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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayOOO no proxyDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By


Spark New Zealand - ONAP introduction

Spark New Zealand is in the process of evaluating ONAP through an internal POC based on OKD/OpenStack

They are looking for support from the community to have this evaluation pass and looking forward to contribute back to the ONAP community in the near Future.

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


EMCO Update

Release Status

Istanbul M1 

  • Release Planning: Istanbul
  • Istanbul Milestone Status 
  • Istanbul Impact View per Component
  • Recommend de-scoping 
    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira
    • Deferred from Honolulu
    • No update since Nov '19
    • No response from requirement owner regarding Istanbul M1 release management tasks
    • Requirement owner OOO until June 2
    • No objections
  • Process issue:  requirements created after publication of M1 relman tasks for req owners do not get assigned M1 tasks. (e.g., 
    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira
    • Do we need a deadline for submitting new requirements to the release?
  • #AGREED the TSC approves moving the Istanbul release from M0 to M1 with the exceptions of REQ-396, REQ-399 (best practices) to be clarified by May 27th and remaining project tasks for DMaaP, VNFSDK, SDC & UUI to be completed prior the M2.


  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes

PTL Updates

Congratulations to Michael Morris, our new SDC PTL

Call for Integration PTL - Re: Integration PTL elections : Call for Self-Nominations

Subcommittee Updates


Thank you Swaminathan Seetharaman for your outstanding leadership regarding E2E Networking Slicing blueprint and also acting as our new O-RAN liaison !!!


@Ahila Ratna Shanker, LIN MENG  are our new ONAP E2E Network Slicing Leads

krishna moorthy is our new 5G SON Lead

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates


Current Volunteers:  Timo Perala ,  Chaker Al-Hakim , SHANKARANARAYANAN N K

Task Force to identify a "Voice" and a backup "Voice" to update ONAP TSC on a monthly basis (question) - thank you for your engagement ! Operating Model to be share on TSC Call  

  • Magnus Buhrgard (Unlicensed) suggests that the existing ONAP / O-RAN  SC group be formalized as a task forceSwaminathan Seetharaman suggests following Magnus' suggestion but also have a formal liaison for the O-RAN Alliance itsTimo Perala there are currently 3 separate meetings that encompass the ONAP/O-RAN workRequest to existing team to decide upon the repreesentative

Task Force Updates
CNF, ONAP Enterprise,

O-RAN, Wiki 2.0

ONAP Enterprise - Next call on May 27th, 2021

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Jira Federation for ONAP (Approved)

TSC 2.0

Kick-off Honolulu Awards pretty soon

Progress on ORAN SC/ONAP Formal agreement

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

PTL Call canceled on May 31, 2021

LFN Webinar Series

2021 LFN Developer & Testing Forum June


Register to  LFN Developer & Testing Forum June

  • presenters please watch for email from program committee on scheduling and details.

ONESummit - October 11 - 12 - Call for Proposal - Deadline: June 20th, 2021

Action Items


Zoom Chat Log 

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 
06:53:48 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #topic roll call
07:00:33 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Olivier Phénix, Bell Canada
07:01:08 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
07:01:31 From Bob Monkman to Everyone : #info Bob Monkman, Intel
07:01:42 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
07:01:52 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
07:01:56 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : #info Seshu, huawei
07:02:06 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
07:02:11 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:02:36 From to Everyone : #info Bin Yang,Wind River
07:02:37 From Ahila P (Wipro) to Everyone : #info Ahila P, Wipro
07:02:45 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
07:03:03 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #info, Catherine Lefèvre, ATT
07:04:59 From Ciaran Johnston to Everyone : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
07:13:36 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : Welcome Vishal !
07:13:51 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Welcome Vishal !
07:14:16 From Vishal Sharma (Spark NZ) to Everyone : Thanks Catherine :-)
07:14:37 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : Welcome Vishal!!!
07:14:53 From Vishal Sharma (Spark NZ) to Everyone : Thanks Srini
07:21:05 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) to Everyone : Thanks Bob for taking this through internally to a good outcome :).
07:26:21 From Bob Monkman to Everyone : Welcome... I need to drop.
07:31:47 From Jason Hunt to Everyone : #info Jason Hunt, IBM (sorry for the delayed arrival)
07:32:15 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : @jason thanks
07:40:41 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Dear all - based on feedback we had on this call. I have captured Timo, Chaker and Shankar as O-RAN liaison volunteers. If they are more people who would like to submit their candidature then we can perform a vote. I guess we were so happy to have volunteer that we have probably skipped our usual process. Let's come back on this item after Istanbul review
08:00:30 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED the TSC approves moving the Istanbul release from M0 to M1 with the exceptions of REQ-396, REQ-399 (best practices) to be clarified by May 27th and remaining project tasks for DMaaP, VNFSDK, SDC & UUI to be completed prior the M2.
08:09:12 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : I have a conflict with the so weekly meeting same time. Happy to help otherwise
08:11:22 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : So the integration call is at 1PM UTC (9AM Eastern Time if I'm not mistaken)?
08:11:32 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : I'd be glad to help
08:11:34 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : y olivier
08:11:40 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : merci
08:11:47 From Olivier Phénix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : Pleasure :)
08:26:59 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : we are still @ quorum
08:27:58 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) to Everyone : Yes


Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative. 

