Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Details of Config DB APIs supported in Guilin

Please refer to below ConfigDB API swagger document for a full list of API's supported: ConfigDB Swagger JSON

Following API's are currently used to support RAN Network Slicing and OOF SON use case:


Get ​complete details associated with a list of NearRT RIC's and

corresponding managed elements


trackingArea - String

<Changes at consumer end> - trackingArea should be an int


Complete Yang model. Refer CPS-196



The result seems to be a a combination of many queries.

Several elements not clear in model?!:

  • TrackingArea = Tac? not string but 32bit int?
  • gNBCUCPList, 0x
  • cellCUList, 0x
  • pLMNInfoList, 4x

Tac is a type, used by nRTAC, which is normal (normal not key) leaf for NRCellDUGroup which is used by NRCellDU (Yang List)

Proposed CPS query:
get all elelements (with children?) in list (NRCellDU) fiter on one attribue vale (nRTAC)


trackingArea - String

<Changes at consumer end> - trackingArea should be an int





+--rw taCellsList* [cellLocalId]
+--rw cellLocalId int32


1. Details of Config DB APIs supported in Guilin

Please refer to below ConfigDB API swagger document for a full list of API's supported: ConfigDB Swagger JSON

Following API's are currently used to support RAN Network Slicing and OOF SON use case:

   7./rrmPolicy8.v4ranslice-detailsRAN Inventory. Store RAN slice details

little difference can be found between the request payload and the yang model.  Yang model is final one.

For CPS this seems like popluating the whole data-tree for given model in one go. i.e. replace all existing data


























                "dLThptPerSlice": 45,

                "uLThptPerSlice": 40










                "dLThptPerSlice": 65,

                "uLThptPerSlice": 30









S.NoUse caseAPI endpointHTTP MethodDescriptionAPI input/Request PayloadResult obtained for API call (in case of GET)Yang sub-tree/element(s) accessed (for GET), or updated (for UPDATE)Consuming ComponentPriorityComments
1.E2E Network Slicing/api​/sdnc-config-db​/v4​/nearrtric-list​/{trackingArea}GET

Get ​complete details associated with a list of NearRT RIC's and

corresponding managed elements

trackingArea - String

<Changes at consumer end> - trackingArea should be an int

"gNBCUCPList": [
"cellCUList": [
"cellLocalId": 0,
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"resourceType": "string"
"gNBCUName": "string",
"gNBId": 0,
"gNBIdLength": 0,
"nFType": "string",
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNId": "string"
"gNBCUUPList": [
"gNBCUUPId": 0,
"gNBId": 0,
"gNBIdLength": 0,
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"resourceType": "string"
"gNBDUList": [
"cellDUList": [
"administrativeState": "string",
"cellLocalId": 0,
"cellState": "string",
"nRPCI": 0,
"nRTAC": 0,
"operationalState": "string",
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"resourceType": "string"
"gNBDUId": 0,
"gNBDUName": "string",
"gNBId": 0,
"gNBIdLength": 0,
"nFType": "string",
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNId": "string"
"gNBId": 0,
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"ranNFNSSIList": [
"resourceType": "string",
"trackingArea": [

Complete Yang model. Refer CPS-196



The result seems to be a a combination of many queries from differnt data sources

Several elements not clear in model?!:

  • TrackingArea = Tac? not string but 32bit int?
  • gNBCUCPList, 0x
  • cellCUList, 0x
  • pLMNInfoList, 4x

Tac is a type, used by nRTAC, which is normal (normal not key) leaf for NRCellDUGroup which is used by NRCellDU (Yang List)

Proposed CPS query:
get all elelements (with children?) in list (NRCellDU) fiter on one attribue vale (nRTAC)

<Ahila> Please note the below:

  1. Fetch the List of Cells using API #2
  2. Fetch the parents and grandparents pertaining to those cells
2.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/cell-list/{trackingArea}GETGet a list of cells that correspond to a specific tracking area

trackingArea - String

<Changes at consumer end> - trackingArea should be an int



+--rw taCellsList* [cellLocalId]
+--rw cellLocalId int32



Proposed CPS query:
get all elelements in list (NRCellDU) fiter on one attribue vale (nRTAC)

Same as #1 except without children

Refer cps-cavsta-onap-internal

In scope of H-release

3.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearRTRICPUTStore nearRTRIC details{
                "configData": {


+--rw NearRTRIC* [idNearRTRIC]
+--rw idNearRTRIC string
+--rw attributes
| +--rw dnPrefix? DistinguishedName
| +--rw userLabel? string
| +--ro locationName? string
| +--ro gNBId? int64
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64


There is no model that defines that has a TrackingArea String

is this now the 'locationName'?

