that the parameter is declared in the helm extCpdData representschart. An example is: required: false type: list"chartName:subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.LBIP". entry_schemarequired: false type: string nadexternal_namesIPs: description: > Specifies, for an extCpdDataWhen respesentingpresent, athis secondaryattribute networkspecifies interface,the name of the deployment the name(s) of the deployment artifact input parameter(s) through which the orchestrator can the orchestrator can provideconfigure the extermalIPs namesparameter of the network attachmentK8s service or ingress definitions (NADs)controller, or the orchestratorpod hasnetwork createdinterface asannotation, basethat for the network interface the extCpdData represents. Note: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.). Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested: "helmchartname<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N[)<paramname>]”". Whether Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is: "chartName:subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.paramNameextIP". required: false A direct attached (passthrough) network interface,type: suchlist as an sriov entry_schema: interface, attaches totype: astring network via only one of the two switch planes nad_names: description: > inSpecifies, thefor infrastructure.an extCpdData respesenting a secondary network interface, When using a direct attached network interface one therefore commonly in a the name(s) of the deployment artifact input parameter(s) through which pod uses a mated pair the orchestrator can provide the names of sriovthe network attachments,attachment where each interface definitions (NADs) the attachesorchestrator samehas networkcreated butas viabase differentfor switchplane.the network The application usesinterface the matedextCpdData pairrepresents. of network interfaces as a single Note 1: When the extCpdData represent logicala “swith-path-redundant” network interface – and this is representednetworkRedundant/mated-pair of sriov interfaces, there are references to by2 aor single3 extCpdData.related NADs needed Also there isto abe casepassed, wherewhile afor thirdother “bond”interface attachmenttypes interfaceonly isone usedNAD inreference theis pod,needed bondingto thebe twopassed. direct interfaces so that the application do not Note 2: The format of the Content strings is needspecific tofor handleeach thedifferent redundancy issues – application just uses the bond interface. orchestration templating technology used In this case, all three attachments are together making up a logical(Helm, Teraform, etc.). Currently only a format for use with Helm “switch-path-redundant” network interface represented by a single extCpdData. charts is suggested: "<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N)<paramname>". Whether the Whenoptional threeparts NADsof arethe usedformat inare thepresent extCpdDatadepends theon NADhow implementing the bond attachment parameter interface is provided through the parameter indicated declared in the thirdhelm placechart. inAn example is: the nadNames attribute. chartName:"subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.nadName". required: false Note type3: listA direct attached (passthrough) network interface, such as an entry_schema:sriov type: string interface, nad_namespace: description: > Specifies, for an extCpdData respesenting a secondary network interface, the name of the deployment artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator can provide the namespace where the NetworkAttachmentDefinitions (NADs) are located.attaches to a network via only one of the two switch planes in the infrastructure. When using a direct attached network interface one therefore commonly in a pod uses a mated pair of sriov network attachments, where each interface attaches same network but via different switchplane. The application uses the mated pair of network interfaces as a single logical “swith-path-redundant” network interface – and this is represented by a single extCpdData. Also there is a case where a third “bond” attachment interface is used in the pod, bonding the two direct interfaces so that the application do not need to handle the redundancy issues – application just uses the bond interface. In this case, all three attachments are together making up a logical “switch-path-redundant” network interface represented by a single extCpdData. When three NADs are used in the extCpdData the NAD implementing the bond attachment interface is provided through the parameter indicated in the third place in the nadNames attribute. required: false type: list entry_schema: type: string nad_namespace: description: > Specifies, for an extCpdData respesenting a secondary network interface, the name of the deployment artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator can provide the namespace where the NetworkAttachmentDefinitions (NADs) are located. Attribute may be omitted if the namespace is same as the application namespace. Note: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.). Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested: "<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N)<paramname>". Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the parameter is declared Attributein maythe behelm omittedchart. ifAn theexample namespace is: same as the application namespace."chartName:subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.NameSpace". required: false type: string |