The main list of test cases is available at E2E Network Slicing Use Case in R7 Guilin.
1. Common CSMF, NSMF
Venue: CMCC Lab
Important Note: Status update of test cases, prioritization and scenario-based reduction in testing scope is in progress. Majority of Priority 1 test cases alone will be targeted to be completed for Guilin. This page will be updated in the next few days with the proper status of completed/ongoing tests (the parts which are completed), and other relevant details.
Remark: We will continue to update the status as we continue the testing of various e2e scenario combinations, along with the P2 test cases beyond Guilin. Bugs found (if any) from now onwards will be solved in Honolulu.
1. Common CSMF, NSMF
Venue: CMCC Lab
S.No. | Category | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Priority | Dependency | Tester | Status | ||||||||
COM_01 | Service/template design | Successful design of CST and Service Profile Templates | 1 | 1 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| |||||||||
COM_02 | Service/template design | Successful design of NST (option 1 and option 2) | 2 | 1 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| |||||||||
COM_03 | Service instantiation | Service instantiation via CSMF Portal (UUI) for Option 1 (RAN NSSMF within ONAP) /2 resulting in NST Selection request from SO towards OOF, and receiving the NST details in the callback from OOF. | 3 | 1 | COM_01, COM_02 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_04 | Service instantiation (Option 1) | After NST selection, NSMF (SO) fetches sub-net capabilities for the 3 constituent sub-nets (RAN, Core and Transport) for Option 1. | 3 | 2 | COM_03 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_05 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing Slice Profiles (in callback API) for new NSI creation (Option 1). | 3 | 2 | COM_04 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_06 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | SO (NSMF) presents the NSI solution to NSMF Portal (UUI) for manual intervention. NSMF Portal (UUI) provides endpoints for RAN and Core sub-nets while allowing creation of new NSI. | 3 | 2 | COM_05 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_07 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers RAN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptoradaptor, and RAN NSSI is allocated successfully. | 3 | 2 | COM_06 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_08 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers Core NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor, and Core NSSI is allocated successfully. | 3 | 2 | COM_06 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_09 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers TN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor along with the RAN & Core endpoint info, and TN NSSI is allocated successfully. | 3 | 2 | COM_08 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_10 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | After NST selection, NSMF (SO) fetches sub-net capabilities for the 3 constituent sub-nets (RAN, Core and Transport) for Option 2. | 4 | COM_03 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| |||||||||
COM_11 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing Slice Profiles (in callback API) for new NSI creation (Option 2). | 4 | COM_10 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| |||||||||
COM_12 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) calls OOF using selectNSSI API for the RAN NSSI selection (in case of external RAN NSSMF) with RAN Slice Profile and RAN sub-net capabilities. OOF provides (empty) response that no RAN NSSI exists (that can be reused). | 4 | 2 | COM_11 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_13 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers External RAN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor (it also sends Slice Profile info), and new RAN NSSI is created successfully. RAN EP info is updated in AAI by NSMF Adaptor. | 4 | 1 | COM_12 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_14 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers Core NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor, and Core NSSI is allocated successfully. (This is more of a regression test case as new Core NSSI is already covered in COM_08) | 4 | 1 | COM_1213 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_15 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers TN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor along with the RAN & Core endpoint info, and TN NSSI is allocated successfully. (This is more of a regression test case as new Core TN NSSI is already covered in COM_09) | 4 | 1 | COM_14 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||||||
COM_16 | Service instantiation (Option 21) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) calls OOF using selectNSSI API for the RAN NSSI selection (in case of external RAN NSSMF) with RAN Slice Profile and RAN sub-net capabilities. OOF provides response with a suitable RAN NSSI exists (that can be reused)triggers RAN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor, and RAN NSSMF responds that an existing RAN NSSI can be reused. | 5 | 2 | COM_11 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
2. RAN Slicing
Venue: Winlab (Rutgers University)
COM_17 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers Core NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor, and Core NSSMF responds that an existing Core NSSI can be reused. | 5 | 2 | COM_11 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||
COM_16 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) calls OOF using selectNSSI API for the RAN NSSI selection (in case of external RAN NSSMF) with RAN Slice Profile and RAN sub-net capabilities. OOF provides response with a suitable RAN NSSI exists (that can be reused). | 6 | 2 | COM_11 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