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!

Note 1. SNSSAIList is a list contained within each element of PLMNInfo

Yes. Refer Section-3 for field mapping

Note 2. Please note this action replace all existing list element, it is NOT an add-to-element action

<Need to discuss>

4.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBCUCPPUTStore gNBCUCP, NRCellCU details



+--rw GNBCUCPFunction* [idGNBCUCPFunction]
+--rw idGNBCUCPFunction string
+--rw attributes
| +--rw gNBId? int64
| +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| +--rw gNBCUName? string
| +--rw pLMNId* [mcc mnc]
| +--rw mcc Mcc
| +--rw mnc Mnc
+--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
+--rw idNRCellCU string
+--rw attributes
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64


from CPS point of view this case is similar as previous case (#3), just different target (parent)data node.

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!

<Need to discuss>

5.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBCUUPPUTStore gNBCUUP details



+--rw GNBCUUPFunction* [idGNBCUUPFunction]
| +--rw idGNBCUUPFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| +--ro gNBCUUPId? uint64
| +--rw gNBId? int64
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| +--rw mcc Mcc
| +--rw mnc Mnc
| +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| +--rw sNssai string
| +--rw status? string
| +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| +--rw configParameter string
| +--rw configValue? int64


from CPS point of view this case is similar as previous 2 cases (#3, #4), just different target (parent)data node.

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!

<Need to discuss>

6.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBDUPUTStore gNBDU, NRCellDU details



+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]
| +--rw idGNBDUFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| | +--ro gNBId? int64
| | +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| | +--rw gNBDUId? int64
| | +--rw gNBDUName? string
| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac


from CPS point of view this case is similar as previous 2 cases (#3, #4, #5), just different target (parent)data node.

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!

<Need to discuss>

7.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearRTRICrrmPolicyPUTStore nearRTRIC network elements' RRMPolicy details




                "configData": {



+--rw NearRTRICRRMPolicyRatio* [idNearRTRICid]
| | +--rw idNearRTRIC id string
| | +--rw attributes
| +--rw dnPrefix? DistinguishedName
| +--rw userLabel? string
| +--ro locationName? string
| +--ro gNBId? int64
resourceType? string
| | +--rw pLMNInfoListrRMPolicyMemberList* [mcc mncidx]
| | | +--rw mcc Mccidx uint32
| | | +--rw mnc Mncmcc Mcc
| | | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNssai stringsNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw statusquotaType? stringQuotaType
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw configParameter stringrRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw configValuerRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? int64uint8


There is no model that defines that has a TrackingArea String

is this now the 'locationName'?

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!
Note 1. SNSSAIList is a list contained within each element of PLMNInfo


Note 2. Please note this action replace all existing list element, it is NOT an add-to-element action

Currently CPS has no option to replace an entire list without udpating its parent wihc seems what is required here.

<Need to discuss>

8.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBCUCPranslice-detailsPUTStore gNBCUCP, NRCellCU RAN Inventory. Store RAN slice details






















        "Kingston" ,






+--rw ran-inventory
+--rw GNBCUCPFunctionran-slices* [idGNBCUCPFunctionrannfnssiid]
+--rw idGNBCUCPFunction rannfnssiid string
+--rw attributessliceProfilesList* [sliceProfileId]
| +--rw gNBId? int64sliceProfileId string
| +--rw gNBIdLengthsNSSAI? int32string
| +--rw gNBCUNamemaxNumberofUEs? stringint64
| +--rw pLMNId* [mcc mnc]latency? int64
| +--rw mcc MccuLThptPerSlice? int64
| +--rw mnc MncdLThptPerSlice? int64
| +--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
maxNumberofConns? int64
| +--rw idNRCellCU uEMobilityLevel? string
| +--rw attributesresourceSharingLevel? string
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32coverageAreaList* string
| +--rw pLMNInfoListpLMNIdList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw statussubnetStatus? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | nsstid? string
+--rw configParameter slicetype? string
| | +--rw configValueisshareable? int64string


from CPS point of view this case is similar as previous case (#3), just different target (parent)data node.