07:04:22 Transcription should be turned on.
07:04:26 There we go.
07:04:31 recordings on everybody comes in muted please keep yourself muted unless you're speaking.
07:04:37 If you are using a dial in phone you can use star six to unmute yourself, and any private chat messages sent to me during the meeting become part of the public record when I cut and paste, everything into minutes.
07:04:57 I will start a meeting by mentioning the interest policy. You can find this link from the lF and any of the project websites policies important or multiple companies including potential industry competitors are participating in meetings, please review
07:05:09 if you have any questions, please contact the company's legal counsel, members of the yellow may open contact and approve or not approve LLP, which provides legal counsel to the lF.
07:05:26 Stop there. Let me throw the agenda up.
07:05:32 Karen. Thank you.
07:05:36 I'll send a message saying that she would be out today, and didn't know any,
07:05:48 Any proxy
07:05:54 for for keeping good thoughts for everything going on, where she is and hope for everyone's safety,
07:06:03 so quickly, some introductions.
07:06:11 Bob was going to share an update on him Co. We've got talk about his stem ball Constantinople rail and if we have anything BTL updates subcommittee updates liaison enterprise Task Force, and upcoming events and deadlines anything else that needs to be
07:06:36 added pretty full agenda today.
07:06:44 Okay, with that, I will
07:06:49 turn it over to assess you for introductions.
07:06:54 Yeah guys.
07:06:56 We saw you there.
07:07:00 Hi be stuff.
07:07:02 Yeah, yeah, sure.
07:07:02 Yeah. So guys, Michelle Gemma is actually representing the spot New Zealand. And he is keen in using an app for one of their internal fuses and what they're trying to do is go to an app for their usage.
07:07:19 So, in fact, their their inputs will be very welcome because we don't have anyone coming in from the, I mean we do title stuff before but now, from New Zealand we didn't have an operator to take partner before.
07:07:30 So their intuition would be grateful. And I surprise, I would propose the community to support them for their internal to see and then once they're through the also want to explore the CSI and CFR parts also.
07:07:43 So currently, they are they're dealing with the virtual firewall use case with Katie that is open shift or governance deployment and distribution actually on that they are trying to use it.
07:07:54 And in future. They will try to use other use cases so we should maybe you can take an interest in something Okay, Thank you. Thank you.
07:08:01 So, guys, this is Michelle Gemma from spark New Zealand which is which is one of the biggest operator I would say New Zealand, right, and some don't New Zealand is a small country right but but spark is one of the biggest.
07:08:17 You know operator in New Zealand, South. And so, after evaluating lot of things.
07:08:24 I mean, orchestrator. We have decided to go for on app, as a few see fast, but it's not about the BOC that we want to respect ourselves to. And we have a, we have a good thought to take this on up in production.
07:08:43 And I'm not saying, a long time. I want to take the own app in production I think within within two or three months, I would say.
07:08:51 So currently we have deployed own app on okay the cluster as you mentioned that it's open shift, distribution, right.
07:09:03 So this is a this is a new kind of, you know, experiment also be dead because we did not find any supportive document of on how to be deployed on open shift and and that that's way that we will be also contributing to the, to the community once we are
07:09:22 successfully done with the BOC right and also move to the production side.
07:09:27 So, initially, we have we have, let me just give you a simple information about the application that we have chosen. So we have chosen the three application, which is kind of a 3g application not the 4g or 5g application.
07:09:45 So they are SMS see MSS and STP. So this is the application that we have chosen for own app deployment and we have already started working on the design of those application, and hopefully we will be succeed with the BOC and just after the beauty will
07:10:04 we will move this to the production side, and in the future we have a plan to deploy IMS, as well as the origin. But once we succeed with this three application, and our BOC.
07:10:18 Yep.
07:10:20 So, so there's a one, right, like SI system integrator who's helping us for this deployment, which is which is enforces. Right. And so, but the thing is, I had a strong support from video as well as of now, we are not the member that as a company, we
07:10:47 not a member. But yes, one step you'll see is done I think we will be taking that role to, you know, including in a part of a forum member and will contributing to the forum from from our side.
07:11:01 Yep.
07:11:04 Just like you
07:11:07 will come on board, guys. So any questions for Michelle here or any more questions for internet maybe we can take for two minutes and then
07:11:17 we shall, this is really here, if I'm into.
07:11:22 Actually, I'll hopefully everything goes smoothly. I have one question enabled we will see. I understand that the own app itself you can go deploy in open shift cluster.
07:11:33 And he mentioned the three applications right where would they have deployed. Is it an OpenStack environment, environment or governance and management.
07:11:43 So, these are the. These are the VNF application. And, as I told you that these are the 3d application so in any of the vendors, none of the 3d application, our cloud native, so of course not for the Kubernetes environment.
07:11:59 And these are also not very much cloud ready as well as I can say that I have a complete CSR package of those application and I can just deploy it through.
07:12:10 Oh no, no, we need to include lot of days zero and given configuration in our, in our templates to be automated.
07:12:20 So, so it will be deployed in OpenStack. Yeah.
07:12:24 Okay, thank you.
07:12:34 Well, great. Thank you. Welcome always good to have you folks joining the community, appreciate that very much.
07:12:46 Moving on, Bob, do you have anything you want to share or is it just verbal. I've got a, I've got a short deck if I could share my screen. Yep.
07:12:55 There we go. co hosting of Mr Monkman let me stop. Okay.
07:13:03 There it goes. Now it's going to permit me.
07:13:08 Let's see here.
07:13:12 All right, and we'll go to.
07:13:14 We'll go big.
07:13:16 Okay, very good. All right, Thanks. I'll stay within my time limit here.
07:13:22 So just to review we back in I believe it was February.
07:13:28 We had a review of the M co project and the feedback was around, em co development process.
07:13:45 It's closed governance was flagged as a risk for the community here and own app and, and by the way also.
07:13:51 The, the ops five g project is also considers em co to be a critical part of what they're trying to do with in their 5g secure stack and so both projects.
07:14:07 It turns out we're asking into Intel to consider open sourcing fully em co with it with open governance, as a, as a top level project.
07:14:18 It took some time to sort of work through this.
07:14:22 We had to do a lot of due diligence because there are several internal programs that are pulling from em Co.
07:14:29 And we really wanted to just make sure that we, if we were going to be able to do this we had to, you know, serve our internal needs and the community needs fully, so we didn't reach a final approval decision on May 12.
07:14:44 And so, m co will be re released as an open source project we worked it out with Linux Foundation.
07:14:53 It is going to be a project that is targeted for LFN.
07:14:59 But we got to go through the process we got to go through a formation we got to apply to the TAC as a sandbox project.
07:15:09 And so we're going to start all that process.
07:15:12 Right after the elephant technical conference, the week of June 14 is kind of when we're targeting.
07:15:21 And we're targeting, you know, launching the project, you know, fully around September we think it'll take, there's two reasons one is we you know It'll take a while for us to form you know do our charter, get our documents in order form a TASC.
07:15:39 You know plan out, you know, you know, all the things that are standing up the repo and all those things that have to have to happen right and we've also got some internal releases that are, we're heads down on.