| ||||
COM_17 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing details of existing NSI to be reused in the response. | 7 | 2 | COM_04 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
18 | Service |
instantiation (Option 1) - |
Reuse existing NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers OOF |
for obtaining Slice Profiles for the new Service Profile when an existing NSI is reused, and OOF provides the Slice Profiles | 7 | 2 | COM_17 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
19 | Service |
instantiation (Option 1) - |
Reuse existing NSI | NSMF (SO) provides details of existing NSI and Slice Profiles to UUI (NSMF Portal) for manual intervention. Existing NSI is chosen via UUI (regression) | 7 | 2 | COM_18 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
20 | Service |
instantiation (Option 1) - |
Reuse existing NSI | NSMF then calls modifyNSSI API towards RAN, Core and Transport NSSMFs with details of existing NSI to be reused and the respective Slice Profile | 7 | 2 | COM_19 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
21 | Service |
instantiation (Option |
2) - |
Reuse existing NSI (similar to testcases COM_17 and 18) | NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing existing NSI to be reused in the response. NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for obtaining Slice Profiles for the new Service Profile when an existing NSI is reused, and OOF provides the Slice Profiles. | 8 | 2 | COM_04 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
22 | Service |
instantiation (Option 1) - |
Reuse existing NSI | NSMF (SO) provides details of existing NSI and Slice Profiles to UUI (NSMF Portal) for manual intervention. Existing NSI is chosen via UUI (regression) | 8 | 2 | COM_21 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
23 | Service |
instantiation (Option |
2) - |
Reuse existing NSI (similar to testcase COM_20) | NSMF then calls modifyNSSI API towards internal Core and Transport NSSMFs, and external RAN NSSMF with details of NSI to be reused and the respective Slice Profile | 8 | 2 | COM_22 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
24 | Service |
activation (Option 1) |
Service activation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Activation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls activateNSSI APIs towards RAN, Core and Transport NSSMFs | 9 | 2 | COM_09 or COM_20 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
25 | Service |
activation (Option |
2) | Service activation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Activation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls activateNSSI APIs towards internal Core and Transport NSSMFs, and external RAN NSSMF | 9 | 2 | COM_15 or COM_23 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
26 | Service |
deactivation (Option 1 |
) | Service deactivation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Deactivation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls DeactivateNSSI APIs towards RAN, Core and Transport NSSMFs | 10 | 2 | COM_24 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
COM_ |
27 | Service |
deactivation (Option |
2) | Service deactivation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Dectivation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls deactivateNSSI APIs towards internal Core and Transport NSSMFs, and external RAN NSSMF | 10 | 2 | COM_25 | Zhang Min, He Tengjiao |
3. Core Slicing
Venue: ???
COM_28 | Service termination (Option 1/2) | Service termination from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2. SO (NSMF) triggers OOF to check for NSI termination, OOF returns NSI should not be terminated | 11 | 2 | COM_24 or COM_25 | Priyadharshini, Reshmasree |
| ||||
COM_29 | Service termination (Option 1/2) | SO (NSMF) triggers RAN, Core and TN NSSMF with modifyNSSI API to remove S-NSSAI from the respective NSSIs. Service and Slice profiles and their links are also removed. | 11 | 2 | COM_28 | Priyadharshini, Reshmasree |
COM_ |
30 | Service |
termination ( |
Option 1) | Service termination from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2. SO ( |
NSMF) triggers OOF to check for NSI termination, OOF returns NSI should be terminated | 12 | 2 | COM_24 or COM_25 | Priyadharshini, Reshmasree |
| ||||
COM_31 |
Service termination (Option 1) | SO (NSMF) triggers RAN, Core and TN NSSMF with deallocateNSSI API. NSI is also removed by SO(NSMF). | 12 | 2 | COM_30 | Priyadharshini, Reshmasree |
COM_32 | Service instantiation via ExtAPI | Service instantiation via ExtAPI for Option 1/2 resulting in new NSI to be created | 13 | 1 | COM_05 or COM_11 | Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
COM_33 | Service instantiation via ExtAPI | Service instantiation via ExtAPI for Option 1/2 resulting in existing NSI to be reused | 14 | 2 | COM_17 or COM_21 | Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
COM_34 | Service activation via ExtAPI | Service activation via ExtAPI for Option 1/2 resulting in slice service activation | 15 | 2 | COM_24 or COM_25 | Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
COM_35 | Service deactivation via ExtAPI | Service deactivation via ExtAPI for Option 1/2 resulting in slice service deactivation | 16 | 2 | COM_34 | Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
COM_36 | Service termination via ExtAPI | Service deallocation via ExtAPI for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI not being terminated. S-NSSAI, Service and Slice profiles and their links are removed from NSI/respective NSSIs. | 17 | 2 | COM_29 | Priyadharshini |
Note: KPI Monitoring, Closed Loop and Intelligent Slicing test cases are covered in separate sections below.
