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Duration 60 minutes

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15-20 mns
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Release Management: Santa Clara F2F follow up, Beijing and Amsterdam maintenance status

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nameONAP TSC Dec21V1.pdf

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13:48:54 <kennypaul> #startmeeting TSC 2017-12-21
13:48:54 <collabot> Meeting started Thu Dec 21 13:48:54 2017 UTC.  The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at
13:48:54 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:48:54 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2017_12_21'
13:49:04 <kennypaul> #chair phrobb
13:49:04 <collabot> Current chairs: kennypaul phrobb
13:49:23 <kennypaul> #topic rollcall
14:00:26 <gilbert> #info mazin gilbert (AT&T)
14:00:53 <jamil> #Info jamil from Orange
14:00:57 <amir_levy> #info Amir Lvy (Cloudify)
14:01:01 <amir_levy> #info Amir Levy (Cloudify)
14:01:03 <nagu> #info nagaraja sr infosys
14:01:12 <SteveT> #info Stephen Terrill
14:01:24 <SteveT> #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
14:02:27 <kennypaul> #info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS
14:03:30 <JasonHunt> #info Jason Hunt, IBM
14:03:35 <Zhaoxing> #info Zhaoxing Meng, ZTE
14:05:37 <kennypaul> #topic agenda updates
14:05:57 <kennypaul> #info sec-subcom update
14:06:21 <kennypaul> #info governance - committee updates
14:06:50 <kennypaul> #info cii badging
14:07:08 <phrobb> #info governance regarding sub-projects. Do they submit project/Beijing release plans for TSC review, etc
14:07:41 <kennypaul> #topic Beijing and Amsterdam maintenance status
14:10:07 <kennypaul> #info container based network service is a project
14:10:43 <jamil> In the proposed projects under TSC we have only 7 proposals
14:11:31 <kennypaul> #info discussion about Arch Sub guidance on where proposal fits (project/ sub-project/ subcommittee)
14:12:18 <kennypaul> #info concerns over bottlenecks
14:14:43 <kennypaul> #info need clarity over what we are asking the Arch-Sub to provide
14:15:58 <kennypaul> #info SteveT email was sent regarding project scope
14:17:28 <kennypaul> #info whoever brought the project forward needs tp provide the final project resolution
14:20:55 <kennypaul> #info image manager: needs Arch Sub review and come back by M1
14:21:29 <kennypaul> #info all projects must be ready for TSC approval by M1 or before.
14:25:17 <kennypaul> #info the approach the TSC should pursue going forward will be towards the consolidation of projects versus the propagation of projects.
14:26:08 <kennypaul> #info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra
14:27:36 <kennypaul> #info image manager was discussed in the Arch Sub this week
14:29:33 <kennypaul> #info if adding a function does not change the scope of a project no TSC approval is needed - only needs approval of the PTL.
14:31:15 <kennypaul> #info may need to be reviewed if a project was not originally an umbrella project
14:31:39 <kennypaul> #info runtime catalog proposal
14:31:58 <kennypaul> #undo
14:31:58 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2df70d0>
14:32:08 <kennypaul> #topic runtime catalog proposal
14:33:10 <kennypaul> #info being discussed with SDC.
14:33:24 <phrobb> #info the question for the "Run Time Catalog" proposal from the Arch. committee is "does the functionality proposed belong in the SDC project instead of a separate project?" That discussion is ongoing with the SDC project
14:34:04 <kennypaul> #topic certificate and secret mgmt
14:34:39 <kennypaul> #info reviewed by Arch-Sub - could be an AAF function.
14:36:23 <kennypaul> #topic ONAP Benhmark
14:36:59 <kennypaul> #info to be under integration project - project scope may need to be reviewed.
14:37:14 <kennypaul> #topic Open Source Access Mgmt
14:37:48 <kennypaul> #info not reviewed by Arch-Sub.
14:38:02 <kennypaul> #undo
14:38:02 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2904850>
14:38:36 <kennypaul> #info reviewed by Arch-Sub - needs to be re-reviewed.
14:40:22 <kennypaul> #info need to enforce that proposed projects be run through Usecase-Sub first then through Arch-Sub
