ONAP Portal
Any user seeking access to an ONAP application will first land on the ONAP Portal Core where authentication will be performed. Based on the user’s access level, the ONAP Portal Core will let the user access different application widgets, and may also redirect them to their own run-time environments.
Designing Services
The Portal provides the following design-time features:
- Service Design and Creation (SDC): visual design tools for Services
- Policy creation (editing and conflict identification tools)
- Visual design tools for Analytic Applications (out-of-scope for first ONAP release)
Instantiating Services
The Portal offers a Virtual Instantiation Deployment (VID) GUI to trigger SO instantiation of Services and components that have been certified and distributed for production. These services may include:
- Infrastructure Services (such as compute and storage resources)
- Network Services (Virtual Network Functions)
- Application Services (such as a load-balancing function)
VID reads the models created in SDC, and, in turn, forwards the appropriate information to SO during the Service instantiation process.
From the ONAP Portal, administrators:
- access the same functionality accessible to users
- manage users and application admins
- onboard applications and widgets (developed using the Portal as a platform)
- edit the functional menu
Future enhancements in the following releases:
· Portal SDK - Digital Experience Control/UI Upgrade.
· Ability for admin to use notification and act on it w/o copy/paste, e.g. hyperlink to target function with context transfer.
- How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
- Please Include architecture diagram if possible - {+}https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Portal+
- What other ONAP projects does this project depend on? No dependecies. But will impact components - Policy, VID, SDC, DBC (DMaaP Bus Ctrl)
- How does this align with external standards/specifications?
- For security - O-Auth
- Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
- Application Authorization Framework (AAF)
- Primary Contact Person: Manoop Talasila
- Names, gerrit IDs, and company affiliations of the committers
- Manoop Talasila, talasila@research.att.com, AT&T
- Sunder Tattavarada, st782s@att statta@research.att.com, AT&T
- Names and affiliations of any other contributors
- Aftab Syed Anwar, anwar@research.att.com
- Chris Lott, cl778h@att.com, AT&T
- Wei-Ting(Robert) Lo, wl849v@att.com, AT&T
- Anandarup Sarkar, as0481@att.com, AT&T
- Leimeng Shi, ls3297@att.com, AT&T
- Lorraine A Welch, lb2391@att.com, AT&T
- Abbas Fazal, af9900@att.com, AT&T
- Ikram Ikramullah, fi241c@att.com, AT&T
Farhan Mir, fm7890@att.com, AT&T
- Morales Victor, victor.morales@intel.com, Intel
- Gary Wu, gary.i.wu@huawei.com, Huawei
- Kwiecie? Krzysztof, Krzysztof.Kwiecien1@orange.com, Orange
- Kishore Koya, kk707x@att.com, AT&T (Primary Tester)
- Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable)
- JIRA project name: Portal
- JIRA project prefix: Portal-
Wiki Markup |
*Repo name*: portal, ecompsdkos *Lifecycle State*: enhancement *Primary Contact*: Manoop Talasila *Project Lead*: Manoop Talasila *mailing list tag{*} \[Should match Jira Project Prefix\] *Committers*: talasila@research.att.com; statta@research.att.com *Link to TSC approval: *Link to approval of additional submitters:{*} |