07:15:56 And so, It's not going to be that far out.
07:15:59 We'll get it in place.
07:16:00 And I want to have a first formation kickoff meeting with the people you know from this community.
07:16:11 And you know who you are and this is this is orange is a Samsung This is Nokia Huawei Verizon folks who, you know, we're going to invite the the folks who already have been engaging with em CO in the past, just as a starting point.
07:16:30 To get the community rolling. And, you know, find out who is going to be participating and and in what capacity and, and then, you know, will broaden it out later, after that.
07:16:45 So, what do I, what do I need from this community so we're going to the info project is going to have to, as I said, Get a technical charter we're going to leverage.
07:16:55 You know all of the document types of documentation and and and formats from other projects and make it as easy as possible.
07:17:03 I'm going to be working with for those of you who know who Louis in the Linux Foundation lewis is going to be our project manager.
07:17:10 And so, with our with our core contributors, we need to stand up a repo we need to get a wiki going, you know, stand up the juror setup TASC get regular meetings going.
07:17:22 And so, you know, we're going to need contributors both contributors and competitors if that I think that terminology is still, still valid willing to participate in this project give us direction, provide support for managing the repo, build process,
07:17:40 all that good stuff.
07:17:42 And of course we're going to be there, we're gonna have resources. In, but keep in mind. In, Intel cannot do this alone right we cannot serve our internal needs and serve the community needs with the small and co team so we really need.
07:18:00 We're going to provide architectural leadership from shriti we're going to have software developers product roadmap and other leadership support from me.
07:18:12 But we need we need stakeholders to pitch in to help us help you hardness and allow em co to to flourish in the community.
07:18:22 And so, again, we'll, we'll have a you'll, you'll see an invite those of you who have been engaged with em CO, you'll see an invite to, to have some kickoff meetings and discuss all this, and pretty shortly thereafter, will have a, like a webinar to recruit
07:18:41 other members as well and ramp up the community, between June and September leading up to a attack sandbox request and full, full community status.
07:18:55 So, in short again just for those people who I sort of mentioned me I may have missed a couple.
07:19:04 I'll be working with the team here to make sure that we cover get everybody invited, who has been part of that engagement process so far and we're looking forward to working with you all.
07:19:16 And we'll plan that broader recruitment webinar as that, that team will play in the broader webinar.
07:19:25 During the you know during the formation meetings that that subsequently occur. And, but if I didn't mention your if you're not you hadn't previously been one of those core contributors, and you wanna you know you're interested in getting involved in
07:19:41 this community, please do send me an email and we'll, you know, we'll get you noted as one of the folks that will contact, but you know it'll be a broad open invite for the, for the broader webinar.
07:19:54 Okay, I'll stop there. That's a lot of information.
07:19:59 You know, we heard.
07:20:01 We heard what you, what you told us back in February and that this. This project was really crucial and you really needed it to be open governance and so we're very happy that we're being able to accommodate that and it's something that I really wanted
07:20:16 to see for a long time and we were able to make it happen.
07:20:21 Comments, questions.
07:20:34 just a good thing.
07:20:38 It's a good thing. I think it's a very good thing
07:20:46 to hear a great question. Yeah.
07:20:51 I mean, I think the most important thing to note here is that this work has been going on anyway.
07:20:58 And, you know, moving it from closed governance to open governance is specifically was, you know, the request coming from own app and some of the other community so this.
07:21:11 I think it's well thought out really appreciative of the work here.
07:21:16 Bob had mentioned that Lusa Xena is going to be the
07:21:23 Lucy is going to be the pm for this.
07:21:26 Not sure if folks on this call some folks know him, but he's also the pm for xB Bella and Odin.
07:21:40 Yeah, and I don't think this is going to be a ton of work to support the community.
07:21:45 Thank you just want to make sure that it is a community effort and, you know, not, not all on one one company run by one company we really want it to be a multi a multi company stakeholder process.
07:22:01 Your you know folks are consuming it today.
07:22:04 It's got, you know we've been kind you know we've been moving along, fairly decently.
07:22:09 But only providing snapshots recently and so it's really just changing you know bringing that build into the open and, and, and the governance of it and and and providing some guidance to the project, a little bit more, you know, an openly open fashion
07:22:38 own app and ops five G will be certainly in and maybe I'm sure crane Oh probably as well I will be constituent projects pulling from this one. And so, you know, I think over time.
07:22:42 We want to really see this flourish and see broad participation and make sure it meets the needs of the broad community.
07:22:52 So, I hope you can hear me. I can't wait. So I just have the eyes of the TSA I just wanted to really thank you because as you mentioned it, this company was really crucial to help us to evolve include Nazi Germany.
07:23:16 But also, you know, unsurprisingly, through the advise you is to build lucquin.
07:23:17 So big kudos to you because I know you have to convince your management as well.
07:23:22 And you are really bringing great news here on this bridge, and my tradition I didn't see design on the bridge today, yet. But honey is his backup, I think we definitely should welcome you as part of the stack and also stuff those exact process.
07:23:41 So it will bring additional awareness of what you are doing, not only who do not community but broader and, and also got additional companies who might be interested to become part of your new open source project, but again, thank you.
07:24:00 That's really a great move for what you're welcome Diane, glad to do it and i as i said i, this is really where I wanted to be all along, and so I was happy to be an advocate and make it happen.
07:24:28 Merci beaucoup.
07:24:22 Okay. Uh, thanks so much.
07:24:24 Really appreciate it. No, this was a lot of work for you and your advocacy for open sources greatly, greatly appreciate it.
07:24:36 Thank you so much. I'm going to have to run to another meeting shortly so I will drop off but you know you'll be hearing from us soon and looking forward to working with the community.
07:24:48 Well, just to add to what Kathleen said for about the tech so you're welcome Of course to officially reach out to the tech and in this.
07:24:59 This project is a sandbox project but please feel free to reach us with any question or concern or any requests for help, about Jason and I will be happy to assist you with anything good.
07:25:15 Thank you, Ronnie. Thanks Ronnie, Kenny David, I just would like to do provide a little bit the agenda, I know everybody's eager to understand where we are with a stumble and one.
07:25:27 But we have also the pleasure of to welcome again. Swami.
07:25:33 Swami.
07:25:34 What has been playing an active role in the universe community has been driving all the end to end network slicing a blueprint of to know, and being acting as a great organism so I would like to giving the floor to him, because he was asking to join us
07:25:53 back and on behalf of the theater and myself again Swami. Thank you so much, because again, if we have an opportunity to reposition own up in the enterprise sector, you contributed to it with the nick of sizing, as well as in the urban architecture.
07:26:12 Thank you so much.
07:26:14 Yeah, huge round of applause.
07:26:19 Thank you very much, Kevin, yeah i think i should say thanks to you and to the PSC, as well as, like, to Kenny to Brandon, David, and all the details.
07:26:34 And as well I would also like to thank the entire community right i mean the overall environment for me.