14:41:53 <jamil> The open source access management is related to the use of open hardware in onap
14:42:49 <kennypaul> #info The open source access management is related to the use of open hardware in onap
14:44:26 <kennypaul> #info Discussion on process - need to make a higherlevel checklist available on project proposal.
14:44:53 <kennypaul> #topic Distributed KV store
14:45:37 <kennypaul> #topic CHAP
14:46:03 <kennypaul> #info being discusses w/ OOM after first of year
14:51:25 <kennypaul> #info Discussion over usecases
14:54:03 <kennypaul> #info pasting links from zoom chat
14:54:31 <kennypaul> #link
14:54:31 <kennypaul> in
14:55:09 <kennypaul> #link
14:55:27 <kennypaul> #link
14:56:07 <kennypaul> #info different from the older "carrrier grade requirments" - our list of EPICs?
14:56:19 <kennypaul> #link
14:57:33 <kennypaul> #info concerns raised over the amount of work and time to do it.
14:58:27 <kennypaul> #topic TSC approvals from F2F
14:59:01 <kennypaul> #info Gildas reviewed slide
14:59:46 <kennypaul> #info Susana Sabater, Vodafone
15:00:35 <kennypaul> #info discussion over HEAT template in Beijing.
15:00:59 <DhananjayPavgi> #Info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra
15:05:11 <kennypaul> #info need to ensure that DCAE is engaged throughout
15:06:05 <kennypaul> #info API stability covered in platform maturity page
15:06:17 <kennypaul> #link
15:08:28 <kennypaul> #info discussion of upgrade operations
15:12:04 <kennypaul> #info conversation of Amsterdam to Beijing upgrade path to be reviewed by TSC
15:12:53 <kennypaul> #info may need a coordinator for upgrade operations across projects.
15:14:22 <kennypaul> #info creation of a workgroup to decide requirements in general
15:16:35 <kennypaul> #info bug status was reviewed
15:17:12 <kennypaul> #info need for use of version field in JIRA ws emphasized.
15:18:46 <kennypaul> #info concerns over repos lacking an Amsterdam branch.
15:18:59 <tykeal> they should only have an amsterdam branch if they were part of the amsterdam release....
15:19:52 <kennypaul> #topic Sec-Sub update
15:20:29 <kennypaul> #info code code scanning reports need to go to PTLS
15:21:28 <kennypaul> #info please refer to Steve's email.
15:22:20 <kennypaul> #topic governance
15:22:58 <kennypaul> #info inviting some SOs to be part of modeling -sub
15:23:47 <kennypaul> #info would like to bring back monthly sub committee updates
15:24:10 <kennypaul> #undo
15:24:10 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2b77350>
15:24:38 <kennypaul> #info would like to bring back monthly sub committee updates in the TSC meeting
15:26:06 <nagu> +1
15:26:25 <kennypaul> #info recommendation for rolling updates
15:28:01 <kennypaul> #info will set regular cadence of sub-c updares
15:28:15 <kennypaul> #topic CII Badging
15:29:42 <kennypaul> #info how are sub-projects to be handled
15:31:22 <kennypaul> #info Sec-sub to provide guidelines/checklist for projects to follow
16:51:39 <kennypaul> #endmeeting


Zoom Chat LogĀ 

06:24:53 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) : Function as a Service is the way to go - event driven platforms
06:29:22 From Alex's iPhone : +1
06:42:51 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) :
06:44:00 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) : in
06:44:13 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) : along with the project proposal template
06:52:41 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) : do we do wiki or ppt also for
06:52:42 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) :
06:52:50 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) : verifying pages different from the older "carrrier grade requirments" - our list of EPICs?
06:54:13 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) : A lot of PTLS are familiar with vFW/vDNS but not vCPE/vVOLTE - will need some time
06:59:17 From Jason Hunt : Michael, the earlier link is the right one for Platform Maturity Requirements
07:19:39 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) : branches missing from Amsterdam will be pasted here shortly
07:19:40 From Michael O'Brien (OOM, Logging) :