2. RAN Slicing
Venue: Winlab (Rutgers University)
S.No. | Category | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Priority | Dependency | Tester | Status | ||||||||
RAN_01 | Service/template design | Successful design of RAN NSST, RAN NF NSST, RAN Slice Profile and RAN NF Slice Profile Templates | 2 | 1 | Borislav |
| |||||||||
RAN_02 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | Provide RAN subnet capabilities when queried by NSSMF adaptor | 3 | 1 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| |||||||||
RAN_03 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with allocateNSSI for allocating a new RAN NSSI, RAN NSSMF (SO) triggers OOF for RAN NSSI selection, OOF provides Slice Profiles for RAN NF, TN FH and TN MH NSSIs (i.e., creation of a new RAN NSSI). | 3 | 1 | COM_07 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_04 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) creates new RAN NF NSSI and configuring it by calling SDN-R. AAI is also updated with relevant Slice Profile info. | 3 | 1 | RAN_03 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
Depends on completion of RAN_06 | ||||||||
RAN_05 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | SDN-R updates Config DB with the details of the new RAN NSSI and S-NSSAI and other configuration details (e.g., RRM Policy, Slice Profile) for the new S-NSSAI | 3 | 2 | RAN_04 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_06 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | SDN-R configures RAN NFs (CUs, DUs, Near-RT RICs) with the info related to the new RAN NSSI/S-NSSAI (by sending suitable (netconf) messages to RAN-Sim) and updates SO of the completion. | 3 | 2 | RAN_04 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_07 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SO (TN NSSMF) for allocation of FH and MH NSSIs. It passes the respective Slice Profiles (determined by OOF), and static values of endpoints for FH and MH to TN NSSMF. | 3 | 2 | RAN_06 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_08 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) makes suitable updates to AAI about Slice Profiles, RAN NF NSSI, etc. | 3 | 2 | RAN_07 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_09 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new RAN NSSI | Upon reception of completion indication from TN NSSMF (for FH and MH subnets), SO (RAN NSSMF) informs NSSMF Adaptor of SO about completion of RAN NSSI creation | 3 | 2 | RAN_07 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_10 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse RAN NSSI | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with allocateNSSI for allocating a new RAN NSSI, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers OOF for RAN NSSI selection, OOF provides existing RAN NSSI (i.e., reuse of an existing RAN NSSI). | 5 | 2 | COM_07 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_11 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse RAN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) calls OOF a second time for obtaining the Slice Profiles for RAN NF NSSI, TN FH and MH NSSIs. Slice Profile details are then updated in AAI. | 5 | 2 | RAN_10 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_12 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse RAN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) calls SDN-R for configuring the existing RAN NF NSSI (reuse) with the new S-NSSAI and Slice Profile | 5 | 2 | RAN_11 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_13 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse RAN NSSI | SDN-R updates Config DB with the details of the RAN NSSI and S-NSSAI and other configuration details (e.g., RRM Policy, Slice Profile) for the new S-NSSAI | 5 | 2 | RAN_12 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_14 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse RAN NSSI | SDN-R sends relevant (netconf) messages to RAN-Sim for updating the RAN NFs (CUs, DUs, Near-RT RICs) with details of the new S-NSSAI, RRM Policy updates, Slice Profile, etc. | 5 | 2 | RAN_13 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_15 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse RAN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) calls SO (TN NSSMF) for configuring the existing TN FH/MH NSSIs (reuse) with the new S-NSSAI and respective Slice Profiles using modifyNSSI API. | 5 | 2 | RAN_12 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_16 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSI | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with