Passcode: 209247
We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
AMDOCS | Verizon | |||
Andreas Geißler proxy Thomas Kulik | DT | Ericsson | ||
WindRiver | STL | |||
Bell Canada | Samsung | |||
AT&T | Seshu Kumar Mudiganti - Diwali | Huawei | ||
China Telecom | Nokia | |||
Orange | China Mobile |
Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ | ||||||
Release Status | Istanbul Release
#AGREED Release sign off scheduled for at the PTL meeting. TSC attendance is required. | |||||||
RelEng/Infrastructure |
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PTL Updates | ||||||||
Subcommittee UpdatesSECCOM | Summarize accomplishments of security subcommittee for Istanbul release
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LFN Cross-Organization UpdatesMAC, SPC, TAC, EUAG, LFN Board | Brandon Wick | Marketing Plan move to | ||||||
TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates | ||||||||
Task Force Updates | Lukasz Rajewski , Seshu Kumar Mudiganti , Byung-Woo Jun | CNF Task Force: Jakarta requirements (Continuity of CNF O) move to ??? | ||||||
TSC Activities and Deadlines | TSC Chair Elections - Nominations end Nov 10th
| |||||||
Upcoming Events & Housekeeping |
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<Available Slot> |
Action Items
Zoom Chat Log
Zoom Chat Log
07:00:02 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone:
#info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:09 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
#info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:00:10 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone:
#info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:00:36 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
#info, catherine lefevre, att
07:00:42 From Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile) to Everyone:
#info Yuanhong Deng, China Mobile
07:01:01 From N.K. Shankaranarayanan to Everyone:
#info N. K. Shankar, STL
07:01:04 From Bruno Sakoto to Everyone:
#info Bruno Sakoto, Bell Canada
07:01:07 From Zoom2 O-RAN SC to Everyone:
#info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:01:32 From Eric Debeau to Everyone:
#info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:02:19 From Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson) to Everyone:
#info Magnus Buhrgard, Ericsson
07:02:38 From Thomas KULIK (DT) to Everyone:
#info Thomas Kulik, DT (proxy for Andreas Geissler, DT)
07:03:51 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone:
#info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:13:12 From Thomas KULIK (DT) to Everyone:
#doc: modeling/modelspec requires branch + sphinx moodifications (will be done on weekend)
07:49:07 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
07:50:11 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone:
fwiw, I confrim I can open the report
07:50:47 From Eric Debeau to Everyone:
I can also open the report
07:50:58 From Bruno Sakoto to Everyone:
I can see the report
07:51:05 From Zoom2 O-RAN SC to Everyone:
me too
07:51:22 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone:
07:51:26 From Sylvain Desbureaux (Orange) to Everyone:
I can get to it too
07:51:36 From Bengt to Everyone:
works for me
07:52:10 From Yuanhong Deng (China Mobile) to Everyone:
me too
07:59:58 From Michal JAGIELLO (T-Mobile PL) to Everyone:
need to drop off, thanks and have a nice day!
08:01:26 From Alla Goldner to Everyone:
#info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
08:09:52 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
Congrats to all the Istanbul stakeholders !!! We are nearly there but it was a very 'smooth' release
08:20:34 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
Kudos to all the ONAP contributors to our production readiness !!! Thanks Amy to be our ambassador
08:21:46 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone:
Thank you to Eric (Orange) and Andreas (DT) for sharing your ONAP Prod deployment !!!
08:22:05 From Brandon Wick to Everyone:
Link to Webinar Info and Registration:
08:22:15 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone:
Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative! Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only! The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.
07:03:11 Transcript is on,
07:03:18 as is the recording.
07:03:21 Remember everyone's muted when you come in please keep yourself muted, unless you're speaking, you need star six to unmute yourself if you're coming in on a phone line.
07:03:30 And if you happen to send me a private chat message, it will become part of the public record when I cut and paste the minutes for the chat into the minutes.
07:03:40 And as always, we'll start off by mentioning, our anti trust policy.
07:03:45 You can find this link from the elephant all of the project websites.
07:03:49 Policies important, we've got multiple companies including potential industry competitors participating in these meetings.
07:03:56 Please review any questions, please contact your company's legal counsel, members of the elf may also contact Andrew up the grove firm up Grove LLP which provides legal counsel to the lF,
07:04:11 Brad. thank you.
07:04:14 And if I could get a volunteer to play gatekeeper please.
07:04:20 I can do it.
07:04:21 Okay Timo Thank you.
07:04:33 Appreciate it.
07:04:36 Let's shift gears here now.
07:04:46 we talking about, assemble have quite a bit to discuss there.
07:04:56 As you can see,
07:04:58 check in on range.
07:05:03 Set calm we'll be doing their review for the TASC.
07:05:09 Brandon wick will be joining us talk about the marketing plan.
07:05:14 This section, we would like to get in if possible before 830.
07:05:19 If not, we might need to
07:05:24 move it out or take it to email
07:05:30 discussion of CNS Task Force, and then kind of our normal housekeeping sort of stuff.
07:05:40 When we get down here for the developer event.
07:05:51 Do you need to try and get input on dates for that. Is there anything else, anyone would like to add, As I said, we've got a pretty full agenda today.
07:06:00 Okay, with that, I will turn it over to David.
07:06:09 Alright, thanks Kenny.
07:06:14 Okay, I'm gonna bypass the schedule I think everyone knows, today was our scheduled date for sign off for assemble
07:06:24 have a number of things to cover let's start out with the milestone status.
07:06:38 So for for sign off.
07:06:42 Incidentally, this, the first release where we have
07:06:47 attached milestone tasks to sign off, so that that's something that came out of our review of the, the Honolulu release and and changes to the release process will be made.
07:07:02 So right now we're at 15 of 19 total.
07:07:08 We still have a few tasks to complete.
07:07:15 One thing I pointed out that a number of these are in the open status they haven't even been moved to in progress. So that makes me concerned that you know whether the ppl is aware of the the task.
07:07:30 So I'll just check really quick. Do we have CLA team command line interface on the call.
07:07:48 All right.
07:07:52 My networks little slow 22 Kenny.
07:08:01 How about STC
07:08:08 or VNF SDK.
