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This documentation will help you to up and run AAF service from the docker image

Step 1:


git clone


Note:  use ONAP maven repo settings.xml file

$ cd authz
$ mvn


 clean install -DskipTests

Note: we are working on Test cases and some of them are failing during build phase. Use ONAP maven repo settings.xml file 

Build Docker Image

$ cd authz-service
$ mvn clean install docker:build


Note: This process will create the authz-service docker image, and pull openjdk:8-jdk as part of the build

Step 2:


Make sure you have installed Docker & Docker Compose on your VM / Server ( Linux/Windows)


Path to docker- compose foldercd  AAF/authz/authz-service/

$ cd src/main/resources/docker-



Check  read & write permissions for docker-compose folderchmod –R 777 docker-compose

$ chmod +x *.sh

Image Added

To start AAF service use the following command. Which will up AAF & Cassandra docker instances.

$ docker-compose up -d

at this point AAF & Cassandra Images will be downloaded and containers will start and service will be up.

Note: ecomp.cql is the default data  template which will be loaded into Cassandra container. Which contains default namespaces,roles,permissions and APPID to test AAF service.

To check running containers  Docker

$ docker ps


 Image RemovedImage Added

To check container logsDocker with docker logs container<container-name/ID/ID>

For example, to use the container Id of the attos/aaf container in the screenshot above:

$ docker logs 91e6c35286b1

To access files inside the container

$ docker exec -it dockercompose_aaf_container_1 bash

AAF files are located in the following folder    : /opt

  • /opt/app/aaf/authz-service/2.0.15/etc
  • /opt/app/aaf/authz-service/2.0.15/lib

to find authz-service logs find them in the following folders:
