This page is used for the ONAP R2+ Resource IM drafting and discussion.
Table of Content
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- AAI: aai_schema_v11
- ECOMP IM UML documentation: ONAP Resource 2017-11-08.docx
- SDC: SDC current ECOMP model
- ETSI: IFA007, IFA008, IFA011, IFA015
Class Diagrams Discussion
This section illustrates the core IM design related to VNF resource from different sources.
Run Time Model (VNF Instance)
IFA015, VNF Classes Mapping
Michela Bevilacqua: How do we map VNFInfo, InstantiatedVnfInfo and connected Info classes present in IFA015 to ONAP IM?
Xu Yang: In my opinion, the VnfInfo, InstantiatedVnfInfo, etc. can be mapped to attributes of the corresponding resource instance objects.
Design Time Model
Resource General View Diagram
- Resource model includes design time model (ResourceDesc) and run time model (ResourceInstance). Based on one ResourceDesc, zero or more ResourceInstance(s) can be instantiated.
- “Resource” is a generalization of many objects, for example, VNF, PNF, entitlement, etc. In the above diagram, only VNF, PNF and ServiceVirtualLink (virtual link between NFs) are shown. More specifically,
- VnfDesc is derived from ResourceDesc, VnfInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. Based on one VnfDesc, zero or more VnfInstance(s) can be instantiated.
- PnfDesc is derived from ResourceDesc, PnfInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. One PnfDesc is used to describe one PnfInstance.
- SrvVlDesc is derived from ResourceDesc, SrvVlInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. Based on one SrvVlDesc, zero or more SrvVlInstance(s) can be instantiated.
- VnfDesc can be composed of one or more VnfcDesc(s) and zero or more VnfVlDesc(s). Correspondingly, VnfInstance can be composed of zero or more VnfcInstance(s) and zero or more VlInstance(s). It should be noted that a VnfInstance comprises zero VnfcInstance is a special case that the VnfInstance object is created but not instantiated.
- Based on one VnfVlDesc, zero or more VlInstance(s) can be instantiated. And Based on one VnfcDesc, zero or more VnfcInstance(s) can be instantiated.
VnfDesc General View Diagram
NOTE: This diagram is a proposed model for the VnfDesc, mainly inspired by the model from ETSI IFA015. Not all elements in the VnfDesc are depicted.
- VnfcDesc is composed of one or more DeploymentFlavor(s), one or more VnfcDesc(s), one or more VnfExtCpDesc(s) and zero or more VnfVlDesc(s).
- DeploymentFlavor references VnfcDesc and VnfVlDesc.
- VnfcDesc is composed of one VirtualComputeDesc, one or more VirtualStorageDesc(s), zero or more SwImageDesc(s) and one or more VnfcCpDesc(s).
- A VirtualStorageDesc can reference a SwImageDesc.
- A VnfExtCpDesc references to a VnfcCpDesc.
- VnfcCpDesc can reference a VnfVlDesc.
IM Attribute Discussion
This section lists the attributes to be discussed before adding into to the information model.
Note: the attribute marked as blue is expected for moving into the clean version
NFC/VNFC Run Time Model
Xu Yang: Is it the same as vnfcState (i.e., start or stop)?
James Forsyth: Used for lifecycle management. We don't know what vnfcState is.
Xu Yang: vnfcState describes the state of a VNFC instance, possible values are: STARTED, STOPPED. STARTED means the VNFC instance is up and running, and STOPPED means the VNFC instance has been shut down (but not terminated/deleted). Similar to the VM power on/off concept.
Xu Yang: need further clarification on how this attribute is used
James Forsyth: In some applications, a two or more VMs or VNFCs is referred to by a name, and group-notation represents the name. Might want to use instance-group to replace this over time.
NFC/VNFC Design Time Model
The key indicates the boot index (lowest index defines highest boot priority). The Value references a descriptor from which a valid boot device is created e.g. VirtualStorageDesc from which a VirtualStorage instance is created.
Describes constraints on the NFVI for the VNFC instance(s) created from this Vdu.
Describes the configurable properties of all VNFC instances based on this VDU.
VNF Run Time Model
Xu Yang: only used by SO?
James Forsyth: Used by anyone who wants to check it, set by SO
Xu Yang: could you elaborate more on the valid values and their meaning?
Xu Yang: Need clarification on how this attribute is used.
James Forsyth: indicates who manages a specific resource, whether it's the service provider or a customer
Xu Yang: same as above
James Forsyth: Not mandatory, and it can be applicable for all kinds of VNFs, depending on the requirements of the VNF
Xu Yang: same as above
James Forsyth: Not mandatory, and it can be applicable for all kinds of VNFs, depending on the requirements of the VNF
Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes
Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes
Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes
Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes
Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes
Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes
Xu Yang: Is it used internally in AAI? can be omitted in the general model.
James Forsyth: It's used internally in AAI to enforce concurrency control, other systems use it to pass to AAI on updates and delete operations
Xu Yang: Please clarify the usage of this attribute.
James Forsyth Has to do with routing, not applicable for all VNFs
Xu Yang: What's the difference between vnf-type and nf-type?
James Forsyth - we are getting rid of vnf-type and replacing with nf-type, nf-function, and nf-role
Xu Yang: what controller?
James Forsyth: Not sure if it's being populated
Xu Yang: only used by VCE?
James Forsyth Not sure
Xu Yang: Is the description correct?
James Forsyth - The edge rules has the exhaustive list of possible relationships for generic-vnf
relationship with l-interface, availability-zone, lag-interface, l3-network, pserver, vserver, service-instance, vf-module, volume-group, vnfc and logical-link
"Y" indicates operator-supplied VNF instance target deployment node required. Present prompt to operator: "Enter target node for deployment of this VNF instance"
"Y" indicates operator-supplied VNF name required. Present prompt to operator: "Enter the name for this VNF instance"
Additional VNF-specific metadata describing the VNF instance.
VNF-specific attributes that affect the lifecycle management of this VNF instance by the VNFM, or the lifecycle management scripts.
VNF Design Time Model
Xu Yang: need clarfication on how this attribute is used.
Describes specific DF(s) of a VNF with specific requirements for capacity and
Describes the modifiable attributes of the VNF.
Includes a list of events and corresponding management scripts performed for the VNF.
ExternalVirtualLink Design Time Mode
is the resource instance referred to the run-time resource instance? If it is in the run-time, why is it in the design time?
Identifier of the resource instance (uuid of the specific use of the resource model in this service). This identifier is regenerated whenever a user makes a change on the resource instance.
Metadata of resources (VFs, VFCs, PNF) will include new field resourceVendorModelNumber. The value for this field is the part number defined by the vendor, e.g. “MX960”.
ExternalVirtualLink Run Time Model
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