07:08:14 All right. Alright, so I will be following up with those, those projects offline.
07:08:24 We did go back and also reopen.
07:08:30 Well first before we we get to that, let's talk about the requirement owners.
07:08:36 So, we're doing well except for the STC multi model support.
07:08:46 Anyone familiar with this
07:08:51 requirement.
07:09:02 really slow.
07:09:07 You know I lost my, I lost everything.
07:09:13 For about 10 minutes earlier today so.
07:09:16 All right.
07:09:19 So I don't want to wait for this so if anyone has any connection to this requirement, if you could talk to the requirement owner I believe this is Joseph, an A.
07:09:38 I can't remember for sure. Otherwise I will be following up.
07:09:41 Okay I did go back and reopen.
07:09:48 A couple of issues. Going back to RC so you'll you'll recall that the TASC approved the RC milestone with the condition that the remaining tasks, be completed by sign off.
07:10:09 And I saw an email that Thomas sent out to our to the VNF SDK and the map teams regarding branching.
07:10:23 So wasn't clear to me that the branch was completed there so I realized that the branching task in RC Thomas Do you have any updated information on either those projects.
07:10:39 Yeah, I'm from feedback.
07:10:42 I received some comments about.
07:10:47 Was it D VC API and message router that they have incorporated in a nicer depository and asked him now to maybe they can remove the documentation I think this is okay, but there was also is a second.
07:11:06 I think the the branch will be created this weekend, a guy wrote me. not sure if he was on CC.
07:11:18 Okay, was that for, for, are you referring to the map Are you referring to be an SDK.
07:11:26 That matric.
07:11:40 Okay.
07:11:43 All right. Well, you're looking at that, Thomas, I'm going to go ahead and move on.
07:11:49 Okay.
07:11:51 I did get a chance to look at the results on Master, at least, and they look like they've.
07:12:03 The smoke use cases have degraded a little bit.
07:12:08 We were seeing 100%.
07:12:12 Yeah.
07:12:13 But with the previous test.
07:12:26 And I had an email exchange with me how. And I think maybe that there was some confusion about process.
07:12:36 And so, my understanding is that since we release off the branch and we want to verify the branch that we start testing on the branch sometime before sign off and
07:12:51 me how had a different understanding I guess so.
07:12:56 So I had an email exchange with main hall and the last thing I saw he said that he was getting testing started on the stumbled branch me How do you have anything more to say about that.
07:13:12 Do you know when we can expect results.
07:13:16 I just started that so probably even today, the resolve first of all will be ready. And yeah, so since today, I will start test on.
07:13:32 Okay.
07:13:34 Yeah, I might be misunderstanding something there. And probably, maybe it would be a good idea to talk to Morgan about the process and when. When that happens, but I'm fairly certain that that starts.
07:13:50 Some weeks before, sign up.
07:13:57 All right.
07:13:57 Thank you.
07:14:00 Thomas Did you are checking your email, you have an update for us on the brain.
07:14:07 I added a note into the chat so it was modeling model specs that requires a branch and also some things modifications.
07:14:17 Yeah, but this will be done on the weekend.
07:14:20 Okay.
07:14:23 So if I understand correctly so de map is ok.
07:14:34 D map is resolved. The math has its branch or are we still waiting on D Napoles.
07:14:42 Second.
07:15:03 maybe.
07:15:09 Okay and but we just need to update and global competition that, okay.
07:15:13 There is only one only one report, instead of three.
07:15:19 Okay, and vn F's SDK.
07:15:24 That's still an issue.
07:15:27 I don't think it's.
07:15:45 I know that we're dealing with a update later this week, or this weekend before Veena physical I'm not sure. The last up.
07:15:40 Well the status is not okay in the wiki on our part.
07:15:49 So, bank Do you said there's there's no branch for the NF SDK.
07:15:56 I'm not saying that the status page says, No, it's writing has not been Bronx. Okay, yeah, reach out also to to the guy was caught off guard by money come.
07:16:07 So he's on vacation. I think till the seventh of November. Yeah, yeah, I think I saw that too. Okay, so, uh, so if I'm understanding correctly, then the two issues or DNS SDK and modeling.
07:16:27 Yeah, there are a few more so.
07:16:29 So we have also some nice notes missing, but mainly we are through.
07:16:37 Okay. See All right.
07:16:40 I be abused. Super committed right to get them merged one of the patches for the other two we can't match.
07:16:50 Because there's just one file been modified on that file we cannot merge, so this, we need another file or PDL need to do things, and unfortunately the last patches depending on that other patch that emerged.
07:17:05 Okay.
07:17:07 All right. Thank you. Okay, Jessica.
07:17:13 Always.
07:17:15 OK, so moving on. Looking at the release requirements I sent out an email to the requirement owners and got a good response.
07:17:53 So right now we just have a couple of requirements that are still in the in progress, state, not clear to me whether there's still work that needs to be done here or if the JIRA just has not been updated, but one is the lookout on CNN orchestration the
07:17:57 On FCNF orchestration the guys I think I saw you joined the call.
07:18:00 Are you available.
07:18:08 Oh, okay.
07:18:10 So if anyone knows, because maybe you can tap him on the shoulder and ask him about requirements six to seven.
07:18:20 And then requirements 67 still listed as in progress.
07:18:27 Okay, that's good.
07:18:28 Okay. All right, thank you.
07:18:31 And then also requirement 864 Michael Morris, as DC multi model support still in progress.
07:18:45 And again, I suspect this might just be housekeeping, getting the JIRA updated.
07:18:52 But if anyone knows Michael.
07:18:56 If you could ask him about this, I will also follow up offline.
07:19:02 Okay.
07:19:07 All right.
07:19:17 integration test status.
07:19:16 Okay, so this is looking good.
07:19:20 Again, I've been harassing the requirement owners to keep this page updated. And you can still see that the integration test status is set to completed for all of these.
07:19:35 That's why I kind of suspect that these issues. The JIRA just has not been updated.
07:19:43 All right.
07:19:44 Any, any questions about status of requirements for assemble.
07:19:57 Okay.
07:20:01 And then
07:20:05 integration, blocking points.
07:20:13 And the How do you want to walk us through this.
07:20:22 Yeah, I'm just dated to the, to the issues with as existing security should close.