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!


little difference can be found between the request payload and the yang model.  Yang model is final one.

For CPS this seems like populating the whole data-tree for given model in one go. i.e. replace all existing data

Modifed the YANG model to support storing list of Slices

9.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBCUUPPUTStore gNBCUUP details/du-list/{sNSSAI}GETFetch the DU functions for sNSSAIsNSSAI - String

























                "dLThptPerSlice": 1145,    

                "pLMNInfoListuLThptPerSlice": [









                "configData":{                    "maxNumberOfConns"3000

                "dLThptPerSlice": 65,

                "uLThptPerSlice": 30










+--rw GNBCUUPFunctionGNBDUFunction* [idGNBCUUPFunctionidGNBDUFunction]
| +--rw idGNBCUUPFunction idGNBDUFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| | +--ro gNBCUUPId? uint64
| +--rw gNBId? int64
gNBId? int64
| | +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| | +--rw gNBDUId? int64
| | +--rw gNBDUName? string
| | +--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string
| | +--rw attributes
| | +--rw resourceType? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]
| | | +--rw idx uint32
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc ]Mnc
| | | +--rw mcc MccsNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw mnc MncquotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw sNssai stringrRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw statusrRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? stringuint8
| +--rw configDataNRCellDU* [configParameteridNRCellDU]
| +--rw configParameter idNRCellDU string
| +--rw configValue? int64


from CPS point of view this case is similar as previous 2 cases (#3, #4), just different target (parent)data node.

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!

6./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBDUPUTStore gNBDU, NRCellDU details

| +--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string
| | +--rw attributes
| | +--rw resourceType? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]
| | | +--rw idx uint32
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw quotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? uint8
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac


Suggested CPS Actions:
query list element that have leaf (sNSSAI) with given value. Also get parent? (requires additional get)

Yes. Result includes parent as well.

Sample seems to return other/all(?) pLMNInfoList with different sNSSAIs

It doesn't matter. The grandparent node (GNBDUs) of the sNNSAI should be returned properly.

10.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/du-cell-list/{sNSSAI}GETFetch DU Cells for sNSSAIsNSSAI - String


   "1": [


            "cellLocalId": 111,

            "operationalState": "ENABLED",

            "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED",

            "cellState": "ACTIVE",

            "pLMNInfoList": [


                    "pLMNId": "pLMNId1",

                    "sNSSAI": {

                        "sNSSAI": "001-003",

                        "status": "ACTIVE",

                        "globalSubscriberId": null,

                        "subscriptionServiceType": null,

                        "configData": {}




                    "pLMNId": "pLMNId2",

                    "sNSSAI": {

                        "sNSSAI": "001-024",

                        "status": "ACTIVE",                

                        "configDataglobalSubscriberId": {null,               

                        "dLThptPerSlicesubscriptionServiceType":  9null,

                                        "uLThptPerSliceconfigData":  10


                        }    ]


            "nRPCI": 45,

            "nRTAC": 9087





+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]
| +--rw idGNBDUFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| | +--ro gNBId? int64
| | +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| | +--rw gNBDUId? int64
| | +--rw gNBDUName? stringNote:

Key - nearRTRIC Id

value - list of cells


| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac


from CPS point of view this case is similar as previous 2 cases (#3, #4, #5), just different target (parent)data node.

suggested CPS-action: Update DataNode with children (in this case a list) all children will be replaced! All unchanged data has to be provided too!

? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac


Yang model defines only the DUCellList which is the value in the response.