modifyNSSI for reusing an existing NSI, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers OOF for obtaining the Slice Profiles of RAN NF, TN FH and TN MH subnets for updating the respective NSSIs. Slice Profile details are then updated in AAI. (Remaining flows are similar to test cases RAN_12 to RAN_15) | 7 | 2 | COM_20 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_17 | Service activation (Option 1) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with activateNSSI for activating the RAN NSSI, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SDN-R for activating the S-NSSAI in the RAN NFs. | 9 | 1 | COM_24 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_18 | Service activation (Option 1) | SDN-R sends relevant (netconf) messages to RAN NFs (RAN-Sim) (CUs, DUs, Near-RT RICs) for activation of the S-NSSAI. | 9 | 2 | RAN_17 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_19 | Service activation (Option 1) | SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SO (TN NSSMF) for activating the TN FH and TN MH NSSIs. | 9 | 1 | RAN_17 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_20 | Service deactivation (Option 1) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deactivateNSSI for deactivating the RAN NSSI, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SDN-R for deactivating the S-NSSAI in the RAN NFs. | 10 | 2 | COM_25 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_21 | Service deactivation (Option 1) | SDN-R sends relevant (netconf) messages to RAN NFs (RAN-Sim) (CUs, DUs, Near-RT RICs) for deactivation of the S-NSSAI. | 10 | 2 | RAN_20 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_22 | Service deactivation (Option 1) | SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SO (TN NSSMF) for deactivating the TN FH and TN MH NSSIs. | 10 | 2 | RAN_20 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_23 | Service termination (Option 1) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with modifyNSSI for removing S-NSSAI, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SDN-R for removing the S-NSSAI in the RAN NFs. Slice Profile of RAN NF NSSI is also removed. | 11 | 2 | COM_29 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_24 | Service termination (Option 1) | SDN-R makes relevant updates to ConfigDB (removal of S-NSSAI and RAN NF Slice Profile, RRM Policy update) | 11 | 2 | RAN_23 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_25 | Service termination (Option 1) | SDN-R sends relevant (netconf) messages to RAN-NFs (CUs, DUs, Near-RT RICs) of S-NSSAI removal, and update of RRM Policy, etc. | 11 | 2 | RAN_24 | Sandeep Shah, Ahila |
| ||||||||
RAN_26 | Service termination (Option 1) | SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SO (TN NSSMF) for updating the TN FH and TN MH NSSIs. Slice Profiles of TN FH and MH NSSIs are also removed. | 11 | 2 | RAN_23 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_27 | Service termination (Option 1) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deallocateNSSI API, SO (RAN NSSMF) calls OOF to determine if RAN NSSI has to be terminated. OOF returns RAN NSSI should not be terminated. (Remaining steps are the same as in test cases RAN_23 to RAN_26) | 12 | 2 | COM_30 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_28 | Service termination (Option 1) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deallocateNSSI API, SO (RAN NSSMF) calls OOF to determine if RAN NSSI has to be terminated. OOF returns RAN NSSI should be terminated. | 12 | 2 | COM_30 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_29 | Service termination (Option 1) | SO (RAN NSSMF) calls OOF to determine if RAN NF NSSI has to be terminated. OOF returns that RAN NF NSSI should be terminated. | 12 | 2 | RAN_28 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_30 | Service termination (Option 1) | SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SDN-R for removing the S-NSSAI in the RAN NFs. Slice Profile of RAN NF NSSI and RAN NF NSSI are also removed. (SDN-R actions are covered in test cases RAN_24 and RAN_25) | 12 | 2 | RAN_29 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_30 | Service termination (Option 1) | SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SO (TN NSSMF) with deallocateNSSI API call for deallocation of TN FH and TN MH NSSIs | 12 | 2 | RAN_29 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
| ||||||||