07:26:50 And I think it's been a great experience. Kathleen I mean okay contributing or meeting a couple of use cases that's one thing, but in terms of the collaboration in terms of different perspectives.
07:26:58 Right, so I think it's been a very great experience for me, and I have to be thankful for that. And I would also take this opportunity in particular to thank the entire use case themes that is the song and the end to end network slicing with which I have
07:27:13 been closely associated song since Casablanca and slicing since Frankfurt. So, I would like to really thank them, I think whatever we have accomplished so far.
07:27:24 I think it's because of each and every one and the team's efforts, and I have just been like a very small picked in the mean in terms of contribution I think it's been entirely up to that.
07:27:35 And the going forward. I think a four person use case Shanker from at&t would continue to lead it.
07:27:43 Now from the pro was also the CFPB and great, he would be the lead for the second use case.
07:27:51 And for the network slicing Lindeman from China Mobile She was also she and diver, leading this use case.
07:27:59 But I think probably is tangled release, and it may not be that active.
07:28:05 So our killer from the pro would be taking it over along with one other person from the pro who will shortly mean, I mean held by Sheila would be. I mean the overall coordination and taking the use case for me.
07:28:20 And, I mean, I just want to say also thanks to the also the the origin, nice simple, because that also was a good amount of learning from a little bit different perspective.
07:28:30 So though we had a nice simple so that I had been interacting with the Iran Alliance folks for, particularly for the slicing. But when I joined the the meetings for your honesty and bed started interacting right for the Iranian is and I think there were
07:28:46 also a lot of different ideas and different points of view that were emerging which needed to be kind of discussed and agreed upon. So in terms of actions I think we still have some way to go, especially with the service management and orchestration I
07:29:01 mean they assemble component right but we are looking at reducing many of the phone app conference.
07:29:07 So I would say thanks to everyone, and they will be available, it's not that okay I just say a good night vanished. I will be there for any questions or any clarification, or any inputs that you might want from me okay though from time to time maybe and
07:29:22 not very much a regular in responding but definitely I will try to respond as soon as possible.
07:29:28 And thanks also to many of you who had sent your wishes and sorry I have not acknowledged, at least some of you. I'm a little behind on emails, I will definitely do that in the coming.
07:29:44 Thank you. Thank you so much, Swami and welcome Isla I'm, I hope I say your name correctly. We don't have limiting on the call, but a healer and living will become a new one apple and one network slicing lead.
07:29:54 And then I understand the welcome Krishna, as oh five years so lead as well.
07:29:59 And I think your opportunity to thank people who step up to be over new Olga and he is all.
07:30:10 With the support of sector, and a short term care has with, so
07:30:14 you know i i'd like to this Magnus here I'd like to challenge this sort of takeover of this sort of role as or on.
07:30:25 I don't think that has been handled correctly, but I don't want to ruin the, the applause to just want me.
07:30:35 Okay, so we can take the notes afterwards. All right.
07:30:42 And your feedback about swimming.
07:30:49 Swami, all good.
07:30:52 Actually I'm sure you will live and succeed, wherever you go. There is no second thought in my mind when I say this, so it was great working with you.
07:31:00 I wish you all the best in all your future endeavors, but the world is British model, or you can still convinced your new company and join on that, by the way.
07:31:06 So let's see what we can do that to.
07:31:10 Looking forward to coming.
07:31:11 Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Yeah.
07:31:17 Thank you.
07:31:19 Alright, so back to business now, I guess, and we will go back to the with with the Istanbul and one milestone.
07:31:32 Right. Thank you, Catherine.
07:31:36 So am one so let's just remind ourselves where we're at.
07:31:43 Schedule wise.
07:31:46 So here's the assembled schedule and here you can see we are at may 20 for our planned m one date.
07:31:57 The next milestone amp to is out in mid June.
07:32:04 And just as a reminder, based on our experience in Honolulu, we agreed to add an additional milestone.
07:32:16 So with Honolulu we went m 03 and three and then went into the release candidates. Now, we're going m 03, and four.
07:32:27 And then we, we are planning just a single release candidate we basically compressed, the, the release candidates into a single release candidate,
07:32:42 with the understanding that if the community fields that we needed another release candidate.
07:32:50 We can make that decision in real time when we get to that point.
07:32:55 All right. So in terms of where we're at
07:33:02 in terms of the milestone tasks.
07:33:09 Beginning with the projects.
07:33:11 You can see we have nearly all of the tasks completed 55 of 61 have been closed. So, like to congratulate the, the community and the PTS for the effort in getting to that point.
07:33:35 And then looking at the requirement owners.
07:33:39 We can see that only four tasks.
07:33:45 Sorry five tasks, remain open, and I point out that the two of these are related to this
07:33:56 requirement, which I'm going to propose that we, we, the scope. So, in reality, we're down to just three open tasks. If we exclude the tasks related to this requirement.
07:34:15 All right. Any questions about milestone status.
07:34:22 Alright, looking at the impact view for PR component we had a discussion about this in the ptl meeting on Monday. And at that time, there was still quite a bit of the, the color coding.
07:34:41 In other words, the, the discussion negotiation between requirement owners and pts left to do. Since then, I know that this has been updated substantially So, thank you.
07:34:58 P Charles and requirement owners for getting together and working through this, but as you can see, there are still a number of other
07:35:12 issues or
07:35:16 points in this table that needs to be understood.
07:35:20 So anywhere that you see an x, but it isn't color coded. That means that we understand that there is an impact on that project, but we don't know, we don't know whether the project that BTL have agreed to take on that effort in the release.
07:35:44 So, we still need to close the gap there in terms of getting these remaining exes color coded.
07:35:58 I know sometimes there's some confusion about how this this table works.
07:36:05 And I know when I started as release manager was a little confusing to me as well.
07:36:13 Are there any questions about how this works is, everyone to understand is everyone clear about what what the meaning of the exes and the color coding is.
07:36:25 Yeah. Hey David This is Dan I don't think we had a JIRA.
07:36:31 I don't think that was one of the jurors that that you had it for so that might be like a process improvement going forward.
07:36:38 Okay.
07:36:46 Have a avid JIRA to. Yeah, it's a little bit difficult to capture because yet. Yeah, I guess.
07:36:50 I guess we could have a task for both requirement owners and PT L's, but it involves both of them.
07:37:00 Well, we want to avoid is or people just color coding the exes without any, you know consultation or discussion with the, with the other party.
07:37:14 So don't, don't do this in a vacuum.
07:37:18 You know at least have an email exchange, if you're if you're a ptl and your, your color coding this at least have an email exchange with requirement owner.
07:37:29 And, you know, let them know what what you're doing and what you're thinking.
07:37:39 All right alright thanks dad.
07:37:41 That's a good point.
07:37:46 Okay, and maybe maybe just sorry maybe just one clarification this color coding if I'm not mistaking mistaken 30 this is for him to write this is not.
07:37:57 This is not very one or is it.
07:38:00 I yeah that's a that's a good point.
07:38:03 I, since we change the process, under Honolulu I think that's changed a little bit.
07:38:16 And I, that the commitment at the end to right at the end to what was expecting of the one is that believe that the deeper stuff, the dialogue, the only common owner, to have the dialogue with the different ppl.