Key is a nearRTRICId

Suggested CPS Actions:
query list element that have leaf (sNSSAI) with given value. Also get parent? (requires additional get)

Seems very simialr to #9

Sample seems to return other/all(?) pLMNInfoList with different sNSSAIs

Similar to #9

11.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/profile-config/{sNSSAI}GETFetch slice profile configuration for a sNSSAIsNSSAI - String




This API will be replaced by AAI APIs

Do we need to discs CPS for this one. IF so which model etc?

This API can be ignored

12.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4PUTStore network elements' RRMPolicy details



+--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string/slice-config/{sNSSAI}
GETFetch NearRTRIC configuration for a sNSSAIsNSSAI - String


    "1": {

        "dLThptPerSlice": 45,

        "uLThptPerSlice": 40




key "1" is nearRTRICId - marked in green color

Value - nssai config - marked in purple color

+--rw cps-ran-schema
+--rw NearRTRIC* [idNearRTRIC]
+--rw idNearRTRIC string
+--rw attributes
| +--rw dnPrefix? DistinguishedName
| +--rw userLabel? string
| +--ro locationName? string
| +--ro gNBId? int64
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw attributessNssai string
| | +--rw resourceTypestatus? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberListconfigData* [idxconfigParameter]
| | | +--rw idx uint32configParameter string
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw quotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? uint8

SDN-RSlicing1Currently CPS has no option to replace an entire list without udpating its parent wihc seems what is required here.

--rw configValue? int64


Yang model defines only the pLMNInfoConfiguration.

Key is NEarRTRICid

Suggested CPS-Query: get lis elements with children where leave has certain value,.

13.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/subscriber-details/{sNSSAI}GETFetch subscriber detailssNSSAI - String


This API will be replaced by AAI APIs

Do we need to discs CPS for this one. IF so which model etc?

This API can be ignored

14.5G SON/api/sdnc-config-db/v3/insertDataPUTPre-load Cell Data
        "Kingston" ,


+--rw ran-inventory
+--rw rannfnssiid? string
+--rw sliceProfilesList* [sliceProfileId
"Cell": {
"networkId": "jio",
"nodeId": "Chn1003",
"physicalCellId": 0,
"pnfName": "ncserver1007",
"sectorNumber": 0,
"latitude": "13.081907",
"longitude": "80.270862"
"neighbor": [

15.5G SON/api/sdnc-config-db/v3/modifyPci/{cellId}PATCHModfify PCI value of a cell




+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]
| +--rw idGNBDUFunction string

| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw sliceProfileId idNRCellDU string

| +--rw sNSSAI? stringattributes

| +--rw maxNumberofUEs? int64
| nRPCI? int32

16.5G SON/api/sdnc-config-db/v3/modifyNbrHO/{cellId}/{targetCellId}PATCHModify HO (Handoff) flag for a target neighbor cell




+--rw GNBCUCPFunction* [idGNBCUCPFunction]

+--rw latency? int64idGNBCUCPFunction string|

+--rw uLThptPerSlice? int64
| NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
+--rw dLThptPerSlice? int64idNRCellCU string

| +--rw maxNumberofConns? int64NRCellRelation* [idNRCellRelation]
| +--rw uEMobilityLevel? idNRCellRelation string

| +--rw resourceSharingLevel? string
| +--rw coverageAreaList* string
| isHOAllowed? boolean

17.5G SON/api/sdnc-config-db/v3/createNbr/{cellId}PUTCreate a neigbor for a cell
  "ho": true,
  "targetCellId": "string"

+--rw pLMNIdListGNBCUCPFunction* [mcc mncidGNBCUCPFunction]|

+--rw mcc MccidGNBCUCPFunction string|

+--rw mnc MncNRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
+--rw subnetStatus? idNRCellCU string

+--rw nsstid? string
NRCellRelation* [idNRCellRelation]
| +--rw slicetype? idNRCellRelation string

| +--rw isshareable? string


isHOAllowed? boolean

18.5G SON/api/sdnc-config-db/v3/GETFetch the DU functions for sNSSAIsNSSAI - String


+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]
| +--rw idGNBDUFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| | +--ro gNBId? int64
| | +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| | +--rw gNBDUId? int64
| | +--rw gNBDUName? string
| | +--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string
| | +--rw attributes
| | +--rw resourceType? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]
| | | +--rw idx uint32
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw quotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? uint8
| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string
| | +--rw attributes
| | +--rw resourceType? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]
| | | +--rw idx uint32
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw quotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? uint8
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac


Suggested CPS Actions:
query list element that have leaf (sNSSAI) with given value. Also get parent? (requires additional get)

Yes. Result includes parent as well.