RAN_31 | Service termination (Option 1) | When OOF returns that RAN NSSI should be terminated, SO (RAN NSSMF) calls OOF to determine if RAN NF NSSI has to be terminated. OOF returns that RAN NF NSSI should not be terminated. (RAN NF NSSI update actions are covered by RAN_23 to RAN_25, and TN FH and MH NSSI actions are covered by RAN_30) | 12 | 2 | RAN_28 | Reshmasree, Priyadharshini |
3. Core Slicing
Venue: Windriver
S.No. | Category | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Priority | Dependency | Tester | Status | ||||||||
CORE_01 | Service/template design | Successful design of Core NSST, Core NF NSST, Core Slice Profile and Core Network Service | 2 | 1 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| |||||||||
CORE_02 | Service instantiation | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with allocateNSSI for allocating a new Core NSSI, Core NSSMF (SO) triggers OOF for Core NSSI selection, OOF provides Slice Profiles for Core NF. | 3 | 1 | COM_07 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||
CORE_03 | Service instantiation (New NSSI) | SO (Core NSSMF) creates new Core NSSI in AAI | 3 | 2 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| |||||||||
Prepare Service order and trigger EXTAPI for instantiating new Core NFs | 3 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||||||
On successful response from EXTAPI for the serviceOrderId associate instantiated core network service to NSSI. And update SO database with service operation status | 3 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||||||
CORE_04 | Service instantiation (Existing NSSI) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with allocateNSSI for allocating a new Core NSSI, Core NSSMF (SO) triggers OOF for Core NSSI selection, OOF provides Slice Profiles for Core NF. | 3 | 2 | COM_18 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||
OOF returns existing NSSI. Find the associated network service with NSSI | 5 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||||||
Prepare request payload to trigger SO macro flow to update the Core network service NFs | 5 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||||||
Trigger SO macro flow (by calling serviceInstance api PUT method). | 5 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||||||
On successful response update the SO database with service operation status | 5 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||||||
CORE_05 | Service Activation and Service Deactivate | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with activateNSSI or deactivateNSSI for activating/deactivating Core NSSI | 7,8 | 2 | COM_24, COM_26 | Sanchita, Aleem |
| ||||||||
Get all s-nssai and orchestration status from slice profiles associated with NSSI | 7.8 | Sanchita, Aleem | |||||||||||||
Get VNF/VFs associated with NSSI. Prepare request payload to trigger SO macro service to activate/deactivate the status of s-nssai received from NSSMF adapter | 7.8 | Sanchita, Aleem | |||||||||||||
Onsuccessful response update slice profile instance in AAI | 7.8 | Sanchita, Aleem | |||||||||||||
CORE_06 | Service Deallocate | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deAllocate for deallocating Core NSSI | 9, 10, 15 | 2 | COM_29, COM_31 | Alexander Borovitzky |
| ||||||||
Get the network service instance and slice profile associated with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
If TerminateNSSI=true then | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
trigger EXPAPI to delete network service instance Remove NSSI association with NSI Remove association of slice profile instance with NSSI Delete the slice profile instance Delete NSSI service instance | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Update SO database with operation status | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
CORE_07 | Service Deallocate | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deAllocate for deallocating Core NSSI | 9 | 2 | COM_29, COM_31 | Alexander Borovitzky |
| ||||||||
Get the network service instance and slice profile associated with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
If TerminateNSSI=false then | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Get VNF/VFs associated with NSSI. Get all the s-nssai and orchestration status from the slice profiles associated with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Prepare request payload to trigger SO macro flow to update the Core network service NFs | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Remove NSSI association with NSI Remove association of slice profile instance with NSSI Delete the slice profile instance | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Update SO database with operation status | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
