FF – any 5G RAN domain that is needed to deliver the service, xport, VRAN, 5G Core, LTE, FH-BH, service orchestration & assurance E2E. Routers. Capacity planning need representation in inventory. Ericsson’s Granite Database Legacy inventory systems. Not compatible with A&AI need to move information there into A&AI. Information there that needs to be transferred over, based on use cases. This is just an example.
FF – limit scope to big inventory & topo DBs used by SPs today, one impacted by migration. Not small internal database, not small product family, larger vendors.
JLR – maybe choose a vendor first such as Ericsson’s Granite Database Legacy inventory system.
VP – maybe a PoC, and going through steps of going through this exercise.
JF – brought to the community as a use case or feature enhancement. Importing granite Legacy inventory systems data, dicey in the open source world. Maybe needs to be more generic. From a resource perspective, if we were to frame it as a U/C take to ONAP community, needs a sponsor, needs ONAP partners to contribute resources to get this work done. If VZW, ATT, BC, Orange could collaborate chances its gets done to meet all carriers is a possibility.