Kubernetes clusters using ONAP Multicloud K8s Plugin Project for R4/R5 do not report hardware features to A&AI.
Consequently during the CNF/VNF life cycle CNFs/VNFs that require or recommend specific hardware during instantiation cannot dynamically reach the correct cluster and node that provides the needed hardware capabilities.
This Frankfurt Release epic (
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Overall Flow Diagram for HPA for K8s
Discovery and Labeling of Node Features
The below figure shows a K8s cluster registering with the K8s plugin, wherein capabilities are transmitted
Discovery of HPA features will be done using the node feature discovery [NFD] addon (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery) for kubernetes. NFD will be deployed as a daemonSet, with pods on each node and will discover and label hardware features on each kubernetes node with features labels (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery#feature-labels).
Registering of K8s Clusters
The GREEN FLOW is Register HPA features to AAI.
Registration of K8s Cluster will happen at the ESR UI (see: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/onap-user/cloud_site/openstack/index.html - use k8s for cloud-type). ESR will then send a POST request to
Reporting of HPA features to AA&I is done by the registrationHandler. Data will be munged to cloud-region/tenant/flavors schema for that cluster and reported to AA&I. registrationHandler is planning on using AA&I module under development for Frankfurt to report to AA&I. In this case we will send a request to the AA&I module instructing it to update the cloud-region, create a tenant and create flavors that match the node feature labels in said cloud-region.
Convert node feature label to flavor properties
below table is example how to convert node feature label to flavor properties
node feature label | Openstack flavor properties |
feature.node.kubernetes.io/network-sriov.capable=True feature.node.kubernetes.io/network-sriov.configured=True feature.node.kubernetes.io/pci-1200_8086.present=True Comments: The other parameter we can set default because node feature label can not provide. |
We can get the latest mapping table in HPA Policies and Mappings + K8s
Update of CNF Artifacts to Include nodeSelector
Where needed add resource limits and request to ResourceBundle charts. I.E.:
memory: "64Mi"
cpu: "250m"
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "500m"
Charts to Update