07:38:33 But when you look at the end two criteria, there is one school release planning, and this is a deadline that we ride with the scoop that smoke totally right.
07:38:46 But at least this is where we have a thesis of what ppl with their team can commit so some team member I in advance.
07:38:56 But, if, if the color coding which is not right here.
07:39:00 The BTL can change it up to the end to.
07:39:06 Okay, thank you. That was my, my understanding as well. Thank you.
07:39:10 Yeah, so there's two things going on here. The first is identifying the the impact. So the X is, identify the impact in other words which which components which projects are affected by the requirement.
07:39:25 And then the second part is the color coding, which indicates what what the agreement is with the, the ppl with the project for doing that work.
07:39:40 So, yeah, so as Catherine mentioned into is where we really like to have that established.
07:39:49 All right.
07:40:04 So,
07:39:54 and then as I mentioned earlier, we have this item requirement for six four, which is, you can see it there on the,
07:40:08 the milestone status, whereas, here it is. Si em integration.
07:40:17 And this was something that came up. I think for Honolulu, originally, and it was not, it was not ready for Honolulu so it got deferred to assemble.
07:40:34 But when I, when I reviewed the, the requirement.
07:40:38 I saw that it had not been updated since November, I've sent out a number of emails as requirement owners now asking people to complete their tasks and so on and I've received no response from this requirement owner.
07:40:58 And in addition to that, there.
07:41:02 They have an out of office notice for their email.
07:41:08 They're not back until June 2. So, this didn't work out for Honolulu it's not working out for his samples so my, my recommendation is to go ahead and do scope requirement 464.
07:41:25 Does anyone have a different opinion any objections to doing that.
07:41:35 Alright.
07:41:37 Well, I think it's a it's a position that I don't know if we had the owner of this requirement.
07:41:52 I know the owner of the legal there sorry so I don't know Okay, fine.
07:41:50 Yeah.
07:41:53 And then I just wanted to note that I did, I did realize that we have a little bit of a process issue and I'll probably spend some time talking to Christoph and and Catherine and Kenny about that.
07:42:07 But we have an issue where at em, leading up to em one, we have requirement owners that are still publishing their requirements in JIRA and at the same time, I am assigning tasks to requirement owners to those JIRA issues.
07:42:29 And so we can have as happened with requirement 8864, where I publish the tasks for em one, and then the requirement owner publishes the JIRA after I've already published tasks for me one.
07:42:47 And of course I don't know that a new task has been or a new requirement it's been published. And so in this case the requirement owner.
07:42:58 You know sent me some email and said hey, shouldn't we have tasks for this requirements and. Yes, we should. So anyway, there's a little bit of a process issue that I need to try and figure out related to him one
07:43:15 that you bring Davis because the other aspect that I see. I know we are more open to welcome requirement on.
07:43:26 Phil Spector live.
07:43:40 But we should also be cautious, to not change the requirement, at the last minute otherwise the project team will not be able to assess so we might need a kind of deep milestone whatever to say hey, that's the final need to submit otherwise.
07:43:48 I don't know what people feel, but we cannot submit a requirement at the end pool, for example because it is when we we feel the code so we should have a kind of.
07:43:59 And again, I'm not trying to change the discussion, but at one point we need to have a moment where we say okay, we cannot welcome any requirement because we have already a lot to do, and maybe we can suggest to the next city so I don't remember exactly
07:44:18 how we were addressing these ongoing flu of requirements.
07:44:24 I remember we said, Mo, we free. Right.
07:44:28 So maybe we need to refresh your mind. If there is a deadline or if there is not really a deadline is one the requirements really but there is an ambiguity, at least in my mind, maybe other team members scream for them to refresh.
07:44:46 Is there really a concrete deadline because when the BTL will do the city's planning commitment that their commitment, or the winds if somebody wants to raise a requirement.
07:45:02 After that, I would say, tie at least as a DLC and bringing back as ob shell. In the next few weeks, that will be my simple way to underline.
07:45:12 But again, that's the issue that we probably need to.
07:45:16 Thank you.
07:45:25 But, but, but in this, in this case, Catherine would with the TTL. I'm assuming that the PDL has the liberty of accepting or refusing that that use case or that requirement right if he feels that it's too late for his his team to accept it.
07:45:46 You're out the doors to the, the, the right word, but the sense, right.
07:45:50 Right. But you know sometimes we have shine PDFs so we need them.
07:45:55 And they need to feel free to say, Nope, that's what I want to say, Okay. Oh, thank you. Okay so so in more and more in terms of having the process support them through this.
07:46:11 Okay.
07:46:13 I want to break the water for but I want to open the door to have an opportunity to always say no no oh of course always say yes.
07:46:33 All right.
07:46:37 Thank you.
07:46:38 So, so moving forward.
07:46:42 What do we want to do.
07:46:44 So my suggestion is that
07:46:49 it can't seem to get rid of this is that we, we take the three remaining issues for requirement owners and the, the six remaining issues for the projects, and we
07:47:12 we go ahead and accept the milestone with with these exceptions and say, review the status of those in another week. Does that make sense.
07:47:28 So for the project, just to give some more insight to people if they did, didn't deep dive, what it is missing it's mostly the architecture request, or we have one of two keys, where we wanted to get confirmation that there's enough, creativity, I was
07:47:51 not met, because the hippo is under amendments. That's what is left out of the six items for the requirements.
07:48:03 If you can go down because I don't remember. It is just a question about the own, the best practice, I think all the requirements, use case back feature.
07:48:14 I believe we Okay, it's really for the items which were invented by our best practice, where we have still some work to do.
07:48:26 So I just want to ensure that the people who have submitted the best practice.
07:48:32 They will look at it.
07:48:36 Because these best practices were not approved by the CSC for these ladies as well.
07:48:42 So I don't know if they're still gonna be the best for the BPM, and the theme, or if they need to talk I guess some of them should keep going at this before.
07:48:58 The speaker who couldn't use case to move us to a bit of efficiency, still continue at this default
07:49:16 The owner of UI stability, I think it was something that the integration team was hoping to get comfortable with.
07:49:25 And as DC so only as DC is part of the game since book style and VR and maintain.
07:49:34 And then what I'm missing from the niche.
07:49:38 And that's it. So, I think.
07:49:42 I think Morgan, I believe these were opened by you.
07:49:46 So do you want to keep going as this default thing there be no request to the DC to approve this best practice.
07:50:01 And there is also the CM integration, as well.
07:50:06 Let's see what it is anymore The CM. Yeah, I think.
07:50:10 I thought this was the one that we
07:50:14 are the scoping.
07:50:19 Yeah, yeah so that's that's the one that we just agreed to do scope.
07:50:25 Okay, okay, okay, good.
07:50:27 So Morgana.
07:50:32 Where do you think it's up to us because doesn't see me is much more what security stuff so it's
07:50:40 why.
07:50:48 Yeah.
07:50:48 Okay.
07:50:49 integration.
07:50:51 That's what I want to say.
07:51:10 have more more details about it.
07:51:13 Okay.
07:51:15 So based on that.
07:51:23 I can give you some Eric I can give you some some more take on this is for. I think it was for the young who was requesting it.
07:51:30 But to be honest, I'm not sure if we are capable of doing it in this release.
07:51:36 Unless
07:51:41 he's on holiday still till June.