07:20:40 I don't like those that a and ally CPS, a new variable should be also closed. They're done and merged.
07:20:51 I'm the first one. Yeah, we need to talk with, gosh,
07:20:57 what is the sign that create the ticket. They delivered. Yeah, but the little rest are closed.
07:21:07 All right.
07:21:08 Yeah, no, I'll ask one more time because Are you on the call.
07:21:13 I thought I saw him join earlier.
07:21:18 Okay.
07:21:20 And then we have this GPLB three issue Ceylon.
07:21:31 Can you talk about this.
07:21:39 No. So I have no nutrient those he's one but I'm not sure that them is be yes maybe MSP Cooper's new batch new, new noodle curse.
07:21:55 But to be honest, I have not checked that.
07:21:58 Okay, I'm pretty sure this is not genuine uui, I guess, or so for example, I'm pretty sure actually just the one I have found that.
07:22:14 I'm sorry, I missed that he said you're pretty sure of what that you use, I use case you a.
07:22:22 GPA v3.
07:22:24 But if it's a submitted that means that can you click on it. Yeah, right.
07:22:30 That's
07:22:38 okay, deck.
07:22:56 Yeah, It looks like this has been.
07:23:00 Oh, I remember this one this is the one.
07:23:04 Oh yeah yeah yeah Jean Klein was saying that he doesn't feel like this is really an MS because it's what issue. Yeah, that's what that's what they say that at this time.
07:23:14 So the way I see the same to me but you can close.
07:23:19 We can close it.
07:23:21 Yeah.
07:23:23 Okay.
07:23:26 All right.
07:23:35 Yes, David, Lucas told me that we can if we cannot join the gap between me that everything is okay and he just did it to reclaim also.
07:23:50 Okay, so it was just an issue of updating the, the JIRA.
07:23:56 Okay, I think.
07:23:57 All right.
07:24:02 All right, Thanks for checking.
07:24:08 Okay.
07:24:13 All right, so, um, so it looks like our main issue then is.
07:24:49 so looks like these three which are all in the,
07:24:56 in the delivered state.
07:25:03 Okay.
07:25:09 All right, moving on. Oh, there was this issue. This it issue.
07:25:17 And I had a quick exchange with Dan on slack yesterday and Dan I think you said that this is now resolved.
07:25:30 So you're able to confirm the fix.
07:25:36 And are you with us.
07:25:41 Yeah, yes I still muted. Yeah, I was able to confirm the text and i i think that tickets close now.
07:25:50 Okay. Yeah. All right, great.
07:25:54 Thank you.
07:25:59 Okay.
07:26:14 All right.
07:26:06 integration weather board.
07:26:13 Ah, so, Catherine I know we were talking about this page yesterday. And I think you've looked at it more closely than than I have. Do you want to tell us what you found when you reviewed status here.
07:26:34 Yeah, so just just to give you hear me now.
07:26:38 Yes.
07:26:40 Okay. So just a quick feedback.
07:26:45 We have leave you all the pairwise testing. So the colon 12345, if we don't, if we don't consider the first column with the numbers.
07:26:54 So when you look at all the link provided by the team's def definitely complete successfully. All the bed wise this thing, based on the the discipline that they were establishing on previous milestone for the is check.
07:27:13 You can see not all the VPN is highlighted, if the fact that his check but honestly I was thinking that we can rely on the tech of the phone by the integration team because they are also validating.
07:27:29 If everything is okay or not.
07:27:31 And then the, what some ppl missed is the fact to say, in the last comment, colon, if their container are ready to be delivered to the integration team.
07:27:45 This is from previous process because today, with a new release cadence somehow. Any new Docker estate is undertaken automatically by the integration team so I'm not exactly sure that we still need to pursue with this template.
07:28:06 But what it is the most important is really that the testing has been completed by all the project team.
07:28:16 I don't know if anybody has particular question about the space
07:28:25 of concern.
07:28:30 Any questions or comments.
07:28:35 Okay. All right. Thank you, Catherine.
07:28:40 Okay.
07:28:57 JIRA.
07:28:45 So these are JIRA issues that are outside of release management tasks. So these are JIRA issues assigned by the projects to the release and so what what we wanted to see is that as we move from release to release that the issues.
07:29:10 Once we get to the end of the release the issues are either resolved and closed, or they're moved to the next release. And so that that allows us to maintain, you know, an accurate description of the work that's been done from release to release and and
07:29:39 avoid having a lot of stale issues, sitting around.
07:29:39 Hey. Yeah. Hey David I have a suggestion right rather than moving from release to release, maybe could we have a release called say backlog.
07:29:49 So that, so that we know that something is not in this release but it's not committed for the next release we can just stick it in the backlog.
07:29:58 Yeah, I mean, we can do that and I've seen that done before.
07:30:09 But it's sort of results in the in the same thing, because people put stuff into backlog, and they don't review it and then you you know you end up with, you know, 20,000 issues and backlog, you know, 90% of which no one's ever going to look at again.
07:30:20 Oh yeah, yeah I mean the problem with the way we're doing it now is that at the beginning of every release we have a huge number of things in the release that we all know are all going to get done.
07:30:31 Well, what I will say to that is that we, I mean we have the release name strings are in the in JIRA. And so if you're doubtful about a particular issue, don't assign it to the next release sign it to the release after that.
07:30:49 Okay.
07:30:51 And, and, and if you, I mean if you can't, if you don't have enough visibility to say something will be done, you know, within the next two releases so that's like within the next year.
07:31:02 Then, you know I question the value of even having the issue.
07:31:07 Yeah, yeah.
07:31:10 I know in our projects at least we we do have some, you know, drive, drive by somebody comes in says this would be a great thing for somebody to do but I'm not going to put resources on it, it's like yeah, I hate that would be
07:31:24 great.
07:31:25 Best intention winning lottery ticket.
07:31:30 Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
07:31:32 So, yeah so damn makes good point there, you don't have to sign it to the next release, the idea is to sign it to a future release. So that might be the next release but it might be the release after that.
07:31:47 But, you know, like i said if you, if you can't.
07:31:51 If you're doubtful of being able to do something within the next two releases, then that tells me you know that it's not that urgent, and it's, You know, questionable value.