Sample seems to return other/all(?) pLMNInfoList with different sNSSAIs

It doesn't matter. The grandparent node (GNBDUs) of the sNNSAI should be returned properly.

10.deleteNbr/{cellId}/{targetCellId}DELETEDelete a neighbor for a call

cellId - string

trgetCellId - string

+--rw GNBCUCPFunction* [idGNBCUCPFunction]

+--rw idGNBCUCPFunction string

+--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
+--rw idNRCellCU string

+--rw NRCellRelation* [idNRCellRelation]
| +--rw idNRCellRelation string

19.E2E Network Slicingapi/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearrtric/{ranNFNSSIId}GETFetches the NearRTRICs for the RANNFNSSIranNFNSSIId - String

Returns the RAN-schema yang (Refer CPS - 196)

20.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/plmn/{sliceProfileId}GETReturns PLMN id for the sliceProfilesliceProfileId - StringPLMNId as String
21.E2E Network Slicing/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/ta-list/{mcc}/{mnc}/{coverageArea}GETReturns List of tracking area (coverageAreaTAList) of the specified coverage area

coverageArea - String

mcc - String

mnc - String






+--rw coverage-area* [coverageArea]
+--rw coverageArea string
+--rw coverageAreaTAList* [nRTAC]

OOF1In scope of H-release
22.5G SON


GETGet information about a cell. cellId is referred to in YANG model as any of the following: idNRCellDU, idNRCellCU, cellLocalId
"Cell": {
"latitude": "string",
"longitude": "string",
"networkId": "string",
"nodeId": "string",
"notes": "string",
"physicalCellId": 0,
"pnfId": "string",
"sectorNumber": "string"
"neighbor": [

+--rw cps-ran-schema

| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string

+--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
+--rw idNRCellCU string

OOF, Policy3
23.5G SON


GETGet list of cells for a specific region (identified by regionId)
+--rw cps-ran-schema
+--rw Regions* [regionId]
| +--rw regionId RegionId
| +--rw cps-region-cell-mapping
| +--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
| +--rw idNRCellCU string

24.5G SON


GETFetch DU Cells for sNSSAIsNSSAI - String




GETGet a list of all neighbor relationships for a specific region (identified by regionId)
"cellsNbrList": [
"cellId": "string",
"nbrList": [


            "cellLocalId": 111,

            "operationalState": "ENABLED",

            "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED",

            "cellState": "ACTIVE",

            "pLMNInfoList": [


                    "pLMNId": "pLMNId1",

                    "sNSSAI": {

                        "sNSSAI": "001-003",

                        "status": "ACTIVE",

                        "globalSubscriberId": null,

                        "subscriptionServiceType": null,

                        "configData": {}




                    "pLMNId": "pLMNId2",

                    "sNSSAI": {

                        "sNSSAI": "001-024",

                        "status": "ACTIVE",

                        "globalSubscriberId": null,

                        "subscriptionServiceType": null,

                        "configData": {}




            "nRPCI": 45,

            "nRTAC": 9087





Key - nearRTRIC Id

value - list of cells


| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac


Yang model defines only the DUCellList which is the value in the response.

Key is a nearRTRICId

Suggested CPS Actions:
query list element that have leaf (sNSSAI) with given value. Also get parent? (requires additional get)

Seems very simialr to #9

Sample seems to return other/all(?) pLMNInfoList with different sNSSAIs

Similar to #9

"ho": true,
"pciValue": 0,
"targetCellId": "string"
"networkId": "string"
+--rw cps-ran-schema
+--rw Regions* [regionId]
| +--rw regionId RegionId
| +--rw cps-region-cell-mapping
| +--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
| +--rw idNRCellCU string
| +--rw attributes
| | +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw NRCellRelation* [idNRCellRelation]
| +--rw idNRCellRelation string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw nRTCI? uint64

