The scope of this page is to define the Onboarding package for a PNF as well as non-MANO artifact specification to be registered with ETSI. This page is required to be long-live.
The Modeling sub-committee is the organization that owns the non-MANO artifacts set. The contact persons for non_MANO artifacts set is Michela Bevilacqua and andreik
CSAR structure
TOSCA YAML CSAR file is an archive file using the ZIP file format. Two CSAR structures are defined in ETSI SOL004.
2) CSAR containing a single yaml file at the root fo for the archive.
Option 1 is the unique option supported in ONAP in Dublin.
onap_ves_events: contains VES registration files
onap_pm_dictionary: contains the PM dictionary files
onap_yang_modules: contains Yang module files for configurations
onap_ansible_playbooks: contains any ansible_playbooks
- onap_scripts: contains any scripts, e.g. installation scripts (NOT REQUIRED IN DUBLIN TIMEFRAME BUT MAY BE REGISTERED LATER)
onap_others: contains any other non_MANO artifacts, e.g. informational documents
3) Multiple yang-module files the manifest file and in the dummy package with the intent to demonstrate that multiple files can be assosicated to a single keyword (according to ETSI SOL004)
4) Current Example package above does not include any certification file or other security options.
During the 2019-01-18 VNFPKG meeting we agreed to evaluate further the introduction of public identifiers to be approved in ETSI for ONAP.
Example Signed Packages
Here are two example signed packages. The packages are signed according to security option 2 in ETSI SOL004. The two file package has the signing certificate in the cryptographic message syntax. The three file has the certificate in a separate file and not in the cryptographic syntax.
Note: Only the complete package is signed. There is no signature included for the files in the package.
Files related to example signed packages here
1) ACTION: finalize the list public identifiers to be proposed in ETSI and analyze further ETSI process - COMPLETED