07:32:10 So, you know just just to document in JIRA, you know, feel good about documenting is it I don't think that that's I don't think that that's a good practice.
07:32:21 So, so my suggestion is, you know, consider the next two releases and reassign it to one of those.
07:32:30 All right, so let's see.
07:32:33 So this isn't too ugly at all there's just 37 issues here.
07:32:40 And of course, the major culprit here is Silvana with om, he's gay. Yeah,
07:32:55 yeah, I forgot to clean but.
07:33:05 So, I will make a batch just after okay to see that they have seen that we have stove said, I said we would be able to finish during the skill is like that database consolidation.
07:33:14 We have advanced but not enough.
07:33:16 And, and I guess that we have also that are could have been closed, I will make a pass.
07:33:26 Some are asked killer, and delegate so I don't know a free. So for example, the two from undress 2928 to 69 for example and 2864.
07:33:39 These two ones.
07:33:42 I don't know if anybody else wants to shape them on it. into into the Venetian is not there today so it would be complicated but I will I will make a request.
07:33:53 Okay, thank you so long.
07:33:57 All right.
07:34:01 Okay, moving on.
07:34:05 Let's see.
07:34:07 So Catherine's extending our agenda in real time.
07:34:12 I'm sorry thanks Catherine.
07:34:16 No, I'm really sorry, because these items.
07:34:19 I know it's it's part of the sign.
07:34:23 And it's something which is probably tack on the equipment owner, but I just wanted to highlight.
07:34:34 When I say order that it's very important to update the ED ski of the Istanbul at ski update pages, which is where all of you, it's not only the PDF, so that's why I put orders in the subcommittee is a one owner, describe their major accomplishment, with
07:34:53 additional details. And I, this page is really key there are still some project who did not update this page.
07:35:03 And I'm not sure where it is Clark, but if we don't know what your component really add value is, it's, it's difficult for the marketing team to promote what you do so.
07:35:15 Please clean up, and it's an action or so for the requirements for all the subcommittee so maybe I should change the wording and say, let me see that, because it's not only the PDF responsibility.
07:35:29 It's also the subcommittee's who needs to support that. Right.
07:35:51 The committee.
07:35:41 Yes. So that's
07:35:44 where it is really talking the process. I know we skipped a lot of stuff, because we only want to see. And maybe it was highlighted before, but I think it was, it was attached to Darcy milestone for project, I think for projects and for requirement owners.
07:36:07 Okay. But, but if you take a look there are some projects. We didn't provide any update.
07:36:15 Not the project I think they are okay my apologize. The project did it, but the the subcommittee, the use case owner fasting, there are still some cleanup to do in this area so maybe I should split scientists, because the project did it I confirm.
07:36:34 But we are still some blank. in the wiki page.
07:36:40 And then the other item, which is also this time I'm sure but what I'm saying, some ppl did not update their maturity matrix.
07:36:52 So we don't know if being pulled if it was the same status done before. And again, I don't know where it is really Clark.
07:37:08 For those The only stuff that we are missing when we look at the East.
07:37:06 the Istanbul wiki page that we have established.
07:37:15 Okay.
07:37:16 All right.
07:37:17 Thank you, Catherine.
07:37:22 So
07:37:22 I think we're in pretty good shape but the projects.
07:37:26 But if you were a requirement owner or on a subcommittee.
07:37:33 We want your input there as well.
07:37:36 So please update the key updates page.
07:37:44 Okay. Um, let's see, going back to integration for a moment.
07:37:50 I know we have this 72 hour stability test run, which I think is relatively new if I remember right, and, but it's not clear to me where that falls out in the, in the process.
07:38:07 me How can you comment on that.
07:38:11 Yes, it's literally run by Morgan, and results are pushed into the weekly, and we have results from the end of the number.
07:38:25 So the 72 hour test run for the sanitation.
07:38:36 So,
07:38:39 all right.
07:38:44 Is it this weekly link. Yeah.
07:38:49 Okay.
07:38:51 On that weekly faster.
07:38:57 Okay, so this guy
07:39:01 works the most okay yeah and stability results.
07:39:08 There are stability results, basic VM. The link is 24 hours but we run 72 hours for vision. And as you can see after about the fourth of time, the success rate is.
07:39:28 Go down.
07:39:31 And it was reported.
07:39:35 And after that, we run the onboard.
07:39:45 And that result was worse than before. But we, we think that's because we run it in boarding after the 72 hours test of instant creation, because after some time, also for his decision boarding the success rate goes down.
07:40:01 And this is 47 th and they are not the second one is for boards and if you go back. The results for important medical.
07:40:13 Yeah, and results are worse than before, but we agree when Morgan back from the holidays.
07:40:22 We will rerun this test, but not after the instrumentation 72 hours.
07:40:34 So,
07:40:39 okay, Not because of the long.
07:40:39 Best of, so instant creation, we have worse results than before.
07:40:47 But when you say worse results than before. Because previous release or you mean the previous round layer of this dog. Yes. All right, yes yeah okay. Previously, the success rate for as DC onboarding was.
07:41:12 So this is quite a big difference. And, but we plan to rerun that and make sure that's not because of the solicitation pens.
07:41:29 Where, where are you seen 54, how do I read them. Global success rate. Yes, exactly. Okay. All right.
07:41:34 Okay.
07:41:35 Okay. And do we have a, have we defined a metric for this for what's acceptable.
07:41:47 I never heard about metrics.
07:41:53 All right.
07:41:54 Okay.
07:41:55 Thank you.
07:41:59 All right. Um.
07:42:02 Alright, moving on to sec calm.
07:42:05 And then we have this, this issue related to artifact broker and there was an email exchange with Luke cause.
07:42:27 And he published a new image which my understanding, correct this problem, can, can we confirm that this issue, Amy. Can we confirm that this issue is now resolved.
07:42:34 Yes, and I'm saying it that way because I cannot find that the latest results that I can find for the tests that are run is.
07:42:45 It is a from 1016 so I don't have later results than that.
07:42:55 me How could you post where the FX testing results are.
07:42:59 So that would be, because I don't have any come out of the daily.
07:43:06 Um, well I know the security tend to be run weekly but, again, because I think there's I have not seen. Yeah, I thought there was a daily as well so I don't have those.
