Table of Contents | ||
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
AMDOCS | IBM | |||
DT | China Mobile | |||
WindRiver | Turk Telecom | |||
AT&T | Reliance Jio | |||
Ericsson | Bell Canada | |||
Vodafone | Samsung | |||
China Telecom | Huawei | |||
Orange | Intel | |||
Verizon | Nokia |
Time | Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
50 | Release StatusFrankfurt | Review of RC2 - NO GO; Next Review planned on June 1st, 2020 including offline status
Next Steps:
These have disappeared from v145 of 2: Frankfurt Release Integration Testing Status Some of the use case/requirements tests have been "re-numbered" Investigations confirmed no issue for former #43, #45 - Traceability investigation will be continued Item #43 was associated with REQ-76. At some point, #43 was renumbered as #37. You can see this if you examine v. 112 of the integration test status page and find #43, then compare that to #37 in the current version. Item #45 was associated with REQ-17. At some point, #45 was renumbered as #39. You can see this if you examine v. 112 of the integration test status page and find #45, then compare that to #39 in the current version.
TSC Vote required #1 Descope "Document current component upgrade strategy" from Frankfurt. Part of Documentation SOW for Guilin. Need an Owner for Guilin release to drive this requirement - Call for ONAP Community Volunteer? Any EUAG Volunteer? ONAP EUAG Representative: Atul Purohit #2 Descope CII Badging requirement #3 Assess convergence of RC2/Sign-Off |
milestones - Frankfurt Deliverables by Milestone #AGREED the TSC agrees to descope "Document current component upgrade strategy" from Frankfurt AND Descope CII Badging requirement from Frankfurt AND combine the RC2 and Sign-off milestones
| |||
40 | Release StatusGuilin | Guilin Release Requirements - Candidates List is now frozen |
Action: Chaker Al-Hakim , Alla.Goldner , Paweł Pawlak , Pamela Dragosh, David McBride - work together to improve the upfront process based on Guilin Lesson Learnt i.e. Single Backlog of requirements; Identify during the requirements review what is subject to Architecture review or not, etc. Action: Requirements (Non Functional) - TSC will review them and provide additional guidelines
10 | Project Lifecycle ReviewLogging MOVE AS OFFLINE DISCUSSION WITH TSC | ONAP Logging Proposal_V6.pdf |
PTL Update
Retention policy for previous ONAP release documentation (release notes)
- Maintaining a cumulative list of bug fixes for each release viewed as compromise to carry forward.
- Archiving old RTD content would require a new process to be developed
15 | Subcommittee UpdateArchitecture | Chaker Al-Hakim | ArchCom Planning and Preparations for the Guilin Architectural Review Requirements & Process |
5 | PTL UpdateCommitter's Request | Congratulations to our new Committers: | |
5 | TSC Activities and Deadlines |
| |
5 | Upcoming Events | LFN Developer and Testing Forum: June 22nd-25th - Virtual Event. LFN Joint
New Dates Open Networking & Edge Summit North America 2020 September 28 & 29, 2020 at the JW Marriott LA Live in Los Angeles, CA.
Upcoming LFN Webinar Series:
30 | Configuration & Persistency Project Proposal, Q&A, and RoadmapMOVE TO JUNE 4TH | Configuration & Persistency Project Proposal
Action Items
- Chaker Al-Hakim attend Doc call and report out at next week's TSC call
- Chaker Al-Hakim ensure that Brandon Wick has the most up-to-date Architecture diagram for marketing launch.
- Kenny Paul arrange for Docwriter to provide status update to TSC on
- Kenny Paul add EUAG to Technical Community Coordinators and ONAP Liaisons
- Kenny Paul add requirements-to-TSC approval process alignment to June event schedule
Zoom Chat Log
06:56:23 From Sai Seshu : #info Seshu, Huawei
06:56:27 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Rollcall
06:56:42 From Sai Seshu : #info Seshu, Huawei
06:56:58 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:57:51 From Alla Goldner : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:59:17 From Ning So : #info, Ning So, Reliance Jio
07:00:11 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:00:43 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
07:00:53 From Davide Cherubini : #info Davide Cherubini, Vodafone
07:00:56 From Ciaran Johnston : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:01:09 From Ranny Haiby (Samsung) : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:01:31 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:01:33 From : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
07:02:04 From Timo Perala : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:02:11 From Olivier : #info Olivier Phénix, Bell Canada
07:02:39 From Marc Fiedler : #info Marc Fiedler proxy for Andreas, Deutsche Telekom AG
07:03:17 From Srini (Intel) : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:05:13 From Catherine Lefevre : #info, Catherine lefevre
07:07:04 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Frankfurt
07:10:52 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #link milestones
07:18:17 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #link readiness dashboard
07:24:22 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @Chaker to attend Doc call and report out next week
07:27:22 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @Chaker provided @bwick updated arch diagram based upon above discussion
07:32:24 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION Docwriter report out on status at July 8th meeting.
07:44:41 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #VOTE Dost the TSC agree to descope "Document current component upgrade strategy" from Frankfurt. ? +1, 0, -1
07:46:47 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #endvote
07:48:15 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #VOTE Does the TSC agree to descope "Document current component upgrade strategy" from Frankfurt AND Descope CII Badging requirement from Frankfurt AND combine the RC2 and Sign-off milestones? +1, 0 -1
07:48:22 From Alla Goldner : #vote +1
07:48:24 From : #vote +1
07:48:26 From Jason Hunt : #vote +1
07:48:27 From Eric Debeau : #vote +1
07:48:30 From Ciaran Johnston : +1
07:48:31 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : +1
07:48:31 From Marc Fiedler : #vote +1
07:48:33 From Ning So : #vote +1
07:48:34 From Timo Perala : #vote +1
07:48:36 From Srini (Intel) : #vote +1
07:48:36 From Olivier : #vote +1
07:48:40 From Ranny Haiby (Samsung) : #vote +1
07:48:41 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) : #vote +1
07:48:41 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : #vote +1
07:48:48 From Ciaran Johnston : #vote +1
07:48:48 From Sai Seshu : #vote +1
07:48:55 From Sai Seshu : #vote +1
07:48:59 From Catherine Lefevre : #info +1 for all
07:49:05 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #endvote
07:49:14 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : the vote passes.
07:50:08 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Guilin Release
07:52:22 From David McBride to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : I need to drop at the top of the hour
07:52:32 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to David McBride(Privately) : k
08:00:40 From Olivier : I apologize, I have to step out for 15 minutes
08:05:07 From Catherine Lefevre : @David - can you share again the agenda wiki page?
08:05:48 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : David had to drop. I'm sharing now :-)
08:18:48 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic ArchCom
08:27:26 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : time check- meeting ends in 3 mins
08:30:03 From Sylvain Desbureaux : +1 to Krzysztof
08:31:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : time check- scheduled meeting end
08:35:39 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : time check - meeting 5 min over
08:40:28 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : time check- meeting 10 mins over
08:45:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : time check - meeting 15 over