General Information:
- Date and Time: 2018, Nov 19, 10pm~11pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
- Meeting Room:
- latest ETSI SOL001 updates overview
- abstract NF proposal (related to SOL001 update)
- discussion status
- design time and 5G service
- ONAP R4+ Resource IM Workspace
- Abstraction of NF in ETSI Types, and other questions/ideas
- Latest Updates in ETSI NFV SOL001.pptx
- SOL001_PNFD_NSD.pptx
- SOL001 update
- latest version: 0.13.0 (draft), to be approved as v2.5.1 during NFV#24 (2018.12.8)
- plan to update DM based on SOL001 v2.5.1
- new classes and datatypes: policy, PNFD, NSD, etc.
- detailed updates please refer to the slides (bullet 3 and 4 of the material section)
- AP: Jessie will help update the comparing between the existing VNFD IM and IFA011 v2.5.1
- Related topics for Dublin and beyond: review the deprecation of certain attributes (HPA), Vdu split
- abstract NF proposal
- core idea is to put all the "common" attributes into the abstract NF model
- examples of how the NF concept would be used are shown
- suggest to use 5G examples to illustrate the concept
- encourage people give feedback and comments on the wiki page Abstraction of NF in ETSI Types, and other questions/ideas
- discussion status
- draft table created, encourage feedback and comments
- will present on the next subcommittee call
- design time and 5G service
- postpone to next call due to time limit