07:43:19 I don't have could somebody if you post the link for their, I will double check.
07:43:22 I know that they that they also I believe updated the x versions file, the Xs version file, so that that was so that they, they would have an exception for it.
07:43:37 Well, so this is from the daily, and this one is labeled security but I don't know that this includes, just click security, go to Scott no it does not have the versions in it.
07:43:52 That's okay, so that this one does not check for Java programmers and status ok late. The last time I have a check for that is the 16th of October.
07:44:05 I think it's a neon weekly that I'm Danish, that's what I've had as well. Yeah. Yes, please do with me. Okay, let's see.
07:44:15 There's no newer weekly.
07:44:18 Exactly. Yeah, that's the one I was working at, so I can't tell where we are, you know, that's where I don't tell where we are with this, if you do the drop down up could show the full results, please.
07:44:30 And I think I have that anyway, and it's still showing that one as versions. Yeah, it's probably because it's old. But yes, I agree that they have updated that it's the yellow goats, go up here a little bit.
07:44:47 Up, up, up, up this way. Yeah, that's it.
07:44:52 So, this is what that I believe has been updated but I have no test that show so that it's been updated.
07:44:58 This is what that I believe has been updated but I have no test that show so that it's been updated.
07:45:03 Okay. All right.
07:45:49 Okay, Great. Thank you, Amy.
07:45:53 You're welcome.
07:45:54 Okay.
07:45:59 Kenny. Thank you, you filed a ticket with legal, And we got some feedback
07:46:09 on this. Can you tell us what we know what no is basically still the status of when I asked.
07:46:21 I went back, which is.
07:46:26 Please stand by.
07:46:29 We went back and hang on just what's.
07:46:39 Sorry about that.
07:46:40 I went back and looked at the last run that Steve Winslow did. I didn't seeing
07:46:52 anything that
07:46:59 was particularly alarming there that hasn't been already addressed.
07:47:08 That is the extent of the information I have.
07:47:16 Okay next steps I mean we do we are our, do we call that good or do we need to do something more.
07:47:26 That's up to the DSC.
07:47:32 And obviously, so So there's two things here. Yes, we need to do something more in terms of getting clarity on how code scanning is going to be handled going forward.
07:47:46 Okay, but for just keeping it to the scope of the sample release Do we need anything more.
07:47:56 Was the recommendation was on the assemble release Correct.
07:48:00 Correct.
07:48:00 Okay, so do we need any just looking at assemble Do we need anything more for assemble.
07:48:08 I do not believe so.
07:48:10 Okay.
07:48:13 But I am not a lawyer.
07:48:17 So Kenny, we, the latest one it's really September, right, that was the latest license can share by, do we slow.
07:48:36 Okay, maybe what we can do is to attack.
07:48:41 The Marine, given the opportunity to the team to review, but we don't have access. I mean I just dry.
07:48:52 He was sharing a link, I can put in the chat.
07:48:57 But I don't know who has Alexis, because does not seem to be working
07:49:05 at put in the chat here, the one from September, or maybe Sony the PTO to have an access, I don't know.
07:49:21 OVZB, be nice, that the TLC have also an access so they can give you the findings from September,
07:49:26 open for me.
07:49:27 Yet open for me so it's it's it's got to be.
07:49:37 Let me, Let me see what I can figure out there.
07:49:45 Okay I'm assigning an action for you.
07:49:48 Any. Yep.
07:50:25 report.
07:50:39 Members of the TLC. Open the link that Catherine provided in the chat.
07:50:46 Somebody can try because I don't know if it is just a nice issue because I, I am on my company network
07:50:57 issue.
07:51:02 Be but the message that I'm receiving is impossible to access to the page.
07:51:11 So if one gets enough members can confirm they have access to.
07:51:22 Four people now that have said they can get to it. Okay, so, so it's a problem for me. Ok, I will try to fix on my end. Thank you for for me.
07:51:46 Okay.
07:51:47 Please.
07:51:49 Sorry, go ahead, do we need to know all.
07:51:53 We gave two days to the TSP since they have access to the hippo to look at and come back in depth, any concern by Monday.
07:52:05 Yeah.
07:52:24 Okay. So thanks folks for tuning in, appreciate you letting us know that is this a sep tember report.
07:52:35 As you know Steve opens tensed open bugs, against those when they need to be fixed, so
07:52:48 it's it's to the best of my knowledge what what was highlighted has been addressed.
07:52:53 Okay, so, Kenny I think what I'll do is I'll action you just to follow up with an email to the TASC reminding them to review the report by Monday and respond to comments.
07:53:30 Okay.
07:53:34 Alright, so let's talk about documentation for a moment we did have this.
07:53:42 So this was the Cedric fix.
07:53:47 And I created.
07:53:54 I created tickets for all of the projects to
07:54:01 to merge this change. And so you can, you can see that this list is much smaller most of them have been completed it looks like the remaining open item is with CLI.
07:54:18 So do we have anyone from the CSI team on the call.
07:54:25 No, it's the Diwali is the Diwali in India today so. Oh, yeah.
07:54:46 BC is located in India, gets really mad.
07:54:44 proposer because I think we still have some people who are coming to hora.
07:54:54 If tomorrow.
07:55:05 we're not, but I want to have your yes your feedback on that because I don't want to work, to us, you know, I think, here we are speaking about documentation.
07:55:19 I don't personally I don't see any concern. We just want to move for often unlock the situation I was just providing feedback that I realized is the Diwali and that's why we're missing some key members.
07:55:31 This week, But I think.
07:55:37 Tomorrow is tomorrow. Yes, not magic, I can ask more want to do it.
07:55:43 thing you can, because we are speaking about documentation and not.
07:55:57 Sorry, Eric. She's.
07:56:01 She's. I know you'd like to do.
07:56:05 I do my favorite people
07:56:13 like to see OZTK closed yet, and he knows that, of them are from.
07:56:17 We are finished cleaning, you have a lot less JIRA tickets for his them release.
07:56:33 I finished cleaning, you have a lot less surgery, it gets first and release.
07:56:44 All right.
07:56:47 Okay. Thank you, Eric.
