- A design idea
- Why not Camunda Cockpit as is: current Camunda Cockpit was designed from a BPMN process management perspective (note: need to study for TOSCA cases).
- It does not meet service-level orchestration monitoring.
- It is designed for BPMN definition/execution monitoring; require process knowledge for monitoring.
- We need higher-level monitoring abstraction for both BPMN and TOSCA.
- Associate Service Instance Id (or other keys) to the top-level process instance id. For the association,
- Could use a process variable holding the Service Instance id (or other keys), or
- Could use a database holding the association
- Allow VID, UUI or external apps monitor process workflow process (graphically and text-based) based on extensible search keys.
- We need a platform level runtime and history process activity report capabilties out of the box.
- Regardless use of Camunda Enterprise Edition or Community Edition.
- Query to Camunda/ARIA database to extract activities.
- The following diagram depicts the high-level concept.
- Why not Camunda Cockpit as is: current Camunda Cockpit was designed from a BPMN process management perspective (note: need to study for TOSCA cases).
- Rationale
- Search is an Camunda enterprise feature, but we need to provide searching capabilitiy for non-enterprise edition.
- Finding right process instance(s) for a NS/VNF service request is tedious and hassle.
- To facilitate monitoring, we need more than what Camunda Community/Enterprise edition supports.
- provides the process monitoring (instance-search) hyperlink to the SO clients for launching process monitoring.
- Automates tedious manual steps for finding target process instance(s), bypassing tedious search starting from the process defintions.
- Access customized SO Service List / Camunda Cockpit widgets from VID, UUI and external APIs.
- If a service provider uses Camunda Enterprise edition, they can still utilize this SO monitoring on top of Camunda enterprise edition features.
- Many of Camunda enterprise features such as CRUDV and version control of process definitions would be part of SDC.
- ONAP separated workflow design and runtime.
- Several enterprise features are not part of SO monitoring features and are not applicable.
- What are current TOSCA orchestrator monitoring capabilities?
- SO monitoring should cover both imperative and declarative orchestration.
- Question: can we have a kind of uniform way of monitoring?
- Search is an Camunda enterprise feature, but we need to provide searching capabilitiy for non-enterprise edition.
- High-Level Requirements
- Dashboard views of Service lists
- Filtering capabilities based on search criteria
- Configurable search criteria
- Dashboard views of statistics (donuts, pie charts, etc.) for filtered service instances
- Service Instance Rendering and detail panel views
- with sub-service instance drill-drown and drill-up capabilities
- A service instance could be realized by multiple process instances
- with process / task detail
- Topology (workflow) views during/after orchestration
- with sub-service instance drill-drown and drill-up capabilities
- Input/output data views for process/task/service task (messages, parameters)
- Display on service / task detail panel
- Provide message log views (could be on a pop-up widget)
- Color coding/visual indication of statistic and service type and status
- Troubleshooting capabilities by manipulating the workflow during orchestration for troubleshooting and retry from the current location (stretch goal)
- TOSCA orchestration monitoring (stretch goal)
- Dashboard views of Service lists
- Widget Requirements and Design
- Service List Widget
- Capabilities
- Provides monitoring capabilities for processed services based on search criteria
- Configurable Search Criteria filtering: Service ID, Operation Type, Status, User Id, Date/Time range
- Actual filtering criteria fields could be changed based on configuration
- The Service List panel will display the filtered Service list.
- This widget can be triggered from other UIs (VID, UUI, external applications).
- Provides monitoring capabilities for processed services based on search criteria
- Design
- The search criteria fields will be defined in a search criteria field configuration file (e.g., so-monitoring-config.yaml). So, they can be customized and support internationalization.
- Based on the fields and buttons configuration, the Service List widget will render the corresponding fields and buttons.
- The search criteria fields support the field validation based on the field type; e.g., length, date format, time format.
- The wild characters are supported for the String field.