07:51:46 I tried to understand from it's not really an integration issue with no no it's not, not, not integration.
07:51:56 Simply, the interoperability with him. xml cm system.
07:52:04 Guys thanks better.
07:52:07 So we may be.
07:52:09 sorry, maybe I was just referring to the, to the CM was one of them. But then we have known up UI stability. Focus DC and clear speed on a good and a new school, which shouldn't be a best, best practice for sure
07:52:32 This difficult to I was just keep going because these two were submitted by Morgan. And I don't believe anybody else will take it over from him.
07:52:37 to keep going on.
07:52:39 Yeah, I think there was a little bit of confusion there.
07:52:42 This one.
07:52:44 cm integration.
07:52:46 This is the one that we just discussed that we agreed to the scope.
07:52:50 So this one is no longer in part of the assemble release so I think what Catherine was referring to are these other ones that own app GUI stability, and then clearly split own app code and use case code.
07:53:09 So those are the two that are an issue.
07:53:18 And these two are best practice.
07:53:23 So let's wait maybe another week to give an opportunity to work with those equipment owner to see if we keep them open up a bit difficult whatever because they've not been approved by the DNC.
07:53:38 And, and I am aligned with what you were suggesting David, but I want to be sure that the Tsu so is aligned meaning by that, let's keep going to the zoo.
07:53:49 Since there is no show stopper, and it, as I said for the project is about the request to the architecture.
07:53:57 So I don't think it's a showstopper for the program we know that Chuck you're already doing this request right to set calendar, so it's ongoing, there is not much know criticality to documenting task.
07:54:14 And it's probably the first time that we have a very high percentage of success.
07:54:20 The first day of the milestone so congratulations to everybody, because we are really improving awesome.
07:54:30 Order common feedback concern by the TC before we probably acknowledged or recommendation from our release manager.
07:54:48 Okay, so I guess we will see you at one with the exception that the rest needs to be clean up I am too.
07:54:55 And with the fact that we, we need to divide the two best practices were to see their best at work, or they should not appear here. Thank you.
07:55:10 All right.
07:55:12 Do we need to vote on him one.
07:55:15 I think we did, I think we can just do a pound agree based upon the process with, with the exceptions. So, yeah, I can give you the.
07:55:27 Yeah, the exceptions can just be dropped specifically under the chat window then I'll do that every.
07:55:38 Okay, requirement 396
07:55:45 and.
07:55:58 399.
07:56:00 Okay. Those two.
07:56:03 Yeah. And then,
07:56:09 and then we also had exceptions for.
07:56:16 Let's see the map.
07:56:40 STC UUIVNF SDK.
07:56:46 Okay.
07:56:47 Thank you.
07:56:49 Get it typed up.
07:56:50 Okay. All right. Thanks Kenny.
07:56:54 All right. Any questions about release status or schedule.
07:57:01 Before we move on.
07:57:06 All right, thank you.
07:57:12 Thank you, David. And I believe we will end the, the vote soon in the chat room.
07:57:24 At the same time, let's see where we are in the agenda, I think, Kenny said we were just going to do a pound degree, if that's okay, Catherine.
07:57:32 Ponder greed means
07:57:36 we don't need to vote. Okay.
07:57:38 Yep.
07:57:42 Can we look human that me.
07:57:45 Yeah, that's why I was looking up the requirements in the projects earlier so that Kenny could note the exceptions, so he's going to put that into the minutes into the chat.
07:57:57 Yeah, I think I was putting something to Kenny, I see. I'm sorry Catherine I was typing in another window and I think what you just dropped so let me think what I have.
07:58:07 I'll put it in as in the green.
07:58:09 Okay, well, we move.
07:58:22 Let me see.
07:58:16 Do I need to share. Getting Would you mind to share the agenda, so everybody can see it.
07:58:22 Alright, so Peter great congratulation to Michael movie or new as the Cpl.
07:58:40 Which was elected.
07:58:31 And then I want to make a post to discuss about the problem that we are facing.
07:58:39 After a great leadership for Morgan. It went for money for the integration projects.
07:58:58 You performed the vote from the cons of the vote the self nomination to replacing self amongst his 18 kilometers.
07:58:56 None of them step.
07:58:59 Because the scope of this project is really challenging.
07:59:03 And I wanted to discuss this item, and the THC level with all of you to see how we can address because having these open source community.
07:59:15 Considering that we have.
07:59:19 We have still not played the definition of the MVP, minimum return.
07:59:34 But even, even if we do so. Even if we have comatose and contributors who wants to evolve the integration projects to improve our position readiness to remain aka litigate from a former release perspective, we are missing the leader.
07:59:47 So I don't know if any of you have already stopped to think about who we could
07:59:54 somehow.
07:59:57 Under this gap that we have.
08:00:00 There is no way to put it, the integration project under maintenance right Chris's is something which is essential for each release.
08:00:10 So before suggesting anything, I would like to hear from you.
08:00:23 Maybe get trained maybe I see him so that was
08:00:28 me that maybe the integration project is quite big.
08:00:36 It was many, many topics to manage. So, if this complexity may be can be solved by dividing the project in small one.
08:01:03 Maybe can help. I don't know some contributors to, to take the lead of a setback of the integration project, as it is today, I don't know, maybe no Shana definitely we could, it is true that the scope of the integration of projects have evolved quite
08:01:09 a lot.
08:01:22 Always in any.
08:01:12 We are trying to test the minimum use case.
08:01:17 Then we move to the gating as you know, then we asked each. He common owner of doing them despite this lead.
08:01:25 And I know his family. When you see when you look at all the diagram, provided by Morgana we have not only the stability to fun, but also different aspect that the team was doing Who did you get any suggestion for Morgan, about having a minimum vehicle
08:01:46 where we could see the lie on the dating hormonal dimension perspectives and then relocate the chemical contributors to milk testicle task,
08:02:06 which is something can I can sink my teeth.
08:02:10 Okay, So why do
08:02:14 I see my boss and the men when, when we could go on we had no no answer but we were expecting some feedback from, from the TSP have some proposer to to to to to add your community to service issue.
08:02:30 Okay. Yes, I saw the mail from again when he was asking the GC to to work on it, but I I have missed, did he send us a potential scope and 35 mistakes.
08:02:51 Just send a man to stay there there was no, no one.
08:03:07 Yes, just just just got the one I saw that's why I wanted to bring this up.
08:03:08 Okay. And I don't know if I fly.
08:03:12 Yeah, I should have replied to mention, I will bring this topic to the TSP so sorry if I missed the communication.
08:03:19 So what do we do, we try to, to help the team to brainstorm or who we are, this what I would like to do is to as the coupon integration team and to make up a position to the TSP with, with a minimum scope.
08:03:38 That's good. Is it possible I think the coolest feeler organized on the Tuesday or Wednesday.
08:03:45 Wednesday.
08:03:48 So do we. Sorry for the interruption. Do we know what I mean we talked about integration being too big and scope and I certainly appreciate that.
08:04:05 We know how it should be carved up, it was to be broken up is, this is, this is kind of a different take on the same question. Catherine's asking which is basically, what is the minimum viable
08:04:26 that we need for the release with regards to gating, it's kind of the same question but approach from a different way.
08:04:35 Integration was to be broken up into smaller projects, what would those be.
08:04:44 Yes, you're right time where you cannot be stopped working with the MVP.
08:04:49 On the minimal set of tasks to be performance it's very important I think these integration team has also some responsibility to to declare when everything is okay so we see that I follow up, follow up on the thoughts here maybe not breaking up the integration,