07:56:51 Okay, So we have this long list of
07:56:58 merge status issues, Catherine, do we need to go through these in detail I see we're starting to get short on time here.
07:57:07 Okay. Well, I think it sounds like there's a shorter list now.
07:57:14 So, just don't know it
07:57:17 yet, if I may, I think that it's undocking corner would say so I'm not really worried about the majority of the list.
07:57:26 Except accept the last one, but I have proposed a patch on the UI and for natural language processing, because we have put the minus two is history. say we are downloading assets at one time so that means it will walk on Leah when you have an internet
07:57:42 connection and some things that we don't want have proposed a batch of marriage. So, I think that I'll be able to have his roots to tomorrow or maybe on Monday.
07:57:54 For the last 1001 should pass quietly.
07:58:02 And on Mondays should be good.
07:58:07 Okay.
07:58:08 All right, thank you.
07:58:10 So, so let's kind of wrap this up here.
07:58:15 So I think it should be apparent that we're not ready for sign off.
07:58:20 Question is, what do we want to do moving forward. Now, you know, an obvious thing to do would be to push out the release.
07:58:30 When week, but there's one caveat to that and that is that the TSP is not meeting on the 11th due to a holiday. And so if we want to push out the release a week and have the TASC approved the miles are birthed the release, then we would need to do it
07:58:56 by email.
07:59:15 Alternatively, I guess we could push it out, a week and a half, until a week from Monday.
07:59:09 And then possibly have the TASC join the ptl call and vote on it there. So, Kenny with, what do you think.
07:59:20 But that's not what I think it's what the TSDC things.
07:59:26 Yeah, I mean just turning in terms of offering guidance and alternatives.
07:59:34 I think you pretty much covered alternatives are. Okay.
07:59:40 Well, you are doing that it would be just to be sure that the November 5.
07:59:47 Because I don't think we would be able to clean up everything on Monday, two weeks, maybe a week from Monday, a week from this Monday. Yeah.
08:00:00 Okay. What the other 50 members think do you think we can meet.
08:00:06 On Monday, 16, and we dedicate the first the first 15 minutes to at least if some TLC have already some commitment.
08:00:19 They know when they can draw, maybe we dedicate the first 15 minutes, and then you can use the rest of the time for teacher coal or the opposite, that would prefer we discussed with it.
08:00:31 So we know where we are.
08:00:33 And then if there is a member we need to leave they can leave.
08:00:39 So the proposal is first half hour of the PCL meeting on the 15th of November, and the PTO meeting is scheduled.
08:00:56 As the TLC meeting is locked to UTC.
08:01:00 So that will be at 1400 UTC.
08:01:09 Sounds like a plan.
08:01:14 Okay, if I don't hear anything else I'm going to mark that as an agreed.
08:01:45 Right now,
08:01:54 so we will be asking PDL members to join the PTA meeting.
08:02:01 Everybody is welcome to attend those a view of the release and it's not limited to the TASC.
08:02:14 But I mean, it for the purposes of a vote.
08:02:15 Okay.
08:02:18 Yes, and we don't want to wait the 15 to understand when we are so can we consider that the fact that's why we have a detailed list today. Can we consider that this list is what we still need to do because it's to the list is long, but I want to acknowledge
08:02:39 acknowledge the fact that this series from my perspective has been extremely smooth.
08:02:51 We didn't shift.
08:02:46 I did not remember okay these ladies so I want to congratulate the project team and all the people who are supporting the subcommittee's, and more supporting these cities, because no one knows owner, of course, because we we did, we only shift a little
08:03:05 bit at the beginning and then it was really a smooth, as he needs. Now, if we fit at this stage.
08:03:13 Again, it's not because of the testing is not completed which was a nice surprise yesterday when we have you so congratulations to all of you know we are cleaning up to be sure that when people will consume it.
08:03:26 There will be a minimum of concern of non. Right. So congratulation again to all of you. And David I would suggest, we have the list of what is left. Maybe potentially she can veto the 10.
08:03:38 So send us an update on the, on the nine after the BTR call to give us a taste, about how far we are from the sign of that can be fantastic.
08:03:57 All right, we'll do.
08:04:01 Okay, so that was a long review of status, but there was a lot of detail to cover so thank you everyone for your patience and engagement, and working through that.
08:04:19 And so I'll just ask one more time if there are any questions or comments regarding release status.
08:04:31 Okay, so I think that's it for me, Kenny.
08:04:43 Okay, so we've got about a half hour left, we have a subcommittee update from set calm.
08:04:51 Brandon was going to cover the marketing plan
08:04:57 update from the CF Task Force, and then wanted to get some idea on the developer and testing forum, dates, Catherine which.
08:05:10 Where would you like to go.
08:05:13 I think when we discuss yes to the with Brandon please confirm you said that we can maybe postpone the discussion to the next meeting is it correct condom, that we can maybe schedule your section to the 18, or did I use understood.
08:05:33 Hey, Catherine.
08:05:35 You know, we can certainly, we can take this over email, or push to a future discussion.
08:05:41 I would just note if the, the release sign off is now scheduled for the 15th.
08:05:50 We be releasing right around the 17th or 18th so try to get it out before Thanksgiving week so happy to update at that point, it just the context of the update was slightly changed to.
08:06:09 This is what's happening right now, instead of what what is going to happen.
08:06:12 Yeah. Yes, the intense, but again we will never compromise the quality of the release but the internet truly deliver gift for the sons giving.
08:06:24 Okay.
08:06:27 So thank you so much from them.
08:06:29 Oh, thank you so much from them. We have to win it. So we're confirming are moving that to the meeting on the 18th, your email and and 49 months and marketing lunch of wV is targeted 1819 with the fact that we sign off on the 15th does the condition somehow
08:06:50 because Amanda needs a couple of days to send the marketing team in London need a couple of days to prepare finalize everything that we find it on the teams and I would just then highlight the, the updates that are happening as we launched in real time.
08:07:08 Yeah, exactly.
08:07:10 That's good. And then we have two topics.
08:07:15 So as we look at beyond on the call. I see beyond, I don't remember to a scene Lucas, but see shoe is celebrating the wall he would you have an issue.
08:07:28 Would you have an issue. Beyond that, I don't see Lucas today.