CORE_08 | Service Modify (create new slice profile instance) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with modify for modifying Core NSSI | 11, 14 | 2 | COM_28 | Alexander Borovitzky |
| ||||||||
Get the network service instance and slice profile associated with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Get VNF/VFs associated with NSSI. Get all the s-nssai and orchestration status from the slice profiles associated with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Prepare request payload to trigger SO macro flow to update the Core network service NFs | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
On success response, create slice profile instance in AAI Associate slice profile instance with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Update SO database with operation status | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
CORE_09 | Service Modify (delete slice profile instance) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with modify for modifying Core NSSI | 2 | Alexander Borovitzky |
| ||||||||||
Get the network service instance and slice profile associated with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Get VNF/VFs associated with NSSI. Get all the s-nssai and orchestration status from the slice profiles associated with NSSI | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Prepare request payload to trigger SO macro flow to update the Core network service NFs | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
On success response, remove NSSI to slice profile association Delete the slice profile instance | Alexander Borovitzky | ||||||||||||||
Update SO database with operation status | Alexander Borovitzky |
4. Transport Slicing
Venue: CMCC Lab
S.No. | Category | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Priority | Dependency | Tester | Status | ||||||||
TN_01 | Service/template design | Successful design of TN NSSTs (for FH, MH and BH), TN Slice Profile templates for FH, MH and BH | 2 | 1 | Chuyi |
| |||||||||
TN_02 | Service instantiation (Option 1/2) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | Provide TN subnet capabilities when queried by NSSMF adaptor | 3, 4 | 1 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||
TN_03 | Service instantiation (Option 1/2) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with allocateNSSI for allocating a new TN NSSI for BH, TN NSSMF (SO) triggers OOF for TN BH NSSI selection, OOF provides Slice Profile for TN BH NSSIs (i.e., creation of a new TN NSSI). | 3, 4 | 2 | COM_07 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||
TN_04 | Service instantiation (Option 1/2) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) creates new TN BH NSSI and configuring it by calling SDN-C | 3, 4 | 1 | TN_03 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||
TN_05 | Service instantiation (Option 1/2) - New NSI, new TN NSSI (BH) | SDN-C calls the Domain controller for performing necessary configuration and informs SO of the completion | 3, 4 | 1 | TN_04 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||
TN_06 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI (FH/MH) | When triggered by RAN NSSMF with allocateNSSI for allocating a new TN NSSI for FH/MH, TN NSSMF (SO) triggers OOF for TN FH/MH NSSI selection, OOF provides Slice Profile for TN FH/MH NSSIs (i.e., creation of a new TN NSSI). | 3 | 2 | COM_07 | Henry, Hesham |
TN_ |
07 | Service |
instantiation ( |
Status | ||
Status | ||
Status | ||
Remove NSSI association with NSI
Remove association of slice profile instance with NSSI
Delete the slice profile instance
Delete NSSI service instance
Status | ||
Remove association of slice profile instance with NSSI
Delete the slice profile instance
Status | ||
Associate slice profile instance with NSSI
Status | ||
Delete the slice profile instance
4. Transport Slicing
Venue: CMCC Lab
S.No. | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Dependency | Tester | Status | TN_01 | Service/template design | Successful design of TN NSSTs (for FH, MH and BH), TN Slice Profile templates for FH, MH and BH | 2 | Chuyi | ||||||||||||
Status | ||||||||||||||||||||||
colour | Yellow | |||||||||||||||||||||
title | IN PRoGRESS | TN_02 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | Provide TN subnet capabilities when queried by NSSMF adaptor | 3 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_03 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with allocateNSSI for allocating a new TN NSSI for BH, TN NSSMF (SO) triggers OOF for TN BH NSSI selection, OOF provides Slice Profile for TN BH NSSIs (i.e., creation of a new TN NSSI). | 3 | COM_07 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||||||||||
