Deployment Steps
0. If mariadb-galera has installed, skip this step, follow the way to install maridb below:
helm install local/mariadb-galera --namespace onap --name dev-mariadb-galera --set global.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set global.masterPassword=onap
- Intall mongodb service for testing:docker run -itd --restart=always --name dl-mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo
- Build presto image and push the images to a exsting repository:
Note: Replace the repository path with your own repository.
4 3. Install presto service:
Note: MonoDB_IP and Mongo_PORT you can replace this two values with your own configuration.
5 4. Check presto service:
6 5. Like other services in DCAE, des also can be easily deployed through DCAE cloudify manager. The following steps guides you launch des though cloudify manager.