08:07:37 If we put
08:07:35 because it's all day. Okay. Shall we postpone this ego.
08:07:40 I know the 18 will start to be crowded, I need to check with Kenny, the 18 we are still some slot.
08:07:50 But are you okay, if we postpone the CFP though.
08:07:57 Another day. And then I will give the floor to the security because I can see security team here.
08:08:03 But I don't see all the team members of the CNS basketball.
08:08:07 So we have a the CNF Task Force was going to talk about Jakarta requirements on the 18th and also I believe that I saw this morning, email from modeling saying that they would be doing their update on the 18th.
08:08:27 Okay.
08:08:28 We might, might double check, but I don't see beyond many more so I don't see any center representatives except Canyon myself, if I don't mistake so we need to reschedule.
08:08:42 So let's not lose too much time and give the flow immediately to a firewall and Amy, since they're on the bridge.
08:08:56 We need to also offline Can you because maybe the 18 will become crowded at one point.
08:09:06 Okay, I don't think I see pop popular is still on the bridge or not co host of participants and I know he had
08:09:15 contacted me earlier to say he did have a conflict in the second half, so I can cover this, I can cover the deck.
08:09:22 If you want to bring it up that be great.
08:09:40 Oh, it's in as a smiling as a PDF so give me a second.
08:09:47 I need to download it.
08:10:13 will come up as a PowerPoint so I will need to do you want me to do, if you could make presenter I have the tech teed up if you, if you need, or if you've already acted up.
08:10:25 Yeah, I've got it now I just. Okay, great. Well, I just sometimes it's easier than flipping things between.
08:10:34 If PowerPoint would start, which it's not.
08:10:42 Tell you what. Yeah, why don't you go ahead and do it. Let me give you permission, because I have a hunch that the problems I was reporting earlier about my network may be actually on my computer.
08:10:58 And nothing to do with network.
08:11:02 All right.
08:11:04 Let me pull this up.
08:11:08 Let me know when you can see, we can see.
08:11:11 Cool.
08:11:13 Alright so, um, we just want a sec I'm just wanted to review what what the community has achieved in terms of security improvements for the assembled release.
08:11:25 So, you know, we've been concentrating for South for a number of releases now on the upgrades to Java 11 and Python three.
08:11:35 And we are very pleased to report that the majority of projects have actually completed their upgrades.
08:11:44 There's actually still 57 containers that do have, or repose that do actually have exceptions that are that are checked against however it's not nearly as bad as it sounds, 30 of those are the filebeat containers.
08:12:03 And so that they have dependencies, the other 14 are actually on unmaintained and 14 of them are on unmaintained repose. Everyone has a good reason for not having finished their upgrades so congratulations to the community from really working for really
08:12:21 working on this and being successful package upgrades we had very good response in this release, we have actually removed, nearly 700 of the identified vulnerabilities, there are about 800 or so.
08:12:38 About approximately, 800, known vulnerabilities in the open source the community includes in it, identified for this release, and about 700 or removed so again, really, that's that's great response from the community.
08:12:55 So congratulations.
08:12:57 we have better coverage and ci badging dashboard.
08:13:02 So that's great. So there's improvement there. And we've actually had significant code quality improvements.
08:13:11 We is between Honolulu and assemble when we started creating specific JIRA tickets for the projects to go out there and and fix some of the security problems that's on our cloud was finding so specific call outs AI actually fixed 95 security hotspots
08:13:33 the map over 400. And so also had a significant security fixes is created so congratulations to the team on that.
08:13:46 We also consider really successful that we have removed on supported codes so the repos that have been removed or ASR portal portal SDK and a couple of others.
08:13:57 Now in forward looking work we've actually done, then miter has been leading a, an effort to really talk, update the security logging requirements. And so, this has been presented to pts of the events to be captured and the required fields, it's really
08:14:16 an update, and we are proposing a PLC for Jakarta, to try this out with a couple of willing project teams that and see what how much work it will be to, to go through an update the, the security events that are collected, that are reported for an app
08:14:39 components and this would be security events, not of the things that own app orchestrates but rather upon app itself.
08:14:47 The advantage of, of rational rationalizing these logging events, is that it will be better for an operator they'll, they'll know what to expect. And it'll be easier for them to pump them into a same system and doing do good analytics on it.
08:15:02 You could move to page three,
08:15:09 about you're sharing. I'm sharing, I keep forgetting that I'm sharing I didn't have it.
08:15:14 Because WebEx doesn't really let me share anymore and I use that so much.
08:15:18 We will be presenting, we will be getting new efforts during assemble we're going to propose a couple of new best practices which really come from the community, or some of them anyway.
08:15:31 So like I said, we're, we're the proposal for the security logs fields and mitre has also created a feature intake template that they'll be reviewing.
08:15:44 One of the things that has come from the community and especially from the integration and om teams is.
08:15:50 Let's make it let's actually get it in as a global requirement to use the basic image from om that that's actually going to make it better. That makes things better for an opposite for operators who are consuming own app, but it also will help with some
08:16:06 of the testing and get rid of some of the results that we get from testing especially for security. That kind of or false positives.
08:16:16 And we've also got we're going to put in a requirement for the software bombs, this is going to, or software bill of materials. This is going to be informative and at this point no impact on the pipeline and I want to give a call out again to mitre for
08:16:30 doing this work. So that's what's new to come in Jakarta and we will be taking this through the requirements subcommittee and then up to the TASC for approval.
08:16:51 So any questions.
08:16:56 Otherwise, I think we're good
08:16:58 at this is Brandon I think it's possible to highlight these achievements as part of the.
08:17:05 release. Absolutely.
08:17:10 Right, me I think so you started started a pure see for Santa Claus
08:17:17 configuration. Oh, yes, we should add that.
08:17:21 Yeah, that's been great work by Fabio,
08:17:26 yeah yeah sure that's where it seems important so to highlight that because we're not yet.
08:17:37 Yes, so that's really great because it takes the work that Tony Hansen has been doing on the creation of these individual tickets, really goes a long way to doing more automation on that, and doing checks at the time of checking of commit that you know
08:17:56 if you still have, if you still have vulnerabilities and code quality problems you're going to get that.