- Example of so-monitoring-config.yaml
- Capabilities
- Service List Widget
name: User Id
type: String
max-length: 30
validation: alpha-numeric
name: Service Id
type: String
max-length: 30
validation: alpha-numeric
name: Operation Type
type: String
max-length: 30
validation: alpha-numeric
name: Status
type: combo-list
max-length: 30
- status-item: finished
name: Finished
- status-item: processing
name: Processing
- status-item: error
name: Error
name: Date From
type: date
validation: date-format
name: Time From
type: time
validation: time-format
name: Date To
type: date
validation: date-format
name: Time To
type: time
valiation: time-format
name: Filtering Expression
type: string
validation: regular-expression
name: Search
name: Statistic
name: Monitor
name: Previous # or <--
name: Next # or -->
- The Service List panel supports pagination, which will be controlled by the Navigation buttons.
- Queries a service list from the SO Request DB through the Monitoring REST APIs.
- Action buttons are enabled/disabled based on data population and/or context.
- Capabilities
- After the user fills up the desired search crtieria fields, and click the Search button.
- Capabilities
- use Camunda REST API, get/process-defintion/{id}xml
- Get the state of a process instance from the activity-instances
- Use Camunda REST API, get/process-instance/{id}/activity-instances
- Render the BPMN XML with bpmn.io and places markers on top of it, and provide Service instance detail views.
- Rendering code example
- Import BPMN XML string through Camunda REST APIs and render the BPMN workflow.
- Attache overlay events on the Call Activities for drilling down and display details.
- Task Drill-Down/Drill-Up and Detail View
- Support Task (CAll Activity) drill-down/drill-up capabilties.
- When a call activity task is selected, the Drill-Down button will be enabled.
- Provide detail views for the selected Task.
- When a task is selected including the call activity, the Detail view panel will display details for the selected task.
- Task Drill-Down/Drill-Up and Detail View
- Sub-Service Instance Rendering and Detail View
- Get a sub process defintion XML through the Service Id and Process Instance association.
- Use Camunda REST API, get/process-definition/{sub-id}/xml
- Get the state of a sub-process instance from the activity-instances.
- Use Camunda REST API, get/process-instance/{sub-id}/activity-instances
- Render the BPMN XML with bpmn.io and places markers on top of it, and provides service instance detail views.
- This widget uses the same code of the Service Instance Rendering and Detail View with the sub-process instance id.
- The Drill-Up button will be enabled.
- Sub-Service Instance Rendering and Detail View
- REST APIs for providing data to UIs
- Provides REST services, by utilzing 1) Camunda REST APIs, such as BPMN XML string, process activity data, process variable, statistic, and 2) SO Request DB APIs for a service list.
- Consolidate data responses from multpile Camunda calls and feed them to UIs.
- Use of HistoryService APIs, example, processEngine.getHistoryService().createHistoricProcessVariableQuery().xyz
- Set a History level to ACTIVITY as a minimum; AUDIT (default) level for process variable tracing
- Provides workflow tracing (between parent-child workflows, interaction with other services; service task in and out); example,
- processEngine.getRuntimeService().createExecutionQuery().processVariableValueEquals("serviceInstanceId", serviceInstanceId).singleResult();
- Custom Query
- Custom Query against History ACT_HI_DETAIL database table, as needed
- Create a REST API, getServiceList with search criteria
- invoke getInfraRequest(...) to collect service list data based on search criteria.
- Custom History Event Producer
- Populate additional data in history with extensibility
- Estimates
- Note:
- It is a rough estimate - to be refined
- Estimate includes development and unit testing time
- populate serach filter criteria
- Displays a service list panel
- control action buttons
- Displays statistic for the selected service scope
Service Instance Rendering
and Detail Panel
- Renders service instance workflow graphically
- provides the service instance details and selected task details
- Provides drill-down and drill-up capabilities
- REST facade for
- collecting and conslidating various Camunda process instance and history data to simplify GUI data collection interaction.
- collecting SO Request DB data
- REST facade for
NOTE: Moved it to Casablanca, See SO Monitoring Feature Design for further development/implementation.