TN_04 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) creates new TN BH NSSI and configuring it by calling SDN-C | 3 | TN_03 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||||||||||
TN_05 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | SDN-C calls the Domain controller for performing necessary configuration and informs SO of the completion | 3 | TN_04 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||||||||||
TN_06 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | When triggered by RAN NSSMF with allocateNSSI for allocating a new TN NSSI for FH/MH, TN NSSMF (SO) triggers OOF for TN FH/MH NSSI selection, OOF provides Slice Profile for TN FH/MH NSSIs (i.e., creation of a new TN NSSI). | 3 | COM_07 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||||||||||
TN_07 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | SO (RAN NSSMF) creates new TN BH NSSI and configuring it by calling SDN-C | 3 | TN_06 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||||||||||
TN_08 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI | SDN-C calls the Domain controller for performing necessary configuration and informs SO of the completion | 3 | TN_07 | Henry, Hesham | Status | | title | Not yet testedOption 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI (FH/MH)SO (TN NSSMF) creates new TN FH/MH NSSI and configuring it by calling SDN-C | 3 | 1 | TN_06 | Henry, Hesham |
| ||||||||
TN_08 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, new TN NSSI (FH/MH) | SDN-C calls the Domain controller for performing necessary configuration and informs SO of the completion | 3 | 1 | TN_07 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_09 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse existing RAN NSSI (=> configuration update of TN NSSI (FH/MH)) AND Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSI | When triggered from RAN NSSMF with modifyNSSI API for the FH/MH, SO (TN NSSMF) calls SDN-C to update the new S-NSSAI info, etc. | 5, 7 | 2 | RAN_15 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_10 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI, reuse existing RAN NSSI (=> configuration update of TN NSSI (FH/MH)) AND Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSI | SDN-C calls the Domain controller for performing necessary configuration and informs SO of the completion | 5, 7 | 2 | TN_10 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_11 | Service instantiation (Option 1/2) - Reuse existing NSI | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with modifyNSSI for the BH, SO (TN NSSMF) calls SDN-C to update the new S-NSSAI info, etc. | 7, 8 | 2 | COM_20/COM_21 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_12 | Service instantiation (Option 1/2) - Reuse existing NSI | SDN-C calls the Domain controller for performing necessary configuration and informs SO of the completion | 7, 8 | 2 | TN_11 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_13 | Service activation (Option 1/2) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with activateNSSI for activating the TN BH NSSI, SO (TN NSSMF) triggers SDN-C for activating the S-NSSAI in the transport NFs. | 9 | 1 | COM_24/COM_25 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_14 | Service activation (Option 1/2) | SDN-C sends relevant messages to TN NFs for activation of the S-NSSAI. | 9 | 1 | TN_14 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_15 | Service activation (Option 1) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with activateNSSI for activating the TN FH/MH NSSI, SO (TN NSSMF) triggers SDN-C for activating the S-NSSAI in the transport NFs. (SDN-C actions are covered by TN_14) | 9 | 1 | RAN_19 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_16 | Service deactivation (Option 1/2) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deactivateNSSI for deactivating the TN BH NSSI, SO (TN NSSMF) triggers SDN-C for deactivating the S-NSSAI in the transport NFs. | 10 | 1 | COM_26/COM_27 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_17 | Service deactivation (Option 1/2) | SDN-C sends relevant messages to TN NFs for deactivation of the S-NSSAI. | 10 | 1 | TN_16 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_18 | Service deactivation (Option 1) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deactivateNSSI for deactivating the TN FH/MH NSSI, SO (TN NSSMF) triggers SDN-C for deactivating the S-NSSAI in the transport NFs. (SDN-C actions