25.5G SON


GETGet a list of neighbors for a cell
"cellId": "string",
"nbrList": [
"ho": true,
"pciValue": 0,
"targetCellId": "string"

+--rw cps-ran-schema

+--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
+--rw idNRCellCU string

+--rw NRCellRelation* [idNRCellRelation]
| +--rw idNRCellRelation string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw nRTCI? uint64

26.5G SON


GETGET PCI value of a cell
"attribute-name": "string",
"value": "string"

+--rw cps-ran-schema

+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]

| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]

| +--rw nRPCI? int32

27.5G SON






GETFetch slice profile configuration for a sNSSAIsNSSAI - String




This API will be replaced by AAI APIs

Do we need to discs CPS for this one. IF so which model etc?

This API can be ignored

12./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/slice-config/{sNSSAI}GETFetch NearRTRIC configuration for a sNSSAIsNSSAI - String


    "1": {

        "dLThptPerSlice": 45,

        "uLThptPerSlice": 40




key "1" is nearRICId

Value - nssai config

| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64

Yang model defines only the DUCellConfiguration.

Key is NEarRTRICid

Suggested CPS-Query: get lis elements with children where leave has certain value,.

Need to discuss


Get PnfId of a managed element in O-RAN. PnfId represents the node name for Netconf Mount for various O-RAN managed elements as below:

For NonRTRIC: - idNearRTRIC
For GNBDUFunction: - gNBDUId
For GNBCUCPFunction: gNBCUName

"attribute-name": "string",
"value": "string"

+--rw cps-ran-schema

+--rw NearRTRIC* [idNearRTRIC]
+--rw idNearRTRIC string

+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]
| | +--rw gNBDUId? int64

+--rw GNBCUUPFunction* [idGNBCUUPFunction]

| +--ro gNBCUUPId? uint64

+--rw GNBCUCPFunction* [idGNBCUCPFunction]

| +--rw gNBCUName? string



2. Sample CPS APIs (to mapper service and XPath queries)

#1 Get ​complete details associated with a list of NearRT RIC's


Combination of data from different queries of different data from different model using both CPS-Core and NF-Proxy. 


#2 Get a list of cells that correspond to a specific tracking area









This API will be replaced by AAI APIs

Do we need to discs CPS for this one. IF so which model etc?

This API can be ignored


"cellList": [{
"Cell": {
"networkId": "jio",
"nodeId": "Chn1003",
"physicalCellId": 0,
"pnfName": "ncserver1007",
"sectorNumber": 0,
"latitude": "13.081907",
"longitude": "80.270862"
"neighbor": [










  "ho": true,
  "targetCellId": "string"


cellId - string

trgetCellId - string


Returns the RAN-schema yang (Refer CPS - 196)


2. Sample CPS APIs (to mapper service and XPath queries)

target model/data: cps-cavsta-onap-internal

component to be used : CPS-Core

'trackingArea' maps to 'nRTAC' and is an integer. 

nRTAC is the key field for coverageAreaTAList

coverageAreaTAList is contained in a 'coverage-area' list. the key for that list key is 'CoverageArea' (string e.g. "Washington")

Code Block
titleData Sample
  "cps-cavsta-onap-internal:ran-coverage-area": {
    "pLMNIdList": [
        "mcc": "310",
        "mnc": "410",
        "coverage-area": [
            "coverageArea": "Washington",
            "coverageAreaTAList": [
                "nRTAC": 234,
                "taCellsList": [
                    "cellLocalId": 15709

So although the key-value for the coverageAreaTAList is known the key for the parent list is NOT known. so this requires a more advanced query:

It could be done with either query #4 described in CPS-235: Overview of (early) CPS Query#Queries assuming it wil have an option to also retrieve all descendants

#21 List tracking area (coverageAreaTAList) for the specified coverage area

I think this is a simple 'get with children' xpath e.g. :  /ran-coverage-area[@mcc=310 and @mnc=410]/coverage-area[@coverageArea='Washington']

Note: Compound key fields need to be in alphabetical order. The key is matched as a string literal so incorrect order or spacing issues will result in the key not being found in the database

3. Field Mapping Between ConfigDB Schema and Yang Model

S.NoYang ModelMapping Sheet