08:05:12 but because that will only create a need for up to 2000 kilometers and maybe it's more getting bringing integration back to the basics.
08:05:27 Yeah.
08:05:36 Yeah.
08:05:39 We need to start with this MVP as you said honey. So, we have really production, we could.
08:05:48 I think there are still a lot of willingness in the integration team is just as you said the school so should we ascend. Sir, we have a couple of PSC members to attend the next integration call on one day.
08:06:06 And my apologize I don't know the time by heart.
08:06:09 In Is it the integration.
08:06:14 It's, it's 1300 UTC.
08:06:18 31.
08:06:26 With you European time.
08:06:30 Yes.
08:06:31 Okay, okay.
08:06:32 Sorry, my mind is not completing what so I would like to suggest, and with you before that maybe a couple of TC members and I will be happy to join the next call on Wednesday.
08:06:46 We sit down with the team I hope that Morgan can also join us.
08:06:51 And we try to start from the basic from the MVP.
08:06:56 And and try to see if it is manageable right and and it would be nice, David if you can join us as organic manager.
08:07:04 So we review the schools, and based on the school, do you believe that if there are less
08:07:15 mandatory school plan London is not a good word.
08:07:19 We will have maybe people could step up for for reporting perspective. And then we will continue to rely on the integration lead on each requirement owner to report the use case.
08:07:32 I don't know I'm just trying to brainstorm.
08:07:35 But I would like to invite the CSC to participate to the next integration, call on the 26th and have an open discussion with, with the integration team.
08:07:51 Will you be okay.
08:07:57 Yes, yes, we need to find inspiration so that's.
08:08:03 okay. So let's start with that.
08:08:06 And I volunteer to be back but don't let me alone.
08:08:12 I would like to have other DC members.
08:08:16 The time zone is not too bad.
08:08:20 So, I understand for the Pacific etc might be challenging but for for European and East Coast, it might be possible.
08:08:30 So, let's, let's help this team, because they're still, as I said, willingness to keep going to bring Kelly dean of software to be the gating of already so let's help them.
08:08:45 Okay.
08:08:47 And Nick you are good with that.
08:08:52 Yeah, yep, yep, Yep.
08:08:55 Okay.
08:08:57 Any additional feedback from any PC in PSD members so I look for you to join me to have this constructive dialogue with the team.
08:09:10 Thank you.
08:09:12 I get your some, some concern, I about the open Napoli's zone.
08:09:21 When we were discussing, I recognize I get very excited when I see people stepping up.
08:09:29 Because if we look say so how was it.
08:09:32 It was becoming unusual to see volunteers.
08:09:36 And I have to say I probably forget a little bit about the process so my apologize to the wind up committee if I escaped the typical own application process.
08:09:48 Now we have three people who have submitted their candidates.
08:09:54 There, this candidate you have, they have step up as volunteer. If some of you have the feeling we might have additional volunteers so maybe we need to do to follow our normal process which is asking you volunteer to submit their candidature on the bait
08:10:21 some way I forget where we can give a one week because we understand. Sometimes people a holy day and they cannot step up, as far as we would like.
08:10:27 And therefore, based on the default candidature we will have an election. We should we proceed like that
08:10:38 story.
08:10:40 Catherine monetary again.
08:10:42 I think this sort of Orlando is see corporations is very important. I know you you share that view and most you know not.
08:10:52 But I, I think we should widen the discussion a bit.
08:10:58 Question is, if it's enough to have a community coordinator in this role.
08:11:05 I think we should look at the opportunity of of maybe looking at this unofficial group that is already working there is a weekly meeting with own up and now we see people that are communicating and.
08:11:21 And I think that we should see if we can make that official in some in some way. Or if we can look at the forum how we cooperate. I think maybe I'm not sort of trying to discredit any of the candidates or volunteers for this role, but I think maybe it's
08:11:41 not just one person doing this.
08:11:45 The could be form of Task Force, it could be even a subcommittee, or something that is sort of looking at this, this opportunity and then then I mean all good, sort of, people are should join this and try to help that.
08:12:08 So I wanted to get the opinion of the DC.
08:12:12 Yes, and my new story I saw that you were concerned because I, I was keeping the, the, the official causes so I didn't want to upset you upset anybody so that's why I say wind back.
08:12:31 I think what you said is my perspective, really important because indeed we start to have a lot of traction, we have to remember, I was under the presenting towards a great presentation with the willingness to extend the collaboration shape.
08:12:54 And also they were not device on improvement in the collaboration six adaptable seems to be a good ID, we might want with somebody at one point to come back to the DNC to do a beta, similarly to what we do is the CNS, the enterprise and the wiki.
08:13:13 So what is the feeling of the the CFC the community about having a effective Delta Force, focusing on the own app open relationship.
08:13:27 I think it makes a lot of sense and there was mentioned about this group that is already meeting on a weekly basis so if that could be merged with this group.
08:13:37 And I think as you said covering the most important thing is to have visibility to what's going on so this idea of periodic updates to the DSC sounds great, to me,
08:13:52 so are we.
08:13:58 with the task force concept.
08:13:58 Joining the deeper.
08:14:00 I think today, it was, I remember Martin, Tracy and john.
08:14:06 Yes, that's the one I guess that they have to pause I I realized there was this one and there was also another one.
08:14:15 Dedicated to network slicing i don't know if i mean will continue to do so.
08:14:23 Yeah.
08:14:25 We're just one input from my side, I think, Magnus idea is definitely more practical. When we look at the map or MC, or the OSC collaboration right I think it will make much more sense to have a small task force, because it may not be possible for one
08:14:44 person to drive all the interactions, especially given how the interests, emerging for to be essential and the non realtime breaking at painting role play is going to be played by for now, but for the origin Alliance.
08:14:59 I mean, my personal preference would be that there should be a single point of contact.
08:15:05 Just like we have for these other standardization bodies by Katherine so I think it might be more practical to have a single Spock, of course, that person can then internally interact with the people in no nap.
08:15:20 To get irrelevant inputs. So we could look at it as two parts one is with the Orion Alliance, where we may have to have a spot, and for the boys see if it were me see, I think madness is really much more practical and I think it will go a long way in
08:15:35 promoting the collaboration.
08:15:50 also because of the different nature that this sort of orange Alliance being a standards body, if you will, and they will see being more of a sort of companion.
08:16:02 Open Source Initiative.
08:16:09 So I would like not to.
08:16:12 I don't think we have all the volunteer on the bridge because I don't see Shanker, but we have chemo instructor.
08:16:18 You were the first to raise your hand. So, how do you feel about the proposition here.
08:16:26 Maybe more you could become diseases, because you. You were the one and we have sugar and sugar and term care has backup so can you share your view because you are at the end, the one will raise your hand and the proposition with Magnus is to work with
08:16:42 john Kenney Tracy run back and lasting lasting lasting supporting the family name
08:16:56 is shocking I don't know if Tim was on, but at least from my perspective, I agree with the comments right Ronnie and Magnus made earlier.
08:17:06 Having test force with multiple people from different companies, and therefore different perspectives.
08:17:14 Join in that task force and working with the team and the own app team to make sure that we understand we fully understand the integration points, and the collaboration areas I think that would make a lot of sense to me.