are covered by TN_17) | 10 | 1 | RAN_22 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_19 | Service termination (Option 1/2) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with modifyNSSI for removing S-NSSAI, SO (TN NSSMF) triggers SDN-C for removing the S-NSSAI in the TN NFs. Slice Profile of TN NSSI is also removed. | 11 | 1 | COM_29 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_20 | Service termination (Option 1/2) | SDN-C sends relevant messages to TN NFs for removal of the "service" (S-NSSAI) | 11 | 1 | TN_19 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_21 | Service termination (Option 1/2) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deallocateNSSI API, SO (TN NSSMF) calls OOF to determine if TN NSSI has to be terminated. OOF returns RAN NSSI should not be terminated. (Remaining steps are the same as in test cases TN_19 and TN_20) | 12 | 1 | COM_30 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_21 | Service termination (Option 1/2) | When triggered by NSSMF Adaptor with deallocateNSSI API, SO (TN NSSMF) calls OOF to determine if TN NSSI has to be terminated. OOF returns RAN NSSI should be terminated. SO (TN NSSMF) triggers SDN-C for removal of TN NSSI, and associated links (S-NSSAI, Slice Profile) are also removed | 12 | 1 | COM_30 | Henry, Hesham |
| |||||||||||||||
TN_22 | Service termination (Option 1/2) | SDN-C sends relevant messages to TN NFs for removal of the TN NSSI | 12 | 1 | TN_21 | Henry, Hesham |
5. KPI Monitoring
Venue: CMCC Lab
S.No. | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Priority | Dependency | Tester | Status | ||||||
KPI_01 | Update sql templates of DES MS for fetching relevant KPI/PM data from Mongo DB | 18 | 1 | LuKai |
| |||||||
KPI_02 | Provide input from UUI on KPI/PM data to monitor along with details of the S-NSSAI/Slice identifier, this should trigger an API request towards DES MS | 18 | 1 | LuKai |
| |||||||
KPI_03 | DES MS should provide a response by fetching the relevant KPI/PM data and giving it back to UUI (the data shall be pre-populated in Mongo DB as PM Mapper functionality is not fully done) | 19 | 1 | KPI_01, KPI_02 | LuKai |
| ||||||
KPI_04 | UUI shall display the KPI/PM data requested by the user | 19 | 2 | KPI_03 | LuKai |
6. Closed Loop (Stretch Goal)
Venue: Winlab
S.No. | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Priority | Dependency | Tester | Status |
CL_01 | PM data on DL/UL PRBs used for data traffic as reported by RAN-Sim (in a file) are posted on DMaaP by PM-Mapper. | 20 | 2 |
Ahila |
| |||||
CL_02 | RAN-Sim sends PM data fileReadyNotification to VES-Collector for RAN PM data | 20 | 2 | RAN_09 |
Ahila |
| ||||||||||
CL_03 | Slice Analysis MS triggers Control Loop action towards Policy for throughput update at Near-RT RIC level based on analysis of DL/UL PRB used for data traffic for each S-NSSAI | 20 | 1 | RAN_09 | Dhebeha |
| ||||
CL_04 | Upon reception of CL action from Slice Analysis MS, Policy triggers SO (RAN NSSMF) for reconfiguration of RAN resources. | 20 | 1 | RAN_09 |
Ahila |
| ||||
CL_05 | Upon CL trigger from Policy, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SDN-R for updating the throughput per Near-RT RIC. | 20 | 2 | RAN_09 |
Ahila |
| ||||
CL_06 | Upon receiving the reconfiguration trigger from SO, SDN-R sends the config updates to RAN-Sim (Near-RT RIC) successfully. | 20 | 2 | RAN_09 |
Ahila |
Note: The RAN NSSI that has been created should span cells coming under the control of 2 Near-RT RICs.
7. Intelligent Slicing (Stretch Goal)
Venue: Winlab
S.No. | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Priority | Dependency | Tester | Status | ||||||||
INT_01 | PM data on PDU sessions requested, setup successfully and failed to setup reported by RAN-Sim (in a file) are posted on DMaaP by PM-Mapper. | 21 | Dhebeha/2 | Ahila |
| |||||||||
INT_02 | Slice Analysis MS receives updates to maxNumberofConns per cell for each S-NSSAI from ML-MS (onboarded just for flow testing and demo), and triggers Policy for Control Loop action | 21 | 1 | RAN_09 | Dhebeha/Ahila |
| ||||||||
INT_03 | Upon reception of CL action from Slice Analysis MS, Policy triggers SO (RAN NSSMF) for reconfiguration of RAN resources. | 21 | 1 | RAN_09 | Dhebeha/Ahila |
| ||||||||
INT_04 | Upon CL trigger from Policy, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SDN-R for updating the throughput per Near-RT RIC. | 21 | 2 | RAN_09 | Dhebeha/Ahila |
| ||||||||
INT_05 | Upon receiving the reconfiguration trigger from SO, SDN-R sends the config updates to RAN-Sim (Near-RT RIC) successfully. | 21 | 2 | RAN_09 | Dhebeha/Ahila |