08:18:01 It'll be flagged, so I think that's a really great, really great thing that Bobby is done.
08:18:12 So, Amy, and I'm glad that blonder is still there, who can you. I really want to highlight the fact that the continue of journey on the production readiness.
08:18:24 So I don't know if all this information is already on the famous key these pages that we use for marketing, but would you mind to work, supported by by a weekend familia, and by well to London to really have an eye light or production bigness transformation
08:18:48 journey.
08:18:48 Absolutely.
08:18:51 Thank you so much to Brandon you have already a key lady said to consider for promotion.
08:18:57 Thank you, Amy. Thank you. And I want to thank the community because I think a lot of this is just that it's because it's becoming second nature to the community in general, to start looking at the security issues to start looking at code quality issues,
08:19:10 and it's, it's just happening that that really is a testament to to the community as a whole.
08:19:19 I like what you just said that it's possible DNA. That's something we should also right in, in the, the lunch.
08:19:28 Because we are coming from different company different on the way of putting things with junior, senior or different level of expertise.
08:19:39 But I like what you said that this particular heading this mindset becomes possible DNA. So, we can laugh again something around that, to give the feeling that really this is something very key for us.
08:19:55 That would be wonderful.
08:19:56 Thank you so much.
08:20:02 Great, great stuff, and a big plus one to everything Amy said, and Catherine said there.
08:20:13 Okay, let's use the remaining few minutes here to
08:20:21 cover some of our.
08:20:26 Some of our open things.
08:20:31 Clocks will be changing in North America on the 11th. I'm sorry. On the seventh of the month.
08:20:42 So,
08:20:43 next week, ends our full our full Follies.
08:20:49 With regards to the clock stuff.
08:20:52 We already talked about the THC meetings going to be counted on the 11th.
08:21:03 I'm sorry.
08:21:04 Well, if there's some really cool stuff here so orange is going to be presenting a webinar on the 10th, Deutsche Telekom on the 16th.
08:21:20 And then in November.
08:21:23 The top project from advocate, which is focused on intelligent networking is gonna have a webinar and that should be pretty interesting as well so I wanted to call everyone's attention to those.
08:21:38 Please register.
08:21:40 The link is right there.
08:21:47 I'm going to skip down here to
08:21:54 talking about our upcoming event in January.
08:21:59 This will be on the 10th through the 13th. This is the virtual event.
08:22:05 The call for proposals is out there.
08:22:21 Randy and Timo have stepped up graciously once again to be part of the program committee.
08:22:17 If there are new TASC members that would like to help out on that committee.
08:22:24 This would be a very good way of helping to gain your, you know, part of the to not gain to meet the some of the community leadership requirements if you don't have them.
08:22:40 So, please reach out to Randy and Timo if you would like to take part in that.
08:22:48 And then I want to spend any scaling before I move on I just wanted to highlight that the deadline for submission is.
08:22:56 Oh, yes. Third, which is not a strategy soon, because we need to schedule it before the holiday so please.
08:23:08 If you want to present something please go to that page I pasted it in the chat. And please use the macros or buttons at the top of the page to create a new topic don't do it manually it's easier for us later to schedule.
08:23:24 So please feel free to propose sessions and we hope to have as diverse and interesting event as we had in the previous ones. Yep.
08:23:36 So just follow that link, click that to create a topic, it will bring up a template page and just as it did last time, and it's pretty simple.
08:23:53 Thank you, Ronnie.
08:23:56 Now that was, that was a good safety tip that I that I forgot to mention so thank you
08:24:05 want to talk a little bit about our upcoming development, testing forum, which will be in June that seems like a long ways away.
08:24:14 But as we are planning this as a physical event in person.
08:24:21 We need to figure out what we're going to do for with regards to the venues. So we've done a number of possible options.
08:24:34 The first one is June, 6, Doing a monday through thursday event.
08:24:44 But that Monday is a holiday in a number of company countries in the EU, and since the event will be taking place in Europe.
08:24:57 That's probably not such a good idea.
08:25:00 We could shift that same week to start on Tuesday go Tuesday through Friday.
08:25:10 That conflicts with the Sabbath for many of our members, and also people have to people generally leave early on Fridays.
08:25:22 Regardless, so that's that's just kind of a standard thing there so we could end up cutting ourselves short.
08:25:30 But week of June 13,
08:25:34 there is a conflict with broadband forum I don't know if that is a something that matters to the majority of the own app community or not.
08:25:46 The week of May 30 conflicts with the Memorial Day holiday, the week of July fourth.
08:25:53 We are into generally into summertime there for a number of countries, and it also conflicts with the independent space here.
08:26:10 So, bots from the CSC and the community, on which of these dates looks best.
08:26:20 And these dates are based upon.
08:26:23 When we have a venue available to us, our events team has already been out there working this diligently. And they.
08:26:43 So, we have a great deal of competition right now. So thoughts from the community.
08:26:57 Can you, is there any conflict with broadband forum, I'm not sure that's a lot of people from, or not.
08:27:07 Yeah, I mean that that's a question I mean, there, there are a couple people in advocate that are active in that.
08:27:15 But again, this is what does the own app community prefer.
08:27:24 And then we'll take everything into consideration and, you know, and throw it all into a pot and stir it up
08:27:37 as well.
08:27:39 The
08:27:44 week looks good but then I was studying to see the previous week.
08:27:49 If we work for three and a half days from Tuesday to Friday with a space that it boxing.
08:27:59 So I think those two options are going to
08:28:08 other thoughts.
08:28:20 I'm not in edit mode here No wonder, it's not behaving the way I expected.
08:28:25 So does the week of 13 is what people prefer just.
08:28:32 That's what I'm thinking I'm hearing. Yeah.
08:28:35 and the other people have different opinion.
08:28:44 So, this would be our second choice.
08:29:01 And this would be our first choice.
08:29:04 Yeah.
08:29:05 Okay.
08:29:07 Well, can you do you know which one venue would we be looking at through the June 13 week.
08:29:16 Um, I would need to look, I don't remember off the top of my head.
08:29:24 That's okay.
08:29:27 Anyway, I had that it would be the Sheraton Porto Hotel and Spa in Portugal.
08:29:36 Okay, very good.
08:29:44 Nice and hook.