08:17:30 Initially I volunteered to be the backup for TMobile I think having a task force would probably provide a lot more benefits than just having one or two people doing the work.
08:17:49 To me the key or here is the perspective that each and every person that joins the task force from their respective organizations, would bring to the discussion is very critical.
08:18:05 I will not be nine and I just want to see him like this and then came back. I joined cnn stuff for we taped on up on the prize.
08:18:25 It's not normally people on the call, but we see the tactical team members who are really motivated on on the task force and they bring really the different so I like the concept of that force, because we are stronger when we are working together, but
08:18:34 I want to be sure that everybody on brain that. And then you see I was again 45 I'm already putting all that together.
08:18:42 And we should probably go into directions, right, and join the coupon group because they were already something established. We just need to official eyes and add the additional team members as well.
08:18:57 Any other folks from and second thank you for sharing your through your feedback. Any thoughts from the TSP, shall we create an official task for dedicated to own up.
08:19:11 Definitely Can you hear me.
08:19:14 Yes demo.
08:19:15 Good.
08:19:18 Struggling with my good but so I have nothing against
08:19:26 such a desk for so many but I think that sounds like a viable option I think it's rather a question of what we are after. I think it's.
08:19:39 It is a different aspiration of what we did with the cage and officers.
08:19:48 And if that's what the SEC is after that I think that's a very good good solution then I would like to let people know that there are actually three separate meetings per week where both forum community are coming together so it's not like one only where
08:20:16 we could then get back.
08:20:16 Collaboration activities.
08:20:19 So we need to figure out what is the best way.
08:20:24 And just this week in there to see meeting theorems of the community.
08:20:56 So we do have a single point of contact from, from that side, which is a forum, I guess that's worse than needs to
08:21:10 win. So, just so that people know what the landscape is and how the work, work has been so for me.
08:21:05 So yeah, and I think it was kind of going to watch the best course. Anyways, there's like three volunteers and then a couple of people who are on a weekly, if not daily basis.
08:21:18 Engaging collaboration.
08:21:26 And
08:21:26 that is that is about ready because there's like five people so more the merrier I guess.
08:21:45 So, um, let's pick up what you said I'm sorry. I saw you had finished so I didn't want to cut you so I think we are all alignment that we need to talk together for the task force my be split into three pieces like it is today the supposed to be able to
08:22:01 when I'm also hearing we might want to avoid right voice out of the task force to keep us updated.
08:22:09 So, what I would like to suggest is that baby when you discuss with this task force, try to define one of you.
08:22:20 And it could be your third demo, or we could be somebody, one of you to be the voice.
08:22:26 But we know we want to be resilient. So we might want to have one or two three people to become the voice of this task for.
08:22:41 And we will not take any decision about who could be the voice of the other task force. We will let you decide.
08:22:51 After this, discussing between all of you who could be the voice, one in the back and forth. Right.
08:22:59 So this makes sense.
08:23:03 Does it make sense. Or you can hope it
08:23:09 does make sense to me.
08:23:15 More Mac news.
08:23:18 Yeah, I'm happy with that. The, the essence here is that we get an engagement and that we get some kind of official recognition from from the TC for the people that already working with this, that they feel empowered.
08:23:49 Yeah, this is long overdue and we know that they're there.
08:23:55 I mean, the group meetings that I have attended are very collaborative and and operating extremely well. I would hate to see a situation where we just suddenly create something to replace that.
08:24:13 I mean this is the community saw the need the community.
08:24:18 You know, put something together themselves, both communities, not just on our side.
08:24:25 So, let leveraging what we already have in place I think is is good
08:24:35 action for the new task force
08:24:40 and let us know maybe next week or in two weeks.
08:24:44 How you want, what will be your operating model.
08:24:54 Is that ok
08:24:59 nice to me.
08:25:00 Okay, good.
08:25:04 Next, two. So maybe on June 3 if we don't have the end to at the same time, we would like to hear from you probably all. Okay.
08:25:39 All right.
08:25:41 I think we do have to avoid that we lose what you are written.
08:25:49 Kenny I think you will need to save the page before I save it.
08:25:53 Because I noticed when it's supposed to honey and I, we, we lose what were written, because I don't see what's written in my wiki page.
08:26:02 So we we need to be cautious.
08:26:05 Yeah. Now it is there. Alright, so what's left, we have only four minutes left, there is still something that though I would love to kick off.
08:26:22 In June, which is the TLC election, we did an a once in a while. We've been trying to behave the best weekend altogether.
08:26:26 The remaining question was about the number of seats.
08:26:30 I don't know if we have still the cohort.
08:26:33 To conclude on the sea.
08:26:36 Otherwise, if we don't, that will be the first topic we will tackle next week, because we need to conclude on the TSP to the two membership Kalia.
08:26:46 The whole commendation I believe, based on all the accounting of Kenny was 22. So we were opening the TC 222 seats to accept the minimum of company wants to be engaged and motivated to contribute.
08:27:07 I don't want. If you want to discuss that within the next few minutes it's maybe too short with please review the member of criteria, before the next meeting because that will be the first topic we will tackle next week.
08:27:21 And we, we need to conclude it's only the number of seats, we were not yet. We didn't have a conclusion.
08:27:29 Does it seems reasonable.
08:27:33 I give you one week to think, to review. If you didn't have a chance to focus on the membership created here. And next week we conclude on the phone number.
08:27:50 Yes.
08:27:53 Thank you for the acknowledgement.
08:27:55 All right, anything before, for me, for me anyway. I don't want to speak on behalf of everyone.
08:28:03 Speak. speak for everyone that's okay.
08:28:07 I like to hear your voice.
08:28:09 Okay. Anything else you have just a quick, we have not yet finalized the formal agreement I think from a technical perspective, I mean the organ is the technical lead, and do not come easy definitely are in agreement to we use some owner components.
08:28:28 At the TSP, it's not yet finalized, one of the reason is because they want to be
08:28:36 neutral concerning the choice of the own app component.
08:28:44 Concerning the choice of the components will be consumed for the demo, but honestly when I see all what has been accomplished over the last one, two years, with some woman app component and there is anything else, who was supposed to do the same thing.
08:29:01 I'm still don't see why we should not have a formal agreement with, and maybe your program de force was also help us to accelerate this decision, but that's the current status things began to definitively are willing to continue to consume some own app
08:29:22 There is this aspect of remaining neutron with this precedent. He gelding, what could be a CMO. So I will keep going at my liberal anyway.
08:29:34 at the TSP level.
08:29:39 That's my fellow fine I work. Kidney Disease anybody, you want to add something before we call the call.
08:29:48 Yeah, regarding the event in Germany if you're a presenter.
08:29:54 Please keep an eye on your inbox because we might send you the draft and scheduling for review. And we asked you to make sure that we didn't wq for the same time slot of two sessions so please keep an eye on such requests and pride to respond in a timely
08:30:11 manner things.
08:30:14 I just wanted to mention that I did add a proposal for a retrospective of the Honolulu release for the developer and test one.
08:30:29 And I'm sure all of you will attend that
08:30:38 David
08:30:52 anything else.